70% of successful people are introverts: How good are introverts? There is no good or bad character in people. In a state of stress, any personality type will develop towards an unhealthy level; while in a relaxed state, any personality type will develop towards a healthy level.

2024/05/2419:39:33 psychological 1499

70% of successful people are introverts: How good are introverts?

There is no good or bad character in people. In a state of stress, any personality type will develop towards an unhealthy level; while in a relaxed state, any personality type will develop towards a healthy level.

Extroversion or introversion is not the fundamental basis for personality classification, it is just a tendency at a certain stage.

70% of successful people are introverts: How good are introverts? There is no good or bad character in people. In a state of stress, any personality type will develop towards an unhealthy level; while in a relaxed state, any personality type will develop towards a healthy level.  - DayDayNews

Some people were talkative when they were young, but become taciturn when they grow up;

Some people were dull when they were young, but become eloquent when they grow up.

Extroversion or introversion has a deep connection with oneā€™s family, experience, and knowledge.

Parents want their children to be outgoing, well-spoken, and good at socializing. In fact, this is not absolute and cannot be one size fits all.

Modern society advocates respecting human personality development, and it should be allowed even more for growing children. They choose their own personality model, and parents only need to take advantage of the situation and cannot forcefully try to reverse it.

In fact, extroversion has the benefits of extroversion, and introversion also has the benefits of introversion.

Extroverts recharge themselves by communicating with others, while introverts recharge themselves by thinking independently. These are different directions of self-improvement, and they are all worthy of praise and cannot be arbitrarily praised or criticized.

"Why don't you speak?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't say anything!"

These may be the words that introverts least like to hear. Yes, he has his own rhythm and doesn't like to be rushed, especially when there are many people gathering.

Some gentle people, out of good intentions, inadvertently handed over the speaker and asked him to speak.

But he didn't know what to say, he just felt his throat was dry. Without the desire to speak, speaking deliberately becomes a painful thing.

Introverts usually don't like many social occasions and entertainment situations. For them, this is a pure waste of time, and they might as well read a book quietly.

They don't like to show off, and they don't like to talk too much - they say what they have to say and stay silent if they don't.

Actually, finding something to say when you have nothing to say is actually a very boring thing.

70% of successful people are introverts: How good are introverts? There is no good or bad character in people. In a state of stress, any personality type will develop towards an unhealthy level; while in a relaxed state, any personality type will develop towards a healthy level.  - DayDayNews

In social situations, a lot of energy is wasted on gossip, which does not produce any actual results. For introverts, the reason for being silent is simply because there are not many words that must be said.

In fact, most of the time, words that are not spoken have more flavor. Master also taught us that we should speak less and avoid making utterances. This state of silence and not saying much is called "Holy Silence" .

In the eyes of practitioners, gossip can distract people's minds and is a bad behavior.

Therefore, practitioners can basically be classified as introverts, which is also the basic requirement for introverted mind cultivation.

If a person who claims to be a spiritual practitioner chatters all day long, he will definitely be criticized and thought to be untrue in his spiritual practice.

Loneliness is the treasure of the wise and the key to inspiring inspiration and creativity.

If the world lacks introverts, there will be a shortage of many scientists, musicians, artists, philosophers, poets and ascetics... The quality of loneliness they possess is exactly what the world needs and is the most important. valuable.

Therefore, introverts never need to change their personality to cater to the needs of extroverts or social interactions. They must remain themselves and be naive, which is consistent with the Tao.

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