Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: The psychology behind what we want is to satisfy our ego. We feel the need to prove to ourselves

2024/05/2221:03:32 psychological 1029

link: Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: The psychology behind what we want is to satisfy our ego. We feel the need to prove to ourselves - DayDayNews

It’s incredible how attracted we are to the excitement of wanting something you can’t have. Our egos have a way of driving us to keep chasing what we can’t have. We feel that if something is in rare demand, then it’s worth having. This is partly a misunderstanding. We seem to have a warped sense of the value of things we can’t have.

The reality is that much of the value of things we feel are worth having, but clearly cannot, is in our heads. When we can't have something, our minds go into a state of overarousal. We begin to think that the scarcity of something we want is an indicator that we should have it. We fantasize, juxtapose, and most often kill for it. We take it so seriously that we lose ourselves in the process.

Research shows that when we really want something we can't have, our brains release the hormone dopamine . We become so obsessed with this happy hormone that we start chasing the good stuff. Our cravings increase and our brains are stimulated by incentives, rewards, and cravings.

If we wish to have a healthy mind, we need to value and appreciate the things we have, not the things we cannot have.

Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: The psychology behind what we want is to satisfy our ego. We feel the need to prove to ourselves - DayDayNews

User B replied:

We want something of value, our program is to solve a problem, achieve a goal, accomplish something. So, if you want to achieve your goals and you can't, it drives you crazy.

User C replied:

I think it has to do with not really knowing what it would be like to have it. You imagine this ideal scenario where all your dreams come true and life is more perfect. It's tempting because you don't see all the hidden pitfalls or compromises that may be necessary to get it or keep it. You may not be happy with what you have, but getting something else may not be the answer.

I think it boils down to gratitude and contentment. When you learn to accept what you have, it's really good, and you change the way you look at things, you'll find that things really aren't that bad and that the pursuit of ideals can be a waste of time.

You haven't been very specific about where exactly this need is, in what area of ​​life, but it's possible that you've forgotten how lucky you are and that things could be a lot worse and now much better than they were before, while getting What you feel is lacking will cost you something you really don't want to give up.

Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: The psychology behind what we want is to satisfy our ego. We feel the need to prove to ourselves - DayDayNews

I can dream of a more perfect house, a more perfect husband, a better body, a better family, more quality "stuff" but if you lose something of value to gain may or may not It can be a self-denying attitude that makes you want something better. Say it again. At some point you have to say, "You know what, I'm fine. It's not worth the trouble, money, or risk of finding something I don't have. I already have what I want to do, rather than getting something that may or may not Something that might make me happier. "

User D replied:

Just like see what you hope for, you might get it! !
reason is the source behind want! !
You need to figure out the reasons, and then figure out the problems it may cause, this is the key!
This is like winning the lottery, it will change your life, for good or bad, it all depends on the demand! ! !

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