2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide

2021/08/1622:37:03 psychological 688

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Q1: The national psychotherapist certification training started in 2004 ended. Why?

Xiaoming: This shows that in the past, strong _strong14span teaching system strong strong spanspans . The current learning method of psychological counselors . Western philosophy, logic, anthropology, etc., so you can never learn psychology.

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Q2: How does _strong8span really understand the psychology?

must learn from the root, The root of psychology is philosophy . In the study of the disciple class, it is necessary to solve the pain points and difficulties of the psychological counselor from the root.

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Q3: how to learn ?

Eastern philosophy is divided into two parts: metaphysical and metaphysical.

Metaphysical is a philosophical theory.

is the practice of philosophical theory.

We will lead consultants to grasp the roots of psychology from these two parts.

deepest circle of Chinese psychology instructor teaching mode

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Xiao Ming disciples class

basic requirements _ span12span

1. Must be a student of Xiaoming Micro course.

2. Must be screened by Mr. Xiao Ming.

[the depth of communication for 50 minutes is equivalent to Xiao Ming teacher for you to do a second consultation]

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Xiao Ming disciples class

the best choice for the wisdom of people

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Xiaoming teacher spoke screenshot disciples class

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

CCTV Children’s Channel _strongspan8 strongspan8 strongspan8 strongspan8 strongspan8 _strongspan8 strongspan 8

We are continuously cooperating with CCTV,Production " Speed ​​juvenile " column

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

"Speed ​​juvenile" on Three Seasons Castle Night Story

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The members of the disciple class as psychologists take photos with the third season of Speedy Youth

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img The fourth season of the castle psychology group support

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disciple class members participate in the planning and become the focus of the 12 program img p19 pimg p19 _p0 p18 _p18 _span2 _p18 _span2 _p18

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work permits for members of the disciple class to participate in the CCTV Children’s Channel



Zhao Xiaoming psychological team: the disciple class,

you practice what platform it

1, CCTV practice platform available Cooperating with CCTV Children’s Channel "Speed ​​Boy" and "Whimsical" , students of the disciple class can participate in the design and planning of can participate in the excellent program at the same time CCTV’s recorded live .

2. Creative planning platform:

_span children’s channel _strong4span_strong. 6 programs including the National Primary and Secondary School Students’ Creative Competition, National children's parent-child life camp, study tours with Xiaoming's traditional culture, etc. The students of the disciple class participate in the planning throughout the whole process, and the ideas are realized while the brains are open.

3. Writing practice platform:

The disciple class aims to help the members of the disciple class write the strong8 strong 9span 8span strong 9span 8span _strong picture book series by helping the strong9_strong. Children have completed the development of intelligence and emotional intelligence, and are in line with the Internet era to build a children’s communication platform based on the plot of the picture book. Do you want to write it with us?

Everyone has a dream of a writer. Wonderful novels are inseparable from psychology. Join the disciple class to make it possible to write psychology novels! Here, we discuss the creation of characters, propose plots that once entrenched in our minds and correct logical errors. Everyone sees the depths of their hearts in the brainstorm that writes novels...Xiao Ming The disciple class has already released a hot style psychological novel "Treasure Hunt—The Godfather of Nanhong"

strong 9 strong "Music Therapy" written by members of the disciple class _strong 61 Life Practical Psychology Micro-Class", "Internet Psychology", "Third Generation Children's Education", "Child Logic", "Psychological Safety Officer", "New Psychoanalysis 100 Core Concepts" has been published,"Consultation" and "Teach you to do consultation"...Waiting for you to write together!

4, cross-border practice platform:

mode : community, modular, structured

organization _ span12span

1. Group, 7 people/group (groups can be grouped by region, character, interest, etc.)

, share assignments in groups, and share assignments in groups of 2. span12span

occasion 3. group cooperation, sharing the results


2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews


line _ span12span Compulsory courses in theory and practice have reached a certain level of credits,You can apply for outstanding students in the disciple class, and you will have the opportunity to participate in offline internship, guided by Mr. Xiao Ming;

internship organization according to the actual situation and actual needs There are psychological services at the scene of CCTV program shooting, study tours with Xiaoming’s traditional culture, national children’s parent-child life camp, Internet + organizational structure inspection, joint stock company team activity experience, etc. , to cultivate a unique psychological cross-border in the future Talent.

For example,

internship project one _strong_strong9span12 strong_strong9spanspan12 _strong_strong9span12 is a theme-style parent-child group living camp for national enrollment. Training topics include mobile phone use self-discipline, field life skills, attention, inverse quotient, communication, logical thinking and so on.

internship project two : psychological consultation and strong9span 12span strong9span block chain practice. will go to cities where the blockchain of the Internet of Things is developing rapidly, docking with related enterprises and institutions, one-day internal inspection, one-day window research and practice, to understand the application and prospects of psychology in the blockchain.

Internship Project 3: Studying with Xiao Ming’s traditional culture. Follow Teacher Xiao Ming, choose , Taoism and other traditional cultural and historical relics well-preserved ancient capitals, 3~5 days, adopt the three-three system course mode (half-day theoretical teaching and learning, half-day field trips, and evening group homework consolidation), 3~5 days to enjoy the appreciation and study tour activities of "touring middle school, middle school".

5. WeChat official account practice platform:

How does the WeChat official account and headline account operate? Here is the ad group platform to provide practice opportunities!

Zhao Xiaoming psychological team, heart partner, psychological dad and other public accounts from the media,In the top ten of Today’s headlines has been the most popular in China for three consecutive years. Comment or repost your thoughts and opinions.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

look at Bob's disciples

in the past year are harvested What's wrong!

Teacher A:

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

span 8 , Obtain various rewards and accumulate more than 6k points equivalent to soft sister coins, and the perspective of money has been changed.The perspective of friends has changed. Also re-integrated his own contacts. Let me feel the power of faith.

Teacher B:

Teacher took us in the disciple class to identify those short lies who practiced short lies... In the class, the teacher rarely talks about counseling, but counsels everywhere. The way he told us to face the world is also the fastest way of promotion. Here, we also have to be healthy in mind and body, get rid of unnecessary troubles, and pursue a free and full life. It is also from the study in the disciple class that I have gained the courage to do consultation on my own. This can't be achieved in two or three years of growth outside. Thanks to Teacher Xiao Ming!

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

C Teacher:

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meet degree content and the age of the disciples class turned out to be so high, Every thought is so deep and sharp, and the depth and breadth of knowledge are never seen before.
Fortunately, I slowly learned how to live in this Internet society, how to deal with myself, how to look at what is happening now, and how to predict new things that may happen soon.
With the deepening of learning,The inner anxiety gradually disappeared, and the sense of control of life gradually recovered.

Teacher D:

During the learning of the disciple class, the teacher Zhao also taught the students practical knowledge on the platform. There is a learning system in which veteran students lead new students; moreover, Teacher Zhao can always give profound guidance to the practical problems that everyone encounters in practice. For the problems I encountered in the EAP project, Mr. Zhao responded immediately, pointing out the errors and countermeasures, which helped me avoid losses; there was a problem, the teacher also specially recorded four micro sessions late at night. The class was given a special explanation, and I was very touched by Mr. Zhao's serious and responsible attitude towards the students' problems.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

E Teacher:

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from unknown to the anxiety and the joy of creative thinking; from the arrogant Blindly self-confident to the emptiness of learning from a master. It is learning, growth, dedication and gain.

Thanks to all the teachers and friends in the group for their dedication and shared happiness,The enlightenment that everyone's different thinking brings to me, it's great to have you!

Teacher F:

See how others solve their thinking problems. I constantly upgrade my way of thinking to improve my problem-solving ability.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

G teacher:

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have the teacher's routine explanation, has its own attempt Exploration, competition among classmates, and classic professional comments. This learning method is very rewarding.

Teacher H:

From a confused mind to a clearer mind, it is obvious that my mind is constantly upgrading.Thank you teachers, thank you partners who have grown up together, and come on 2020!

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

I teacher:

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group activities with the overall framework of design, originally After learning a lot of excellent homework from teachers, I have some design insights.

Hope for future gains: grasp the sentiment and start towards 2.0!

Thank you for your hard work! Thank you very much to all the students who are studying together. Your excellence is the driving force for me to move forward! I am especially proud of being in such a learning atmosphere!

Teacher J:

I experienced the anxiety from the beginning to the active participation later.From the confusion to the gradual clarity, finally there is a gratitude rise, thank you for having such a positive group, which inspires me to move forward, and continue to work hard in 2020.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

K teacher:

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disciples income classes to learn the past six months :

The practical application of psychological learning in life, especially the practical application in the education and growth of children, the activity design has a preliminary understanding and understanding, I am very grateful to the teachers and students for their understanding and help. I hope that I will work harder and make greater progress in the days I am studying.

Teacher L:

. I feel ashamed of the slowness and self-blame of the management process. I also understand that the easiest and most effective way to treat delays and lack of self-confidence is to act. Shoot first, and slowly learn to aim.

I am unwilling to see the excellent works of the brothers and sisters. I believe I can. But there were delays, so I had a lot of internal friction during this process. When I saw the score rise, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

M teacher:

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harvest: layering, chaotic brain literally be Shovel out three layers.

Insufficient: The job status is unstable, and the score fluctuates due to mood. The mood changes due to the urgency of time.

Looking forward: I look forward to being as stable as Gai Jie.

N teacher:

has gained a lot,The three biggest gains:

One is the change of ideological concepts: from how it is possible to do everything possible to complete;

is the change of group thinking structure The way the design allows me to think about problems is from chaos in details to overall architecture;

The third is the strength of the team: from being alone to growing side by side with this united, intelligent and powerful team, and the generals leading, The growth rate multiplied exponentially.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

O teacher:

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(1) I see a lot worth learning Aspects: ①The foresight of the master and the overall control of things; ②The dedication, rigor and humility of the teaching assistants; ③The honesty, wisdom and hard work of the students.

(2) Look at yourself from different angles,Constantly thinking and self-aware, self-improvement and healing in the homework.

(3) Looking forward to moving forward with everyone.

Teacher P:

1. Many students' homework is very meticulous, and it is impossible to continue to improve. 2. As long as you don't set limits and evaluate yourself, you can still accomplish impossible tasks.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Q teacher:

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front design theme of the eight groups, is For the first time after joining the disciple class, I followed the team's process of completing homework on time and on request. From the first and second rounds of confusion, not knowing how to start, to the third event design, I have my own ideas and thoughts. When designing group activities, it is not just a mechanical method of online activities, but also some innovations of my own. Or create an event entirely by yourself. This feeling of creation greatly inspired me.Thank the students in the disciple class for their exemplary spirit. Everyone has worked so hard and so outstanding. I will follow everyone.

R teacher:

1. I saw the stars and opened my eyes.

2. Pain in the early stage and persisted in completing it. I also saw my own progress and gained recognition.

3. Action, start the replenishment operation today.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

S Teacher:

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harvested in design activities during the happy hope Have the opportunity to participate in the show on the spot.

T teacher:

I am a student Silin who only joined in the second half of the year.When I first joined the group, I felt a little bit at a loss. In addition, I was slack off when I was busy at work, but seeing the teachers and classmates so diligent and talented, it was very attractive and inspiring for me, so I will cheer in the future! The power of role models is endless.

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2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Xiao Ming disciples class

you, we train you to become a master

you do not come, we train your competitors

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

Xiao Ming disciples class

's choice at this time,Determines your height in the future

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What is the difference between span 8 and span 8 in previous years?

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The fifth disciple class will systematically study logic 8

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

logic Perfect combination with logic.

Mastering logic is the prerequisite for correct thinking. Moreover, logic is very applicable and also an instrumental subject. Logic is everywhere in life. Similarly, mastering language logic in psychological counseling is also one of the basic abilities that a counselor must master.

2021 Xiaoming Disciple Class 5th Enrollment Guide - DayDayNews

theory + practical operation plus internship

classes taught his disciples something beyond psychology

Join the Xiaoming disciple class

The only choice for the Chinese psychological training circle in the next three years!

What are you waiting for? ? ?

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registration, please add assistant: loyalty

(Micro Signal xuxu52lian)

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