Come save your procrastination

2021/07/1521:36:42 psychological 196

procrastination refers to a behavior in which fails to self-regulate , and when the consequences can be expected to be harmful, it still postpones the planned things. Strictly speaking, procrastination is not a mental illness. It is a pervasive and harmful form of self-regulation failure. At work, procrastination is one of the biggest culprits affecting our productivity and results.

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Common classifications and symptoms of procrastination

Determined procrastination

In our workplace, each job has a fixed deadline. No matter how reluctant we may be, that deadline is there. Maybe when I first started, I thought that it was still early, and I took a break to do it. In the end, I found that the deadline was approaching, a lot of things were piled up, and there were always a few that could not be completed within the specified time. The task was rightfully delayed.

Self-imposed obstacles and procrastination

Whenever you do something, you always set some psychological or action obstacles for yourself in the process. Finally, psychologically give yourself an acceptable reason for procrastination, and then let it go. But in fact, most of the work, we have the ability to achieve. Just because of some of our guesses or assumptions about , we don't do this directly, which leads to the final failure.

Distracted procrastination

Important things are often put off because other things take up time. For example, I feel that there is enough time before I do something, I want to complete the first thing on the to-do list today, but suddenly a news gossip pops up. I couldn't help it, I just clicked in, and it was gone in the morning. As long as you open the web page, you will find all kinds of news every day. It was so interesting that I chased it with relish, and unknowingly it was time for lunch. I didn't do anything in the morning's work. There is another meeting in the afternoon. I had no choice but to work overtime at night to complete the work planned in the morning.This is the most typical distraction and procrastination, because cannot resist the temptation of , disrupting the original plan.

How procrastination comes into being

Laziness : Many things in daily life are just lazy and don’t want to do it, and feel unimportant.

The pursuit of perfect : I want to find the most suitable solution, and I want to do one thing perfectly to gain the approval of others.

Fear : Fear of doing something, fear of other people's evaluation and unwilling to do it. For example, changing jobs, evaluating your ability and education.

Self-identification: Not self-confidence in self-identification, incorrect positioning of oneself. For example, losing weight, but self-identified as fat is not willing to lose weight.

How to get rid of procrastination

Emotional method: horses and knights

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We vividly compare emotions to horses and reason to knights. It is a safe state for a knight to control a horse, so for us, emotions are a horse, an instinctive reaction, and instinctive action. Reason is the knight of this horse, control one's emotions, judge one thing without any emotion and go to , use reason to control instinct . This will make our life and work more organized.

The Cognitive Approach: Five Steps to Change

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Step 1: Awareness

Makes Goal Clarity - What Can We Do to Reduce Procrastination?

Step 2: Action

Actively test ideas and ideas to see how hard work yields results, and reflect on our pursuit of positive outcomes to see what conceptual and emotional shifts they lead to.

Step 3: Adjusting

Efficiency and procrastination are juxtaposed and conflicting. We may have to adjust to some new ways and ideas that we have learned in the course of our actions.

The fourth step: accept yourself

Accept your state in the whole process and accept your true self. If you're procrastinating, admit that it's because of your procrastination that things aren't getting done. Instead of looking for some other reason to show that you are working hard.

Step 5: Self-fulfillment

You can think of "self-actualization" as an active effort to expand and develop your capabilities and resources, in areas you deem worthy and necessary, to bring about meaningful change. Perseverance is to self-actualization what water is to plant growth.

Action method

Come save your procrastination - DayDayNews

Follow the above five steps to prepare for work. The so-called sharpening knives does not cut wood by mistake, and preparing the preliminary work can make the work better. At the same time adhering to a principle - "act now" , which is one of the most fundamental ways to overcome procrastination. When I think that I should do this thing, I immediately start to do it, instead of me doing it in a while. Constant hesitation only consumes more time.

"Tomorrow will be tomorrow, tomorrow will be so many" , we need to calm down and do what we think should be done immediately, instead of waiting to do it later. At the same time, understand that nothing is perfect in the world, and enhance self-confidence. Do things in a planned and step-by-step manner, and always remind yourself that there is not a lot of time, and don't put things off again and again. I hope everyone can get rid of procrastination and let the rational self hold the steering wheel of life.

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Come save your procrastination - DayDayNews

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