The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly.

2024/07/0300:17:32 news 1526

At his peak, Guan Yu relied on the 82-pound Qinglong Yanyue Sword to become the invincible hero of the Three Kingdoms; in his youth, Yue Yun also worked hard to develop his magical power, and he also created a pair of eighty The two-pound silver hammer became the first of the four powerful eight hammers of Yue Jiajun ; and there was also a fierce general in Yang Yaoyi's army who was extremely powerful with an eighty-two-pound door-shutter knife. He has never met an opponent in Shepan Mountain. The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel, just like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of and iron. , it is very neat to kill the enemy when going into battle. When Han Shizhong led his army to meet Yang Yao's army in battle, the fierce general Yan Bixian of the Snake Panshan met the tiger general Han Yanzhi of the Han family army, and a battle of strength began.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

[Yangwei Snake Panshan]

The tiger-headed and leopard-eyed Yan Bixian felt a little like Zhang Fei. He shouted and waved the folding fan knife in his hand to hit him head-on. This move was like a mountain pressing down on the top, with the strength of both arms adding The force of the eighty-two kilogram fan knife struck down, and the powerful sword head chopped down with a fierceness that would create the world. Han Shizhong, Han Shangde, Niu Gao and Zhao Yun were all worried about Han Yanzhi when they were watching the battle. However, this legendary young man did not disappoint, and his bravery in raising his gun did not let him down. Yan Bixian had the upper hand. Looking at this fair and handsome young man, Yan Bixian was shocked. He knew that his opponent was a ruthless character, so he also used his special skills. The sharp knife struck down with the force of thunder. At this time, all the generals of the Han family army felt frightened, but Han Yanzhi's tiger-headed golden spear did not matter. Showing weakness and being confident, he has no timidity at all. He is extraordinarily courageous and arrogant. He skillfully maneuvers in front of the formation with his free and easy marksmanship. The confident Han Yan has been patiently waiting for the opportunity to appear.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

Han Yanzhi is the number one expert in the Han family army. The adventures he had in his childhood allowed him to develop excellent marksmanship. His marksmanship is 70% fierce and 70% brave, but also 30% skillful. Hidden behind his back, he secretly developed infinite magical power through hard work. , he is much stronger than brothers Su Sheng and Su De in striking first, and he is also better than his father and brother who are brave with his quick spear and fierce attacks. Han Yanzhang fought with Yan Bixian for more than 30 rounds. He knew that he would not be able to defeat this fierce general for a while, so he used his special skill, which was the stunt of holding a whip in the gun. , after hitting Yan Bixian, he was captured alive. He was extraordinarily brave in front of the snake coil. Facing the hammer general Zhang Kun and the brave general Liu Xiong, he knocked them down with two quick shots. General Guan Shiyan of the left guard even hit them with the quick shot. At that time, Han Yanzhi stabbed him under his horse, and most of the twenty eunuchs guarding the mountain were killed by his whipping with spears.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

[Niutoushan Contribution]

The Battle of Snake Panshan made Han Yan famous all over the world, but it was the Battle of Niutoushan that really made him famous. He met the powerful general Nianhan of Jin Kingdom, and a fierce warrior who came from the royal family of Jin Kingdom. General, although he is not as brave as Jin Wushu and Golden Marbles , he is also a strong enemy of the Song army because of his martial arts skills. Compared with Wang Gui, Ji Qing, Zhou Qing and other Song generals, he is still capable. . In just a few sticks, he defeated Jinjie of Ooutang Pass General Soldier , but when he encountered Han Yanzhi's tiger-headed golden spear, he felt very uncomfortable. Although Han Yanzhi was only sixteen years old, Jin Jie was wielded by the divine power of his arms. The gun shocked Nianhan's tiger's mouth to numbness, and with a few deadly quick shots, the brave and foolhardy Nianhan was knocked off his horse. From then on, there was one less powerful enemy in the golden army .

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

This trip to Niutoushan gave Han Yanzhi three major gains. He became famous by killing Nianhan. After meeting Gaozong, the young Han Yanzhi was named General Pinglu. What really made Han Yanzhi happy was, That is when they met Yue Yun, a general of a similar age. Not only did they become brothers, but they also had a secret battle in which heroes cherish each other. Two young heroes of equal strength, with a pair of silver hammers and a tiger pole, The battle of strength with the golden spear in their head and the four camps of the Jin Army to show off their strength showed the friendship between them and the courage of the two tiger generals who have their own merits.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

[Friendship of the Four Camps]

Han Yanzhi was two years older than Yue Yun when he went into battle for the first time, but Yue Yun already had the ability to hammer gold marbles and protect the village to kill enemies. This made Han Yanzhi feel extremely surprised. Facing Yue Yunlai, who was half a head shorter than himself, he was still a little impulsive and worried at first. After all, this was a military order from Yue Fei. He who knew the military regulations well could not refuse. When he arrived at the enemy camp, Yue Fei Yun's bravery made Han Yanzhi no longer worried. The silver hammer in Yue Yun's hand was invincible, and no one could stop it wherever it hit. When many weapons hit the silver hammer, they were either knocked away or broken. The courage of hammering the golden marbles has made the Jin army tremble. At this time Yue Yun shoulders the responsibility of escorting Han Yanzhang. He is rigorous and brave like a tiger descending from the mountain. His bravery in clearing the way through the mountains makes the Jin soldiers fall off their backs. He rushes out of the Jin Army's five-way company camp in more than an hour. Han Yanzhi is safely sent out of the Jin camp. .

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

Han Yanzhi, a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, became more murderous under Yue Yun's bravery. He was impulsive and strong and wanted to show off his skills, so he opened the way with the tiger head gun and escorted Yue Yun. The battle up the mountain begins again. At this time, the Jin army was cleaning up the battlefield. There were corpses all over the field. They killed the Jin camp in a mess, and Han Yanzhi brought Yue Yun back to kill them. This made them a little confused, because Nian Han Having died, the leaderless Jinying also lacked the means to ambush and kill, so Jinying also became a place for the two tiger generals to show off their power. Yue Yun's hammer was fierce and Han Yanzhi's golden spear was fast and fierce. Four or five sergeants fell down with one sweep of the spear with his left hand. He raised the spear with his right hand and knocked over several more sergeants. As soon as these Jin soldiers got up, they encountered another Yue Yun's silver hammer struck fiercely, and the two tiger generals swept across the golden camp again, one after the other.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

From the moment he escorted Jinjie to Niutoushan, Han Yanzhi broke into Jinying four times, which demonstrated the bravery of the Han family army. The speed of the tiger head spear and the ruthlessness of the attack made Yue Yun extremely admired; after Yue Yun escorted Han Yanzhi down the mountain for the second time , he no longer let Han Yan see him off. Looking at the retreating figure of his sworn brother, he waved his silver hammer and walked up the mountain alone. Han Yanzhi admired his sworn brother very much, because charging into battle was more suitable for long weapons . He was highly skilled in martial arts and knew that the golden spear had more advantages than the silver hammer. The golden spear was ten feet long and could be used in a variety of ways with its sharp tip. way to hurt your opponent. Yue Yun needs more physical fitness and strength when swinging the hammer to hit the enemy. He needs to tilt his body to exert force to kill the enemy better. After several battles, Yue Yun remained calm as usual. Han Yan knew that Yue Yun's magical power and martial arts were not superior to his. Down.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

After several battles, Han Shizhong saw his strength. His brother Han Shangde was skilled in swordsmanship and was also a leader in the army, but compared to Han Yanzhi's fast and ruthless golden spear, it was still much inferior. Facing Yang Yaoyi's Five Square Formation and the Jin Army's Golden Dragon Formation, Han Yan has always been the first person to bear the brunt of the Han family's army. In the battle of Huang Tiandang , he repeatedly made great achievements, and he also became the most courageous general in the Han family's army; and Yue Yun, who broke into the company camp with him, under Yue Fei's training, became the wisest and bravest general in the Yue family's army during many years of battle. When Yue Yun was killed in Fengbo Pavilion , he resigned in grief and indignation and retired. During a hunting many years later, Han Yanzhi once again showed his skills and saved the black man named Yue Yun with a single move. Dragon has disappeared since then.

The biggest feature of the door knife with folding panels is that the blade is very large. This blade is forged from cold iron and fine steel. It is like a small door panel. It is strong, sharp and heavy. The handle is made of iron. Shi Zhan will kill the enemy very neatly. - DayDayNews

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