Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for

2024/07/0208:21:33 news 1625

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become rare and common.

With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for young people who have entered society.

Whether it is a gathering of friends, a family dinner, client entertainment, work needs, etc., not drinking seems to be a bit different and it is difficult to integrate into the larger environment.

But having said that, women face greater risks when drinking, especially if they drink heavily. Without restraint, they are more likely to become unconscious drunks, which will also push them into dangerous situations.

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for  - DayDayNews

There have been too many tragic consequences of women being drunk. Isn’t this alarming?

Especially those girls who lie down on the street directly after being drunk. Don't they realize the harm of this situation? Don't they understand that such behavior is likely to cause serious consequences that they will regret for life?

There may be times when you feel helpless and have to drink, but in any case, you must find someone you trust to take care of you.

Just like this girl, she was drunk and lay unconscious on the ground in the middle of the night. This was really too dangerous.

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for  - DayDayNews

The incident happened in Beijing. Recently, some netizens uploaded a video on the Internet. The content of the video is very simple. It is about a young woman lying drunk on the street.

This kind of thing is now commonplace. After all, there are so many similar situations that it makes people feel "aesthetic fatigue".

But what cannot be ignored is that no matter how many times this happens, no matter how similar the things are, as long as this happens, similar dangers will always exist, and more people will become victims.

This girl looks to be dressed normally, with flat casual shoes, shorts, and a tightly wrapped top. From the perspective of dressing, there is nothing special about her.

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for  - DayDayNews

But for some unknown reason, the girl fell drunk on the street in the middle of the night. It seemed that the girl was very drunk.

If a person is not drunk, it is unlikely that he will lie down directly on the ground unless he falls asleep. The girl was obviously still twisting and lying on the ground, indicating that she was unable to control her body.

Especially the girl’s head was still facing the sewer opening. Stimulated by the unpleasant smell of the sewer, the girl’s mouth kept showing the movement of vomiting, but she still did not vomit.

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for  - DayDayNews

However, it can be seen that the girl is very uncomfortable, but after all, she drank too much and could only lie down at the entrance of the sewer.

Did the girl lie down on her own, or was she thrown on the road by the driver? This is indeed questionable.

Because there is a taxi parked next to the girl. Is this taxi the girl is riding in? Or maybe after the girl got in the car, she got drunk and wanted to vomit. The driver was afraid of dirtying the car, so he dragged the girl out of the car?

In any case, after all, someone was present. Although the girl was lying on the ground rolling, at least she would not encounter other dangers.

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for  - DayDayNews

Regarding this situation, many netizens joked: If a girl like ends up marrying an honest man, she won’t be able to escape the hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts.

Some netizens also said: is really sensible. When she is drunk, she still knows how to choose a good place to lie down so as not to dirty the road. She is really a good girl with quality.

Some netizens said: Respect is given to you by yourself, not by others. Whether you are a man or a woman, only when you respect yourself can others respect you. Don't blame others for belittling you when you are lying on the road.

Nowadays, it is nothing new for young girls to drink. In many cases, drinking has even become commonplace. With the development of society and the opening of ideas, many young girls have also learned to drink. Of course, in this society, drinking has become a necessary skill for  - DayDayNews

This girl is lying here like this. How sad would it be if her family saw it? Even if you see this scene after you sober up, are you still ashamed of your behavior?

And what is very strange is that when a girl goes out to drink, she has no good friends to send her home. What is the reason for this?

No matter what, if a girl wants to drink, she should either drink at home or drink with friends she trusts. She must not throw herself on the street after getting drunk.

If it is really picked up, it will be a pain that will last a lifetime.

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