What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a "female emperor" appeared. She not only established her own dynasty, but also enfeoffed hundreds of civil and military officials and created her own harem.

2024/06/2922:38:33 news 1795

As we all know, there is only one female emperor in Chinese history, and that is "Wu Zetian". What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a "female emperor" appeared. She not only established her own dynasty, but also enfeoffed hundreds of civil and military officials and created her own harem.

What is unacceptable is that these "civil and military ministers" rushed to dedicate their sons to the "female emperor" to enrich the harem. Who is this "female emperor"? How did she convince "all civil and military officials"? How did it end? Some of the plots in the

video have not been scientifically proven, so please watch with a rational attitude.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

The name of this "female emperor" is Chao Zhengkun, whose original name is Chao Xiuhua. She is a native of Qiwen Village, Jingzhi Town, Anqiu, Shandong.

Chao Zhengkun was born in a rural area, and his family was not wealthy. Fortunately, his parents were reasonable and supported Chao Zhengkun in reading and writing.

Chao Zhengkun has been very smart since he was a child. Although there are not many children in the class, Chao Zhengkun's grades are obviously better than those of the other children.

This made Chao Zhengkun grow up with the praises of the villagers since he was a child. Gradually, Chao Zhengkun developed a pretentious mentality.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

When Chao Zhengkun was in elementary school, a sudden change occurred in his family, and he had no money to support Chao Zhengkun in his education. From then on, Chao Zhengkun had to work in the fields with his parents and several other brothers and sisters.

At that time, being able to go to primary school was considered a high degree of education. From an intellectual to working in the fields, Chao Zhengkun felt a great sense of gap.

At first, Chao Zhengkun was very resistant to working in the fields. In her eyes, she was always superior to others. She was so conceited that she gradually developed evil thoughts.

In that society at that time, there were not many people with the surname Chao, so Chao Zhengkun spread the news everywhere that he was a descendant of Chao Gai, but he was forced to be a daughter and could not do much.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

tells so many lies that he starts to believe them. After that, Chao Zhengkun realized that her name was too rustic and completely inconsistent with the identity of Chao Gai's descendants, so she changed her name to Chao Zhengkun, which means turning things around.

In the village, there are not so many rules at all. Chao Zhengkun changed his name when he wanted to. Seeing that no one objected, Chao Zhengkun became even bolder.

From the beginning when he didn't obey his parents to having to take charge of everything at home, Chao Zhengkun's behavior became more and more excessive.

At that time, the 1984 version of the TV series Wu Zetian was playing on TV, and Chao Zhengkun was attracted by the image of Wu Zetian in the TV series.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

Wu Zetian was so domineering that all the civil and military officials under her command would obey her words. Gradually, Chao Zhengkun became deeply involved in the plot and could not extricate herself. She imagined herself as Wu Zetian and vowed to achieve great things.

From then on, Chao Zhengkun had the idea in his heart to establish his own dynasty like Wu Zetian. I remember when I was young, most of the children would play characters in TV series, but it was always on a whim and forgotten in the past.

But Chao Zhengkun was different. She made it her lifelong dream to become Wu Zetian, so she started to prepare.

If you want to convince others, you must establish an extraordinary identity for yourself. The identity of Chao Gai's descendants does not attract others' attention, let alone admiration.

Chao Zhengkun had to find another way. At that time, in response to the slogan "Women hold up half the sky", Chao Zhengkun, who was somewhat educated, was elected as the women's captain.

With this identity and his usual behavior, Chao Zhengkun has accumulated a bit of popularity. Just when Chao Zhengkun was happy that things had made some progress, the trend passed and she, the women captain, no longer existed. Chao Zhengkun once again returned to his identity as an ordinary citizen.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

For this reason, Chao Zhengkun frowns every day, thinking about how to convince others of himself all the time. By chance, Chao Zhengkun realized that there was no doctor in the village, so she ran to the next village to learn medical knowledge from the doctor.

Opportunities always come to those who are prepared. Chao Zhengkun also learned a lot from the doctor next door. She can also treat common difficult and complicated diseases.

Once, the wife of the village leader delivered her child, but she couldn't find a midwife in the panic. At this time, Chao Zhengkun stepped forward and volunteered.

She told the group leader categorically that the lady would give birth to a son. Unexpectedly, my wife actually gave birth to a son.

Now the group leader admired Chao Zhengkun very much, and people in the village also praised Chao Zhengkun for being amazing.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

In fact, anyone with some education knows that Chao Zhengkun has learned medical knowledge from the doctor in the next village for several years, and the gender of the child can still be determined from the condition of the pregnant woman.

What a blind cat that bumped into a dead rat. Chao Zhengkun was secretly happy. Now others should believe her.

With the support of the group leader, Chao Zhengkun slowly established a foothold in the village. Villagers who had incurable diseases would come to Chao Zhengkun for treatment. If they could not be cured, she would say three words: dishonest.

The money he earned from treating villagers' medical treatment was not enough for daily expenses, and sometimes meetings with relatives would be free of charge, which made Chao Zhengkun very distressed.

One night, Chao Zhengkun was about to go home after seeing a doctor. On the way, she accidentally met a "half-immortal" who claimed to be able to tell fortunes. If she got any serious illness, she would be cured by taking his elixir.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

I saw the villagers going to buy them one after another. After a while, the money in Ban Xian'er's hands was much more than what Chao Zhengkun had earned in two or three months.

Upon seeing this, Chao Zhengkun was inspired and began to use the theory of ghosts and gods like a half-immortal to gain the trust of the villagers.

From then on, whenever villagers came to see her for medical treatment, she would deliberately say that the condition was serious, or that the other person had encountered something unclean. After

, Chao Zhengkun was pretending to be a mystery and prescribing the right medicine. Under Chao Zhengkun's "treatment", the villagers' condition improved, which also made them believe in Chao Zhengkun's "god" even more.

After a while, Chao Zhengkun's reputation spread in the surrounding villages, and more and more people came to Chao Zhengkun for medical treatment.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

When Chao Zhengkun saw that the time had come, she took the opportunity to introduce her new identity to everyone: the third daughter of the Jade Emperor.

came down to earth this time to save the common people. Recalling the magic of Chao Zhengkun and the fact that most of the villagers were superstitious, they had no doubts about Chao Zhengkun's words.

Some people even knelt down and performed the obeisance ceremony. From then on, Chao Zhengkun offered to provide free treatment to believers. This move made many villagers voluntarily join in, blindly believing that Chao Zhengkun was the reincarnation of a god.

Two years later, Chao Zhengkun had more than 500 followers. She told her "believers" that she was actually Wu Zetian in her previous life and wanted to continue her dynasty.

After two years of "brainwashing", the villagers had already lost their minds. They began to blindly believe what Chao Zhengkun said, never considering that Chao Zhengkun had changed his identity three times.

On October 12, 1986, with the support of "believers", Chao Zhengkun began to build his own dynasty, with thrones, imperial clothes, jade seals , and many of them decorated in the style of Wu Zetian.

What is surprising is that in Anqiu City, Shandong Province, a

Chao Zhengkun called the dynasty the "Great Sage Dynasty" and held the coronation ceremony in an empty courtyard.

In order to successfully establish the dynasty, Chao Zhengkun also took great pains. She imitated the plot in the TV series and assigned various official positions to the villagers. She also asked the Minister of Rites to formulate a series of court regulations.

It is said that two villagers even injured each other in order to compete for the position of prime minister. In order to calm down the incident, Chao Zhengkun divided the position of prime minister into two. left prime minister right prime minister restricted and cooperated with each other. The

dynasty was finally established, and Chao Zhengkun breathed a sigh of relief. But a new question came again, what to do after establishing a dynasty? He had no memorials to approve, and the ministers had nothing to do.

Could it be that there was something wrong? Chao Zhengkun watched Wu Zetian repeatedly and found that he still lacked a harem.

Being ugly and old is definitely not acceptable. In order to compete for promotion opportunities, some ministers voluntarily gave their young and strong sons to Chao Zhengkun to enrich the harem.

It is unimaginable that these people are also followers of Chao Zhengkun.It's just that the village is too remote and the people in the village are uneducated, so no one found out that they were being deceived by Chao Zhengkun.

In order to expand his influence, Chao Zhengkun put forward a bold idea to develop into a big city and live in the Forbidden City.

On August 8, 1988, several of Chao Zhengkun's men decided to go to big cities to carry out the task of distributing leaflets.

Near the Forbidden City, a few people secretly distributed leaflets and planted small flags on the city wall from time to time. This move was quickly discovered by the patrol team.

I saw a few people sneaking around, and the leaflets in their hands read "Long Live the Holy Emperor." The patrol team immediately realized that something was fishy, ​​so they took several people back to the Public Security Bureau.

After investigation by the Public Security Bureau, they found that this situation was also found in several other cities, and the source appeared in a place called Qiwen Village, Jingzhi Town, Anqiu, Shandong. After

learned the information, the police immediately went to arrest Chao Zhengkun. Finally, on the night of August 8, 1988, Chao Zhengkun was brought to justice.

Feudal superstition simply destroys people's outlook. It is also because the education in remote areas is too backward that these criminals have an opportunity to take advantage of them.

For this reason, we should improve ideological and moral quality, put an end to feudal superstition, and establish correct values.

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