You have stories and I have wine, you have happiness and we are happy together. Let us tell your stories out loud together and share happiness, joy and life. On July 14, 2022, the Women's Country·"Happy Woman" exchange banquet and the launch meeting of the "Her Economy" era concl

2024/06/2815:00:33 news 1580

You have stories and I have wine, you have happiness and we are happy together. Let us tell your stories out loud together and share happiness, joy and life. On July 14, 2022, the Women's Country·"Happy Woman" exchange banquet and the launch meeting of the "Her Economy" era concluded successfully in Nanjing.

You have stories and I have wine, you have happiness and we are happy together. Let us tell your stories out loud together and share happiness, joy and life. On July 14, 2022, the Women's Country·

At the exchange banquet, founder Wang Yijin shared with everyone the original intention of creating a "Women's Country". "Women's Country" gathered a group of female entrepreneurs born in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s who share common entrepreneurial values, and linked outstanding mentors and landing coaching teams at home and abroad. Focusing on women's growth and entrepreneurship education, from projects, products and services to entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship project support, investment incubation and other one-stop services, it opens up the women's ecological industry chain, empowers women's growth and entrepreneurship in an all-round way, enhances women's confidence, independence, and inspires Women's entrepreneurial potential and career dreams bloom, opening up the era of "her power", allowing women to gain lifelong growth, achieve economic independence, ability independence, personality independence, and create a high-quality happy life.

You have stories and I have wine, you have happiness and we are happy together. Let us tell your stories out loud together and share happiness, joy and life. On July 14, 2022, the Women's Country·

This exchange banquet also specially invited President He Li of the Cheongsam Art Committee of the Jiangsu Chinese Culture Promotion Association to give a wonderful sharing at the Women's Country (Happy Woman) exchange banquet. As the iconic dress of the Chinese nation in modern times, the cheongsam has exquisite craftsmanship, pleasing color, implicit meaning, and elegant charm. It fully embodies the expectations and requirements of Chinese civilization for clothing. It follows the times and carries civilization. With its flowing melody, chic painting and rich poetry, it perfectly displays the virtuous, elegant, gentle and beautiful temperament of Chinese women.

You have stories and I have wine, you have happiness and we are happy together. Let us tell your stories out loud together and share happiness, joy and life. On July 14, 2022, the Women's Country·

During the dinner, Mr. Wei Lai, a specially appointed instructor of "Women's Country", explained to everyone the issues of women, family, career, marriage, emotions and children's education. Everyone spoke freely about their own experiences and communicated with each other to share the confusion they encountered in life. The most correct method is greater than the best, and the best method is not necessarily the most correct. Teacher Wei Lai shared with everyone the secret of happiness for a happy woman from various angles, and everyone here benefited a lot.

You have stories and I have wine, you have happiness and we are happy together. Let us tell your stories out loud together and share happiness, joy and life. On July 14, 2022, the Women's Country·

With the rise of the " her economy " era, women are gaining more and more attention and respect. "Women's Country" always focuses on "her power". If you are happy, we will bless you together. If you are sad and unfortunate, we will still be there. Spend time with her, give her the best love and blessings until you find happiness with her. The Country of Women is willing to walk with women all over the world and send happiness and joy to thousands of households. (Lou Mei)

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