We often see merchants offering free gifts, and there is a long queue waiting to receive free products with no end in sight. Moreover, the merchants deliberately delayed the collection. We only got a few eggs or small items that were of little use to our daily lives in the mornin

2024/06/3022:08:32 news 1056

We often see merchants offering free gifts, and there is a long queue waiting to receive free gifts with no end in sight. Moreover, the merchants deliberately delayed the collection. We only got a few eggs or small items that were of little use to our daily lives in the morning. And we wasted a few hours in vain and made a free advertisement for the merchant.

Social networks are not built to bring us closer together, but to distract us. The rise of Kuaishou, , Douyin, , and short videos makes us pick up our mobile phones and wonder what it means to linger. The rise of smart phones has firmly controlled people's attention. The direction of human attention is the direction of money.

We often see merchants offering free gifts, and there is a long queue waiting to receive free products with no end in sight. Moreover, the merchants deliberately delayed the collection. We only got a few eggs or small items that were of little use to our daily lives in the mornin - DayDayNews

Tools have changed from providing convenience to us humans controlling ourselves. Human will has gradually weakened, and we have become what others say. But the scary thing is that many people don’t know that their most expensive thing is actually their attention. Let’s calm down and calculate it carefully. Apart from work, where do we spend the rest of our time? The answer is yes, mobile phones are always with us, and we even spend more time playing with mobile phones than working.

We made a study plan, but because we picked up the mobile phone ourselves, more than an hour passed by playing with it. Big data has accurately calculated our preferences and continues to strengthen the information they think we are interested in. We are gradually led by those information flows in our lives. The tools that provide us with convenience are subtly controlling us, fascinating us, and causing us to waste our beautiful lives in them again and again.

We often see merchants offering free gifts, and there is a long queue waiting to receive free products with no end in sight. Moreover, the merchants deliberately delayed the collection. We only got a few eggs or small items that were of little use to our daily lives in the mornin - DayDayNews

Why do we always wonder where time has gone? Where we focus our attention determines our values ​​and slowly changes our consumption outlook. The rise of the Internet is a double sword. Some people learn things online and enrich themselves. Some people are always addicted to the Internet and gradually lose themselves. Gradually we find that we cannot control our own behavior, and many people suffer from Internet addiction and even Internet disease.

Many free things in the world are the most expensive. Sun, air, water...we get it but we don't know how to cherish it. Never sell your time and attention cheaply. When a person stops making progress, he develops his own style, which causes him to reject new things and thus stops making progress. Then, in a vicious circle, his circle becomes smaller and smaller, his pattern becomes narrower and narrower, and in the end, he has nothing.

We often see merchants offering free gifts, and there is a long queue waiting to receive free products with no end in sight. Moreover, the merchants deliberately delayed the collection. We only got a few eggs or small items that were of little use to our daily lives in the mornin - DayDayNews

If we want to do something well, we must put down our mobile phones. Mobile phones are just a tool for our daily communication, but they are not a necessity in our lives. Easier said than done. Smartphones have penetrated into our minds, and our lives are no longer a matter of one day or two. Try to change your life, stay away from mobile phones for two hours every day, and use these two hours to enrich yourself, study, and do things you like. Slowly you will find that it is in these two hours that you have changed yourself, your life, and your life.

We must learn to never be satisfied and always expand our life circle. Once a person stops making progress, he will always use experience to make decisions and actions, and will firmly control himself in the comfort zone, and make his zone smaller and smaller. When you care too much about what you have and don’t pursue what you don’t have, you will have less and less. Next, you will care more about what you have and have less.

We often see merchants offering free gifts, and there is a long queue waiting to receive free products with no end in sight. Moreover, the merchants deliberately delayed the collection. We only got a few eggs or small items that were of little use to our daily lives in the mornin - DayDayNews

Control your time and attention, it is the guarantee of your success. Don’t spend all your time on entertainment, there are still many things we don’t know. As people grow older, they learn more. What we get is not only knowledge, but also the improvement of our souls!

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