The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf

2024/06/3022:05:33 news 1412

The two families of Xu Min and Du Xinzhi work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family also use all their strength, wishing to dig up the other side and dig out the other side. All adverse information.

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

Recently, Baron Huan on Dufenshu revealed the news that Xu Min’s second sister Xu Min, who once served as a leader in an important position, owns multiple properties in Jiujiang , Kaifeng and other places. Moreover, these properties are also related to Xu Min and Yao Shibing. Xu Min's son, daughter-in-law and Xu Min and his wife are in the same book.

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

Immediately, photos of Xu Min’s second sister’s mansion were exposed online. It was an independent multi-story villa. There are such houses in many cities. The small villa also has a lawn and a courtyard, a pergola supported by Roman stone pillars, and a marble slab road that looks very luxurious.

The decoration inside the house is even more luxurious, with crystal chandeliers and European-style decoration. There are light luxury leather sofas in the room. There are also various famous wines on the cabinets, as well as various goblets. , the decoration is comparable to that of a star-rated hotel, which shows that the family situation is very good. Second sister Xu Min is sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, living a leisurely and comfortable life.

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

You must know that even veteran cadres live on a salary. In fact, the salary is not too much, and it is even more difficult to reach the consumption level of the middle and upper classes. As a result, many people began to research the source of the second sister's real estate, and were questioned about the unknown source of property funds.

Some people compared the scene with money under the cupboard and bed in "In the Name of the People" and speculated that the second sister Xu Min was suspected of taking bribes. There are even more outrageous theories that Xu Min took bribes and then transferred the property to the second sister's name.

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

First of all, Xu Min's family is the poorest, and it was not too poor at first. Even if they spend money on Yao Ce's medical treatment every year, at least they can buy a house for their son and spend a lot of money to decorate it.

But since Yao Ce was diagnosed with liver cancer , Xu Min spent money in the hospital like water. In order to treat him, he even mortgaged and sold the house where the couple lived, which resulted in no money. There is also property, and it is not necessary to sell the house that protects you from wind and rain.

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

Xu Min's grandfather is a famous genetics professor. The children in the family have also inherited his intelligence and have good academic performance. Xu Min's brothers and sisters are all highly educated, and they are not bad at marrying well-matched people. , even if the second sister Xu Min can't buy a villa with her salary, it doesn't mean that her husband can't buy it either.

The Xu Min and Du Xinzhi families work in separate camps. Each has its own supporters and fans. In order to help the one they like, the fans of each family use all their strength, eager to dig up the other party's ground and dig out everything the other party has. Unfavorable inf - DayDayNews

If you want to be blamed, why bother? Not to mention that these multiple properties have not been confirmed. Even if there are multiple properties, Xu Min did not buy them with money and they have nothing to do with Xu Min. They just have a villa in their home. Without any evidence, it can be considered that they are. Xu Min took bribes and moved to his second sister. Isn't this just for the sake of being black?

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