In the Internet era, offline shopping has become online shopping, and cash payment has become online payment. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to "uninstall" the software directly to avoid paying back the money. What is the result?

2024/07/0123:23:33 news 1668

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In the Internet era, offline shopping has turned into online shopping, and cash payment has turned into online payment. When our funds appear in another form, people's consumption concepts also begin to change. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to "uninstall" the software directly to avoid paying back the money. What is the result?

In the Internet era, offline shopping has become online shopping, and cash payment has become online payment. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to

Young people are addicted to excessive consumption

Nowadays, payment has become very convenient, and a mobile phone is enough. In an era when mobile payments are prevalent, mobile phones have replaced many traditional lifestyles. At the same time, borrowing money has become an easy thing, using credit cards, major online loan platforms, etc. For people, Huabei is also commonly used.

Huabei is a product in Alipay , which has also been highly sought after by users in recent years. Huabei's model is a bit like a credit card. You consume first and then repay. If the user repays within the specified time, there is no fee.

In the Internet era, offline shopping has become online shopping, and cash payment has become online payment. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to

Huabei has another advantage over credit cards, that is, it is more convenient to use, suitable for almost every scenario, and there is no annual fee. Moreover, the threshold for opening Huabei is also very low. In addition, Alipay also has user adhesion, so Huabei has gradually gained more users.

Huabei not only supports online consumption, but also offline consumption. As more and more people use Huabei, many people owe Huabei more and more money. Huabei also leaves the repayment time to its users, and many people set their salary payment time as Huabei’s repayment date.

Over time, a cycle has formed, and the phenomenon of advanced consumption has become more and more common among people. After the salary was paid, I was anxious to repay the money, but after paying it off, there was not much left, and a vicious cycle began.

In the Internet era, offline shopping has become online shopping, and cash payment has become online payment. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to

"Uninstall" software to avoid repayment

As Huabei's debts increase, it gradually exceeds the user's repayment ability. Many people have to choose the minimum repayment, or repay in installments, and this kind of repayment This method requires a certain handling fee, which is still not paid.

According to data, Huabei’s total debt has reached 300 billion. In order to avoid the debt, many users directly “uninstall” the software to avoid paying back the money. So what is the result?

In the Internet era, offline shopping has become online shopping, and cash payment has become online payment. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to

This approach is self-deception. We all know that Huabei has been included in the credit reporting system. If you fail to pay it back after the due date, it will also leave a disgraceful mark on your credit reporting.

In this era, credit report is like a business card. If you want to buy a house, car, etc., and get a loan, if your credit report is not up to standard, it will be very difficult to get it. And if you don't repay, the debt will remain and you will face collection.

In the Internet era, offline shopping has become online shopping, and cash payment has become online payment. That is excessive consumption. Huabei is owed 300 billion. Many people choose to

is written at the end

If Huabei is overdue, the best solution is to repay it in time. Avoidance cannot solve the problem. At the same time, it also reminds users to consume rationally. Pre-consumption satisfies the temporary desire to buy, but then you have to pay for it. If your financial ability allows it, let's say that if it exceeds your financial ability, it will cause certain troubles.

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