For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual

2024/06/2608:28:33 news 1855

Education for a person will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country.Only the progress of national education can cultivate more Only with talents with high cultural quality and strong abilities can the country have the possibility of continuous progress, instead of being complacent in its current development.

However, our country is vast and covers almost all kinds of terrains. Different geographical factors affect the degree of economic development in different regions. For example, my country's coastal cities foreign trade develop rapidly, and development facilities are established in flat areas. The possibility is higher and the speed is faster, but compared with these areas with geographical advantages, the development of mountainous areas and dryland areas has always been in a backward trend. The slow economic development has led to the lack of various resources in such areas, and education Resources are the most scarce resources in these areas.

For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual - DayDayNews

If children cannot learn knowledge, it will be difficult for them to get out of poverty. If they cannot get out of poverty, life will become more and more miserable. Therefore, in order to change the educational plight of students in remote rural areas, the country sends a large number of college students to the countryside every year to provide education. It was originally a good thing that could bring good educational resources to the countryside, but it made the elders in the village quite dissatisfied. What is the reason for this?

1. The village chief begged with tears: "College students, please don't come, we can't afford the hassle." These words made people think deeply.

College student support teaching is an initiative to promote the equitable development of educational resources. This can provide support for backward educational resources. Bring sufficient and high-quality educational resources to the areas to help children in backward areas receive better education, allowing them to gain a place in the competition and change their poor lives and tragic fate. However, despite the benefits of supporting education for college students, There are many hidden disadvantages that are unknown to the public.

For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual - DayDayNews

For many college students who go to volunteer teaching, such a job can help them exchange for better promotion opportunities through a few years of teaching time. After the teaching years are reached, teachers can return to the city to choose better positions. Apply for the exam, and the experience of supporting teaching will also become an important part of a teacher's career. This is a thing of great benefit and harmlessness to the supporting teachers, but it is not the case for the students.

The arrival of every supporting teacher requires students to spend some time adapting to the new teacher's teaching mode and personal temperament. Only in this way can they get along better with the teacher, but when the students already get along well with the previous teacher , once the teachers' teaching years are up and they leave the countryside, the arrival of the next teacher will require students to spend more time and energy to adapt, which will have an impact on students' learning.

For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual - DayDayNews

In addition to the aura of the supporting teachers coming from the city, and the talk about the prosperity of the city, will plant a seed of yearning for the city in the hearts of these children, Some children hope that through study, they can leave the countryside, enter university and enter the city, However, some children just want to escape the shackles of study early and go to the city to have fun day and night. This will cause some children to deviate from their life trajectory. Because of this, the party secretary of a certain village also made it clear that he hoped that the university students who support education would no longer harm the children in the village for their own future.

For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual - DayDayNews

2. What kind of people are suitable for teaching?

(1) The areas where hard-working students

support teaching are often in mountainous areas or remote dryland areas. The reason why these areas lack educational resources is also due to the harsh living environment. Therefore, teachers who teach in these areas must have the ability. The spirit of hard work and hard work must not only adapt to the harsh natural environment, but also be able to deal with the dirty and messy living environment. If students have lived in a greenhouse since childhood and have never experienced rural life, they will have strong discomfort when facing this living environment. Therefore, it is even more necessary for students who can overcome all difficulties to provide education instead of being pampered. princess and prince.

For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual - DayDayNews

(2) Students with poor economic conditions

Generally, a large part of the students assigned to rural support teaching are students from public normal colleges. And if some students have poor family conditions and apply for public normal colleges, they will Reducing the financial burden on students' families, will not only help them go to college smoothly, can also quickly adapt to the harsh environment of supporting teaching through the hardships they have endured for many years, and complete teaching tasks better and more efficiently.

(3) Students with educational ideals

Supporting teaching can be regarded as a practice, and the financial rewards it gives may not be as generous as everyone's ideals. But the love given by students is the best reward that can surpass everything. If Students want to change the lives of these children, want to help them get out of poverty in rural areas, want to contribute to China's education, then such students will become excellent teachers if they volunteer to teach.

For a person, education will affect his future development and even determine his future life path. For a country, education is the final accumulation of the future development of the entire country. Only when the country's education progresses can it cultivate more cultural qual - DayDayNews

Summary: In addition to being a profession, volunteer teaching also carries a great mission. For this reason, I hope that college students can face the matter of volunteer teaching. Don’t just do it just because the experience of volunteer teaching in those years can help you in the future. For a better position, still needs to consider how to transfer what he has learned into the brains of students and help them receive a better education.

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