On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds.

2024/05/2801:29:33 news 1475

On Douyin, I often come across a video of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. After getting to know them carefully, I discovered that they were actually a couple. And pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. But he did not give up life. Instead, through his own efforts, he became the president of a group company with a net worth of over 100 million. He also married a healthy and beautiful woman as his wife. After the marriage, his wife also gave birth to a son for Li Chuangli. Why can Li Chuangli have such an inspiring life? This issue's Most Character Chronicle takes everyone into the legendary life of Li Chuangli.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli himself

suffered from brittle bone disease since childhood

On March 20, 1986, Li Chuangli was born in a poor village in Shantou City, Guangdong Province. Both parents are farmers and make a living by farming and fishing. Li Chuangli is the first boy in his family. In the Chaoshan area, the family is very happy to have a boy to carry on the family line.

However, Li Chuangli's arrival made the whole family very worried. His parents found that Li Chuangli had been crying, and if they moved him slightly, they would hear the sound of fractures. The parents quickly took their son to the hospital for examination. After the doctor's diagnosis, unfortunately, Li Chuangli suffered from congenital brittle bone, which is what we often call porcelain doll .

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

When Li Chuangli was a child

, this made his parents very upset. No one in their family had this disease for several generations, so why did it fall on Li Chuangli? Although his parents complained, they never thought of giving up on Li Chuangli. In this way, his parents carefully took care of Li Chuangli, but even so, constant fractures accompanied Li Chuangli's childhood.

The quilt was thick in winter, and Li Chuangli broke his left hand and foot as soon as he turned over. Playing with children, if Li Chuangli throws something, his arm will be broken. Crawling on the ground can cause fractures. In short, Li Chuangli has suffered more than 30 fractures of various sizes since he was a child. The pain caused by fractures has been with him almost throughout his life.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Grandpa Li Chuangli

In 1991, Li Chuangli's father passed away due to illness. At that time, his mother became the backbone of the family. She had to go out to work every day and became the family's only source of income. In desperation, Li Chuangli had no choice but to live with his grandfather. Grandpa is also very kind to this little grandson. He always patiently enlightens Li Chuangli, who is always thinking. Grandpa told his grandson: "Son, it is not easy for me to take care of you, especially every time you are injured. I work very hard to take care of you every time." You. Don’t let me down. You must face life with strength and live well. "

It is precisely because of the love of his mother and grandfather that Li Chuangli developed a strong heart since he was a child, and it also allowed him to cultivate strength. Optimistic attitude.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli, who was with his classmates

html When he was 17 years old, seeing all the children of his own age going to school, Li Chuangli told his grandfather that he also wanted to go to school. In this way, the grandfather sent his grandson to school every day, and then waited outside the classroom. When Li Chuangli wanted to use the toilet, he went in to help. After school, he took his grandson home.

In the class, Li Chuangli is the oldest, but the smallest in stature. His classmates will laugh at him and always say that he is a child who will not grow up. Although these words irritated Li Chuangli, he tolerated them. He never cared about ridicule.

In the fourth grade, Li Chuangli dropped out of school due to various reasons. At that time, he could only stay at home with his grandfather every day and could not go anywhere. Seeing that he is getting older, Li Chuangli sees the outside world on TV, and he also longs to one day be able to leave the village and venture outside.

11-year-old started a business and went to Shenzhen to work hard at the age of 18

Of course, Li Chuangli’s biggest dream at the time was to find a job to support himself and not to become a burden to the family.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNewsOn Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews1-year-old started a business

In 1997, 11-year-old Li Chuangli stepped out of society. With the help of his grandfather, he went to a local toy factory to wholesale a bunch of toys, and then set up a stall on the street by himself.During the process of setting up the stall, passers-by thought that Li Chuangli was a two or three-year-old child and thought that Li Chuangli was great.

But when they got closer to learn about the toys, 11-year-old Li Chuangli spoke eloquently. With Li Chuangli's promotion, his toys were quickly sold out. For several months, Li Chuangli made a lot of money, with an income of nearly 10,000 yuan per month. If you think about it, this was the late 20th century.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli and his mother

In 2004, 18-year-old Li Chuangli left his hometown of Shantou and was taken to Shenzhen by his aunt. At that time, Shenzhen was a place where entrepreneurs gathered, and it was known as a blessed place for entrepreneurs. Seeing that there were entrepreneurs around him, Li Chuangli was ready to make a move. But he really couldn't find a suitable opportunity or project.

At that time, Li Chuangli had a keen sense of smell. He noticed that more and more people were starting to use computers. He guessed that people would use computers for office work in the future, so he bought a computer with the money he had saved before. He stayed at home every day to learn computer skills. He started learning typing. At the beginning, he could only type four or five words a minute. After a month, he could type more than 50 words a minute.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli typed

After learning this skill, Li Chuangli ran out to find a job with confidence. During the interview, he received too many looks. Finally, a boss looked at him pitifully and expressed his willingness to give him a chance to interview. During the interview, the boss brought a bunch of information to Li Chuangli and asked him to type it into an electronic version. Li Chuangli started typing without saying anything. As a result, Li Chuangli's time and accuracy were the best among all the interviewees.

But the boss finally said to Li Chuangli: "Xiao Li, if I recruit you, will I have to hire someone to take care of you?" Li Chuangli understood the meaning of this sentence, turned around and left.

sells mobile phones and earns one million a year

After experiencing this failure, Li Chuangli made up his mind not to work part-time because no one wanted him. You must start a business because no one can limit yourself.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli in the early years

After that, Li Chuangli started his first business. He started selling steamed buns outside the factory where his aunt worked. Of course, he did not make the steamed buns. He was just a middleman, earning hard money. One month At the end of the day, I only made 219 yuan. Even though the money was very small, Li Chuangli was very excited because this money was the first pot of gold he earned in Shenzhen. After

, Li Chuangli started to set up a street stall in Shenzhen. At that time, Li Chuangli was sitting in a stroller hawking. Although he may be small, he has a sweet mouth, and passers-by stop to look at his products because of his pretty boys and beauties. Business was booming at that time, and Li Chuangli also saved some money, but in the end his business venture was forced to terminate due to constant visits from urban management officials.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Internet cafe

After that, Li Chuangli's mother spent some money to help her son open an Internet cafe. In her mother's opinion, opening an Internet cafe does not require any hard work, and Li Chuangli only needs to stay at the counter to collect cash every day. However, due to poor management, Li Chuangli's Internet cafe closed down in less than half a year.

In 2006, Li Chuangli saw that the domestic mobile phone market was very hot and the demand for mobile phones was also increasing, so he planned to sell mobile phones. In this way, he purchased a batch of mobile phones from Shenzhen manufacturers and sold them through both offline and online channels. In one year, Li Chuangli sold more than 7,000 mobile phones and made a profit of more than 1 million. This is not a small amount of money. This money can be regarded as Li Chuangli's real first pot of gold.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli who loves to talk

Later, Li Chuangli joined a daily necessities company because of his outstanding ability. With his help, the annual sales of this daily necessities company exceeded 10 million for the first time. Obviously, others rely on a pair of hard-working hands when starting a business. Li Chuangli relies on his mouth. With many years of sales experience, Li Chuangli's eloquence has been greatly improved. General sales can only call him a master in front of him.

became a legend in the sales industry, got married and had children

In 2010, Li Chuangli sensed the rise of the e-commerce model in advance. He taught himself programming and planned to create an online trading platform.Through his continuous efforts, he finally pioneered a set of "composite group marketing". This model is somewhat similar to the current Aoduoduo. The more people join in, the cheaper the price becomes. This captures the hearts of consumers and allows its user base to continue to grow.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli in the company

Li Chuangli holds the position of president in the company. In the eyes of all outsiders, he is a president in a wheelchair. But Li Chuangli is sunny and confident, and he always shows positive energy to others. Therefore, he is invited to give speeches in various places, using his spirit to encourage more people who are defeated by life.

For the convenience of life and work, Li Chuangli hired a secretary Xia Dan for herself. Xia Dan was from a rural area, and it was not easy for her to get a job opportunity. After entering the company, she took care of Li Chuangli's life and work sincerely and patiently.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli and Xia Dan attended events

She pushed him to meet clients, attend speeches, and hold meetings. In short, where there was Li Chuangli, there was Xia Dan. The two have been together for a long time, and Li Chuangli also found that he seemed to be unable to leave this girl. Suddenly one day, Li Chuangli asked Xia Dan: "Do you have a girlfriend?" Xia Dan replied no. Unexpectedly, Li Chuangli said directly: "Then can you be my girlfriend?"

Xia Dan was surprised that she did not agree with Li Chuangli immediately. In fact, as a subordinate of Li Chuangli, Xia Dan has long been impressed by Li Chuangli's personal charm. She marveled at Li Chuangli's character and ability, and also felt that Li Chuangli was a responsible and wealthy man. But if she wants to marry such a man, she will need some time to think about it.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli and Xia Dan

But only three days later, Xia Dan agreed to be with Li Chuangli. Although Xia Dan is a rural girl, she is a normal person. She is 1.7 meters tall and looks like a beauty. When she and Li Chuangli became a couple, everyone felt that something was wrong. But the two of them were very happy.

When Xia Dan brought Li Chuangli home to see his parents, his parents firmly opposed their being together. They even kicked Li Chuangli out that day. Even so, Xia Dan did not give up her determination to be with Li Chuangli.

At the end of 2012, Li Chuangli took Xia Dan back to Shantou, Guangdong, and the two held a wedding in Li Chuangli's hometown. In this way, Li Chuangli, who is 80 centimeters tall, married a beautiful wife. He has also reached the pinnacle of his life.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli and his wife and children

In early 2013, Xia Dan gave birth to a son for Li Chuangli. On the day of the birth, Li Chuangli accompanied his wife throughout the whole process. He was also very nervous at the time. He was particularly afraid that his son would inherit his disease. Fortunately, after a doctor's examination, his son was in good health and had not inherited Li Chuangli's disease.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli gave a speech

After Xia Dan recovered, Li Chuangli hired a nanny for his son. In the days that followed, Xia Dan took Li Chuangli everywhere to give speeches and participate in trainings. During this period, Li Chuangli mainly promoted his own marketing model. Every marketing conference he held was attended by thousands of people. After the meeting, Li Chuangli's reputation will increase a lot.

participated in the program and became an Internet celebrity

. In addition, Li Chuangli also began to use the media to build momentum. He continued to participate in various programs, hoping to tell his inspirational entrepreneurial story through major platforms. Of course, the more attention you pay, the better it will be for Li Chuangli's career.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli appeared on CCTV

In June 2016, Li Chuangli appeared on CCTV's " Heading for Happiness " program. In the program, Li Chuangli said that he and four partners founded a group company. The following are Li Chuangli's original words: "We are building a company that is system group-based, group-platformed, and platform-industrialized. It mainly helps many companies and connects their products, because we have many Big data can help them and provide them with better services."

After Li Chuangli finished speaking, the two CCTV hosts were also confused. They couldn't figure out what Li Chuangli's company does? But Li Chuangli himself was still very confident and threatened to grow the company to 10 billion in six years. market value.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli and Zong Qinghou are pictured

In 2018, Li Chuangli became very famous. This year, he not only gave a speech on the same stage as the well-known foreign inspirational person with disabilities Nick Vujicic , but also with Wahaha founder Zong A group photo was taken after the celebration. In short, in the sales industry, Li Chuangli is regarded as a myth, and there are endless reports about him on the Internet.

Various labels such as doll CEO, pocket CEO, and CEO sitting on the conference table. Li Chuangli achieved both fame and fortune.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Li Chuangli Company

On November 28, 2019, Li Chuangli founded Shenzhen Chuangli Xinxuan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen. From the business scope, it can be seen that the company's business mainly includes education. Training, supply chain management; operating e-commerce, etc. Although I don’t know what he does, Li Chuangli is a real person.

How is it now?

As short videos become popular, Li Chuangli also follows the trend. He registered accounts on some mobile phones and Douyin . At first, Li Chuangli mainly shared some of his inspirational entrepreneurial stories, but the videos were not popular until 2022, when Li Chuangli began to share his and his wife’s stories. Lifestyle video. In the

video, the huge contrast in height between men and women has attracted numerous topics, and the comments have aroused constant heated discussion among fans. Some commented that the woman is attracted by the man's money, and some commented that they are in true love. With constant comments, Li Chuangli has gained 2.2 million fans

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

Recent photos of Li Chuangli and his wife

However, careful netizens can find that Li Chuangli’s wife seems to be different from before, and Li Chuangli’s son has never been there. They appeared in the video.

Of course, their son is already in elementary school. Li Chuangli also wanted to protect his son so as not to disturb him.

On Douyin, I often come across videos of a miniature man and his beautiful wife in the same frame. The pocket man is our protagonist Li Chuangli today. Because he suffers from congenital brittle bone disease, he is only 80 centimeters tall and weighs less than 30 pounds. - DayDayNews

The screenshots of Li Chuangli and his son have been deleted.

Nowadays, we can see Li Chuangli's videos every day. It can be seen that he is still the president of the group company. Although netizens are commenting: Mr. Li, what do you do, but it does not affect Li Chuangli's activities all day long. Inspecting work and holding meetings. In addition, Li Chuangli is also very humorous in life. He will make jokes with his wife. During this period, his father-in-law also appeared frequently, which proves that his father-in-law also forgives Li Chuangli.

It is reported that Li Chuangli is now worth 300 million yuan and earns tens of millions in income every year. I believe that with such a man, his wife must feel very safe.

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