"Eating the Four Treasures in June of the lunar calendar will bring you more wealth and treasures during the day." What do the Four Treasures refer to? Many people don’t know that June of the lunar calendar comes, and the sixth day of June also comes. The sixth day of the sixth m

2024/05/1708:28:33 news 1214

"Eat the four treasures in June of the lunar calendar, and you will gain more wealth and treasures during your life." What do the four treasures refer to? Many people don’t know that

June of the lunar calendar has arrived, and the sixth day of June has also arrived. The sixth day of the sixth lunar month is still a solar term in many places, such as " Washing and Sun Festival ", " Tiankuang Festival ", " Tasting New Things" section " and so on, we still pay more attention to it.

After June 6th , the days are getting smoother! As the old saying goes, " Eat the 4 treasures on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month and your days will be filled with wealth and wealth." Health and wealth will not be lost! What are these 4 treasures? Let’s learn together and don’t forget the ancient Chinese customs.

The first treasure: dumplings

Dumplings are shaped like ingots. Eating dumplings in June brings "ingot treasures blessings", especially eating dumplings in the head position means you can spend the summer safely. "Fu" and "Fu" are homophonic.

After finishing the wheat harvest, enjoy the fresh flour. Not only can it prevent and cure summer lag, but it can also whet your appetite and relieve cravings. Wrap the dumplings and let them cool, then dip them in the seasoned pepper and balsamic vinegar. Do you think they taste delicious?

Dumplings are a very perfect food. They combine meat and vegetables with all the nutrients. You can eat it with complete balanced nutrition. Boiled dumplings are softer, easier to digest and good for the stomach. It has less damage to nutrients and low oil content. Then drink some dumpling soup . After drinking it, I feel a little sweaty and feel very comfortable.

There are also many types of fillings for dumplings, which can be meat or vegetarian. It is best to use a combination of meat and vegetables to achieve balanced nutrition. Recommend a nutritious and delicious way to eat, fennel and meat dumplings. Appetite and promote digestion.

Ingredients: A lot of fennel 1, appropriate amount of meat filling, onion and ginger, salt, pepper, very fresh taste

Method: 1 Prepare the meat filling, mince all the onion and ginger and add to the meat filling, stir clockwise Evenly, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to lock in the moisture in the meat filling.

2 Prepare the fennel, clean it, drain the water, chop it into pieces, put it into the meat filling, add 2 eggs, salt, chicken essence, pepper, stir evenly in a clockwise direction, and it is ready. Just take out the dumpling wrappers you bought and wrap them.

The second treasure; boil mung beans

"On June 6th, boil mung beans", a bowl of mung bean soup in summer is the best way to relieve the heat. The hot summer is the best time to eat mung beans. It is known as the "life-extending artifact" in summer ", get rid of "all the heat".

Small mung beans are very nutritious. Make soup with mung beans and drink it. It is the best summer heat-relieving soup. It can clear away heat and relieve heat, cool and relieve heat, and does not hurt the spleen and stomach.

When people cook mung bean soup, some people prefer mung bean soup that has been simmered for a long time, which has a soft and slightly powdery texture; while some people prefer the mung bean soup with clear grains and never boiling it, which is refreshing, clean and smoother. The difference between boiling and not boiling can be seen. It's great.

Mung beans are more detoxifying when they bloom, and they are more effective in relieving summer heat when they are not blooming. Mung beans are less toxic when cooked, and are not easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. The higher the activity, the better the heat-relieving function.

But in terms of taste, boiled mung beans are better. How to make mung beans bloom?

1 You can soak mung beans in advance.

2 You can freeze them. If the mung beans burst, they will bloom easily.

3 You can stir-fry the mung beans until the water dries up, and then add cold water. The skin of the mung beans will burst immediately when it is cold.

Another point is that when people cook mung bean soup, it sometimes happens. Mung bean soup turns red. Mung beans are green, so why is the color of the soup red? Have you bought fake mung beans?

This is actually a kind of oxidation. The rich phenols in mung beans will turn pink after oxidation. Color, the longer it is stored, the darker the color of mung bean soup. This red color shows that the mung bean soup can continue to be eaten and will not have any impact on health.

About "You can't eat mung beans when taking traditional Chinese medicine, as it will detoxify." Let me explain to you: there is no antidote, but its properties and ingredients may neutralize some drugs. Try not to take it with yang-warming drugs, otherwise it will reduce the efficacy of heat-clearing and detoxifying. Drugs have a very good auxiliary effect.

Everyone should also know about some taboos:

1 People with weak spleen and stomach It is also best to eat less

2 People with cold constitutions should not eat too much mung beans

3 Drinking some mung bean soup in an appropriate amount is good for the body, but you cannot drink it every day. Generally, it is best for adults to drink 2-3 times a week.

4 Chilled mung bean soup You should drink less, as it is not good for your stomach.

The third treasure: Eat mutton

"Eat mutton on June 6th". In many places there is a folk custom of "eating mutton", boil mutton soup, or stew mutton, or make mutton dumplings, in short Eat mutton.

Mutton is warm in nature and is suitable for tonic all year round. Eating mutton in summer has unexpected benefits. "Eating Fuyang in summer will keep you healthy and less likely to get sick." "A bowl of Fuyang soup will eliminate the need for prescriptions." Eating mutton in summer also has many benefits, and can cure winter diseases in summer.

Eating some mutton appropriately in summer can warm the stomach and promote body fluids, warm yang and dispel cold, warm the body, dispel cold, strengthen physical fitness, and is very beneficial to improving people's physical fitness and disease resistance.

would like to remind you that people with a hot constitution should not eat too much, and mutton is rich in protein, and some people may become allergic if they eat too much.

How to eat mutton in summer? stewed mutton is the best. It is delicious, not greasy, and does not contain spicy or hot condiments. It supplements nutrition without worrying about getting angry after eating. The meat is white and tender, and the soup is clear, retaining the unique flavor of mutton.

Ingredients: 1 white radish, 2 pounds of mutton, salt, onion, ginger, pepper

Method: 1 Wash and cut the mutton into pieces, set aside;

2 Boil water in a pot, blanch the mutton, drain and set aside

3 Add warm water to the stew pot, Put in the mutton cubes, add the green onions and ginger cubes, bring to a boil over high heat

4 After boiling, add the chopped radish cubes, simmer over medium to low heat

5 and cook the ingredients until tender, add salt and pepper.

Fourth treasure: watermelon

June is the time when watermelons are ripe and available in large quantities. Small watermelons have a lot of water and are especially sweet. They are known as the "magic hydration tool" for relieving summer heat.

Watermelons in this season are also cheap. You can buy more and store them at home for convenience.

How to choose a watermelon with high moisture, thin skin and ripe watermelon? A little tip for you:

1Look at the bottom. For the circle at the bottom, the smaller the better

2 looks at the color. It is best to pick the green

3 to see the texture. If the texture is neat, it is a good melon.

4Look at Ditou. Watermelon vines are curled up and very sweet.

Everyone should also know some things to note about watermelon:

1 Freezing watermelon. Ice watermelon, I think it quenches thirst better. But it hurts the stomach. Watermelon taken out of the refrigerator is best left at room temperature for half an hour before eating.

In addition, the watermelon should not be frozen for too long. It is best not to keep the refrigerator longer than 12 hours, and not longer than 24 hours. Prevent bacteria from getting on it. When eating, it is best to remove the top layer.

2Don’t eat watermelon immediately after a meal. Water will dilute gastric juice and affect the digestion and absorption of food. It is best to eat it two hours after a meal

3 Watermelon is not a holy food for weight loss. The practice of eating melons for three meals is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, and the diet is monotonous, leading to malnutrition. It’s okay to eat in moderation.

4 Wrapping watermelon in plastic wrap is not a panacea. Air can also leak in and bring in bacteria. It’s best to cut it and eat it immediately.

5 When cutting watermelon, be sure to clean the watermelon, knives and chopping board in advance to prevent bacteria from entering.

In addition to eating watermelon alone, it can also be used to make salads, jelly, popsicles, turtle paste , drinks, etc. Unlocked a new way to eat watermelon to relieve summer heat.

Watermelon In addition to the watermelon meat, the rind can also be eaten. Wash the watermelon rind and remove the green skin. As long as the white flesh is inside, it can be made into a dish. It is good in cold salad or vinegar. It is a good assistant for eating and drinking in summer. You can try it out at home.

The above four kinds of June treasures are good for your health in the hot summer. You can stay away from the heat, get sick less, and spend the dog days in good health.

In addition to paying attention to diet, everyone must also develop good living habits in the scorching heat of June;

Drink more water every day, try to drink warm or hot water, and do not drink cold water. Follow the principles of low-fat, low-salt, low-sugar, low-cholesterol and low-irritation diet.

Ensure adequate sleep and maintain good living habits every day. Blowing the air conditioning fan appropriately to maintain indoor air circulation can avoid suffering from air conditioning disease .

Proper exercise, exercise, proper exercise, enhance physical fitness, and reduce illness. June is the right time to maintain health. Learn to regulate your diet and work schedule. This will be beneficial to your health and prevent you from getting sick.

wishes everyone a healthy June and a healthy summer.

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