Why bicycle is a weapon against aging

Aging is a natural phenomenon that has long been noticed. In other words, it's hard for people not to notice it. The muscles of the back, psoas and lower extremities are obviously weakened with the increase of age, which is one of the reasons why people will have a hunchback, unstable gait and fall easily in old age. Therefore, as the saying goes, "Old people get old first", there is a scientific basis.

"Cycling is good for our bodies."

A study published by King's College London suggests that cycling can help fight physical aging, helping people mentally and physically slow it down. The benefits of cycling are often more than shown. Specifically, the study sampled a group of 84 people between the ages of 55 and 79, all cyclists whose insights, responses and physical conditions made their biological age much lower.

There are also more and more studies showing that pedaling during exercise has a significant effect. According to the researchers, cycling is not only suitable for life exercise in adulthood, but also can accompany them to grow old. "It's inevitable that our bodies will get worse over the years," Professor Norman Lazarus said. "Cycling not only helps keep the mind alert, but also mobilizes the coordination of many joints in the body and the muscle system, such as the seamless operation of muscles, lungs and heart, which can greatly reduce the risk of disease." The professor added.

First of all, the muscles of the lower limbs are much larger than the muscles of the upper limbs, and a considerable amount of exercise is required to maintain muscle strength. In daily life, the habit of walking by car, walking less, and exercising less often exposes its disadvantages in old age.

Secondly, lower extremity is farther from the heart than upper extremity , due to the effect of gravity, lower extremity blood is more difficult to return to the heart than upper extremity, with the increase of age, the elasticity of blood vessel wall decreases, which is prone to poor blood circulation , resulting in lower limb fatigue difficult to eliminate.

Again, the transmission of sensations from the lower limbs of the elderly to the brain and the transmission of the movement instructions from the brain to the lower limbs have decreased in accuracy and speed. Therefore, in order to ensure that people still have a steady gait and walk like wind when they are old, they should strengthen the exercise of the lower limb muscles to keep the muscles of the lower limbs strong.

Due to the special requirements of cycling, the upper limbs and trunk are mostly static work, and the lower limbs are mostly dynamic work. Long-term exercise can improve the strength and endurance of the lower limb muscles.

Due to the redistribution of blood during exercise, the blood supply to the lower extremities is large, and the changes in heart rate are also different according to the speed of pedaling and the ups and downs of the terrain. Such repeated practice enhances myocardial contractility and increases the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which is beneficial to the blood circulation of the lower extremities. The management of the lower extremities by the nervous system can also be coordinated and accurate due to exercise.

Now, the appearance of fixed resistance and power bicycle provides more convenient and superior conditions for the majority of fitness enthusiasts. Exercisers can design exercise programs before pedaling, and various information will be displayed on the screen when pedaling, such as heart rate, speed, distance, time and oxygen consumption. These displayed test data make it easier for exercisers to grasp and adjust their exercise intensity in time to achieve the goal of scientific fitness.

In addition to cycling, walking, jogging, Tai Chi and other exercises are all very good ways to delay leg aging.No matter what kind of fitness, as long as perseveres with , it will definitely delay the aging of the legs and give you a healthy body.

How many years have you been cycling?