Recently, "The Star" has really hit the screen, but everyone seems to be attracted by Amway in a different way. 1. Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi rode on horseback to capture and film "The Star". In the latest released footage of "The Star", Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi rode on horseback to catch

has really been hit by " Xinghan Brilliant " recently, but everyone seems to be attracted to Amway in a different way.

1, Wu Lei Zhao Lusi rode on horseback to capture and shoot

In the latest highlights of "Xinghan Brilliant", Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi rode on horseback to catch the agent hiding in the grass. After Wu Lei discovered the agent in the grass, he turned on the laser pointer to prevent the agent from taking pictures. The content in the video can really be described as "a green light appears, don't even think about running away".

2. Zhao Lusi yelled "Wait a minute" from horseback

In the behind-the-scenes video previously released by the crew, when Zhao Lusi was performing a scary scene on horseback, she didn't hear the director's instructions to start, so she yelled "Wait a minute" in fear throughout the whole process. I thought the horse was frightened, but I was frightened by the horse. After the filming was over, Zhao Lusi said to the director, "I thought the horse was crazy." The director replied to her, "I thought it was a show, it was so real." The beauty was really pitiful and funny, but Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi were really riding horses. It is full of sweetness, making netizens call it "a good match".

3. The show content of "Brilliant Star"

The show content of "Brilliant Star" is very high. Compared with the appearance of show stars in many TV series, which always arouses the anger of netizens, this show has received rave reviews, many The show also gained a lot of love from netizens because of this drama. Some netizens said, "Rather than letting the show star play the protagonist without acting skills, it is better to find some supporting roles for the show that do not require acting skills. They have good looks and will not interfere with the show." Plot" is really to the point.

There are really many ways for this drama to be discovered by netizens, but the reason why this drama is loved by netizens is definitely the plot and acting skills. How did you become interested in this drama? Tell everyone in the comment area ~