Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as "the most beautiful man in ancient times". In fact, my real name is Pan Yue, and my courtesy name is Anren. I was only known by later generations because of a poem by Du Fu: "I am afraid that Pan'an County is worthy of leaving jade cha

2024/07/0222:42:33 history 1981

Hello everyone, I am Pan An who is known as "the most beautiful man in ancient times" . In fact, my real name is Pan Yue, and my nickname is Anren. It is just because of Du Fu's poem: "I'm afraid Pan'an County is often called Pan'an by later generations because it can retain the jade carriage "".

Next, please allow me to tell you about my ups and downs in my life.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as 1

The idol star in Luoyang Cityhas gone through great changes, and a thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. To this day, there is still a popular saying that "Yan Sai Song Yu is more beautiful than Pan An".

Over the past thousand years, my name has become a synonym for beautiful men; and a thousand years ago, in Luoyang City, I was the most handsome in appearance, and could be said to be the "top class" in the Western Jin at that time.

" Jin Shu " contains: "... When I was young, I was kidnapped on the road of Luoyang . The women who met them all joined hands to surround them, threw them in, and returned home with the car full. "

Luoyang at that time Women, both male and female, gathered around my car whenever they heard about my trip. I still remember one time, I was sitting in the car and thinking, and suddenly I felt the noise around me. When I looked up, I found many girls standing on both sides and behind the car. I didn’t want to pay attention to it and kept driving, but in the middle of the car On the way, he was suddenly hit on the forehead by a flying fruit. I put my forehead on my head and looked up, and saw a bright-eyed girl waving to me, and I nodded politely. But they never thought that when the girls saw someone opening the door, they threw down fruits, flowers and handkerchiefs. Soon, a car was filled with gifts from the girls.

is so praised by everyone, I am really happy and scared at the same time. People in the world call me "dragon and phoenix posture", "forget the spirit at first sight" , "clear and handsome appearance" . There is also a saying in "Book of Jin" that I "beautiful posture" . It is just three words, but it is Highly positive for me.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as 2

It is rare to have a talent name. You can obviously rely on your face to make a living, but you have to rely on your talent

My grandfather was Anping Prefect Pan Jin, who was the provincial governor at that time 2, my father is Langya Neili , that is The mayor of Langya at that time was . Therefore, I had the opportunity to receive higher education from an early age.

"Book of Jin" said about me: "Suhui is known as a strange child" , and I am indeed quick-thinking and extremely intelligent. Therefore, I have few talents and reputation, and at a young age, I am far ahead of my peers. Later generations will refer to me as the "Three Great Literary Masters of the Western Jin Dynasty" together with Zuo Si and Lu Ji. It can be seen that my talent, which is like a surging river, has been affirmed by future generations.

When I was young, I was elected as a scholar and entered Jia Chong's house as a Sikong rafter. From then on, I entered the official career. My father's good friend Yang Zhao valued my talent and even betrothed his daughter Yang Rongji to me. Rong Ji is both talented and beautiful, and she is very popular with me. On the wedding day, I was wearing a bright red wedding dress, and my heart was as happy as a horse's hooves in the spring breeze.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as 3

The official career is not smooth, life is like this ups and downs

My father-in-law Yang Zhao is very powerful. He takes good care of me, and I respect him very much. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After his death, I was suppressed by those who hated me for three years and could not move forward. I often sighed angrily: "The unkindness of the world made Shu Zi famous!" Farming the land, I knew that this was a great opportunity for promotion. So, I wrote a eulogy for Emperor Wu with gorgeous words. The emperor was very happy, but I was considered to be deliberately flattering by those in power, so I was moved to Heyang County and became the county magistrate of Heyang.

While in charge of Heyang County, I was not idle at all. I am diligent in my political achievements and combined with the local geographical conditions, I have planted peach blossoms in Heyang County. Every spring, Heyang County is decorated with beautiful and prosperous peach blossoms, and it has become a fairyland on earth! Later, when some people had a dispute, I ordered them to water the peach blossoms together, and finally the two families reconciled. This is the famous "watering the flowers and settling the lawsuit" in history.

Because of my outstanding political achievements, the imperial court promoted me to the capital as an official of the Ministry of Finance. I couldn't be more happy to be back in Beijing again, but unexpectedly, before my butt was even hot, I was dismissed from my post again for committing a crime. "Alas -" I comforted myself, "If you don't live in the same room with villains, you can still be at ease."

At this time, Shangshu Pushe Shantao, Wang Ji of the Ministry of Officials, Pei Kai, etc. all accepted Darling, I couldn't stand their smug faces and hated them in my heart, so I wrote on the big pillar at the entrance of the palace: "To the east of the pavilion, there is a big bull, Wang Jipang, Pei Kaiyan, and the bridge cannot be stimulated." Fu." I compare Shan Tao to a bull, and Wang Ji and Pei Kai to livestock, both driven by Heqiao. Huh, after being so sarcastic to a few people, the resentment in my heart was relieved a little.

Happily, Taifu Yang Jun has a discerning eye, and he introduced me as the Taifu's chief clerk. This is a position with a bright future.

Destiny plays tricks on people like this. After a while, the Taifu was killed by three clans and was arrested and imprisoned. Anyone involved with him was in danger of being beheaded. I can't sleep or eat well. If something happens to me, what will happen to my mother, wife, and children? Fortunately, my friend Gongsun Hong was a confidant of the King of Chu at the time. With his lobbying, I was able to be exempted from the crime and was later transferred to Chang'an as a county magistrate.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as 4

Clinging to the powerful and flattering, leaving a bad reputation

In the ups and downs of the officialdom, my heart was gradually tainted by the dust, and the so-called literary integrity, loyalty and elegance in my heart no longer existed.

For the sake of power and status, Shi Chong and I cling to Jia Chong grandson Jia Mi . Jia Chong has a noble status and can be regarded as a thick golden thigh. I participated in the activities of "Twenty-Four Friends" such as Jia Mi and Shi Chong, and explained " Hanshu " to Jia Mi.

In order to please the powerful, I even did something that literati despised most - became a gunman . I secretly wrote poems and compositions for the powerful, used my literary talents to plan my future, and did things that literati despised most.

Later, in order to compete with other people who were clinging to Jia Chong, I even put down my pride. When I greeted Jia Mi, I didn’t see him yet. I just saw the dust raised by the carriage and bowed down gracefully. This incident has become a laughing stock for me forever. Later generations will use "looking at the dust and worshiping" as an allusion to warn future generations of literati. This is really a big stain in my life.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as 5

Wealth was obtained in danger, but political conspirators were eventually killed.

For the sake of my future, I was willing to take a risk, so I participated in Empress Jia's conspiracy to dethrone the prince. I know that if I make the right bet, I will rise to the top; if I make the wrong bet, I will be in trouble.

My mother once earnestly advised me: "You should be content and do what you want to do?" I understand her good intentions, but I am not willing to accept it. Why should I always be second to others?

html January is on the willow branches, the banquet is bustling, and the guests and hosts are enjoying themselves. I exchanged cups with everyone, successfully made the prince drunk, and then thrust the treason document I had written into the prince's hand. After I was done, I returned home excitedly, feeling uneasy, hopeful, and ashamed.

Not long after, King Zhao Sima Lun came into power, not only killed me, but also killed my three clans, which ended in tragedy.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as 6

A few mourning poems will eventually leave their name in history

Life is like this, with several triumphs and several frustrations. Once wearing a feather fan and wearing a silk scarf, he could talk and laugh freely; he was also once in jail, and his life was precarious. But I have never been as sad as that day. That day, the news came that my wife Yang Rongji had passed away. I felt like I had been struck by lightning, my heart felt ashen, and a few strands of gray hair appeared overnight. Later generations even spread rumors that my hair turned gray overnight.

My wife is both talented and beautiful, but unfortunately her body is fragile. Her voice and smile often appear in front of my eyes, so I decided not to continue the song. I am still in my prime at this time.

In order to commemorate Rong Ji, I wrote "Nei Gu Poems", "Essays on Mourning for Eternal Death" and " Mourning Poems ", creating a precedent for mourning poems. These poems have also been included in famous poetry anthologies of later generations, such as "Selected Works" and "New Odes of Yutai".

Later generations commented on my "Mourning Poems" and said: "Sad and melancholy, lingering, fresh and smooth, and natural." The story of Rong Ji and I has also been preserved forever, "Pan Yang's Love" It has left a brilliant mark in the long history.

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

Hello everyone, I am Pan An, who is known as

The author has something to say

The Three Kingdoms and Two Jins The Northern and Southern Dynasties was one of the most turbulent, darkest and most creative periods in Chinese history. During this period, various historical figures appeared. Among them, there are many lords who started from scratch but dominated one area, and there are also many people who were born noble but ended up with a miserable fate.

Compared with most people, Pan Yue has a good hand at the beginning. Not only does he have a monster appearance, but he also has good educational resources. The huge network of connections accumulated from his grandfather is a big help to him. But in the end, Pan Yue not only died an untimely death, but also left behind the image of a villain who had lost all his integrity. Compared with his original image of a talented and handsome young man, this is undoubtedly a major failure in his life.

What is the reason for this result? Is it a chaotic world where order is chaotic and fists are supreme? Is it the deceitful, greedy and cunning human heart? Or is it the so-called bad luck, not having the right time, place, people and people?

Confucius said: "A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way." It is understandable that Pan Yue pursues fame and fortune, but he should not be too greedy for it and lose his true heart. They resort to any means, even abandoning their personality and dignity, and end up with a ridiculous end.

Lu Ji has a poem: "Jingluo is full of wind and dust, and the plain clothes turn into silk." He was such a handsome and graceful young man, but in the end he was infected with secular distortions in the melting pot of officialdom. It can be said that "the plain clothes turned into silk", and the white clothes were dyed black.

And Pan Yue’s story never happened to only a few people. There are too many examples of this happening around us, or perhaps within ourselves.

In the beginning, human nature is inherently good. The original passion, loyalty and integrity were finally replaced by sophistication and insensitivity, which is really touching.

Pan An's story tells us, "The pearls hidden in the lake are beautiful", no matter how beautiful the appearance is, it can't compare with the full talent; "It can emerge from the mud without being stained" , only by sticking to the original intention can you start well and end well.

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