Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute

2024/07/0222:44:33 history 1516

Text ✎ Liangshu

Editor ✎ Liangshu is not cool

- Lin Ye -

He is called a Tsinghua traitor. He once lived overseas for a high salary and wanted to be loyal to other countries.

not only helped the United States build atomic bombs with the money given to him by his motherland, but he also wanted to stay overseas and loyal to another country with better conditions for a high salary. So when this person studied abroad at public expense, he voluntarily became an American citizen.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Although internationally, his reputation resounds throughout the sky. 's main achievement is the development of the US Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile, but this weapon was aimed at China.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Why did this genius scientist, who is now in his later years, suddenly think of China’s good qualities? Should and Gao Xingxin submit an application to return to China for retirement? Can the people agree to his request? What attitude will the motherland show?

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

The birth of a genius student

It turns out that this person's name is Lin Ye. He was born in Beijing, China in 1918. He is an authentic Beijing boy.

When he was a child, he walked around the streets. It was Beijing that raised him. When he was young, although Lin Ye was a very naughty boy in the eyes of his neighbors, he actually did very well in school.

Since he was a child, he has lived like other people's children. He has been easy to get awards and certificates, and he has taken home many gold medals from major competitions.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

In addition, in 1940, he graduated from Tsinghua University, a national institution of higher learning. Is this a dream school shared by many outstanding students from poor families?

originally thought that through such a beautiful stage, such outstanding students would become talents who would serve the motherland. But to everyone's surprise, he made a decision that he would regret until his later years.

After Lin Ye graduated from his alma mater, he was selected by the country’s Geng Grant Study Abroad Program in the second year.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

In fact, this overseas student program has been continued after the Qing government.

At that time, the Qing government experienced the " Xinchou Treaty ", and the country needed to make actual reparations to the United States, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Although the national income of the Qing government was not optimistic at that time, famous people led by Li Hongzhang began to pay attention to education.

During the process of reparations, the Qing government also encountered a happy event. It turns out that in 1908, the then President of the United States, Roosevelt , decided to return the Boxer Indemnity from the Qing government after comprehensive consideration.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

The returned money was later mainly used for education. Therefore, from then on, China will send some international students in different majors every year, and the highest proportion of liberal arts students is only 20%.

This is also an opportunity for the state to use money to allow outstanding students to pursue further studies in institutions with better environments and higher professional levels.

However, the essence of the establishment of the Gengzi Scholarship is that in view of the current backwardness of the country, the society and people hope that outstanding students can lay the foundation for China's modernization after returning from abroad and provide corresponding talents for the development of the motherland.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

This group of people actually stands at the top of the intersection of Chinese and Western cultures. Students who can get this study abroad quota will not only receive a better education, but their qualifications are also the most outstanding among their peers.

So judging from various characteristics, the country hopes that these children can live up to the expectations of the motherland.

If they can return to China to develop construction and engage in practical industry in the future, they will be considered to have stayed true to their original aspirations.

But even if this expectation of the country is not fulfilled, one should not use public funds to betray the country and seek glory, develop top missile technology for other countries, and aim the weapons at one's own former motherland. This is incomprehensible. matter.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Gengzi Different choices for international students

In 1943, Lin Ye became an outstanding student who could study abroad at public expense, but at this time, something extremely ironic happened.

Lin Ye, Liang Sili and others went abroad to study together at the University of Cincinnati. They were also Chinese majoring in rocket operations.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Unexpectedly, after Liang Sili received his bachelor's degree from Purdue University in the United States in 1945, he also received his master's and doctorate degrees from the University of Cincinnati, and he would return to China immediately.

Liang Sili served as a technician at the Telecommunications Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in 1950, although many countries offered him an olive branch at the same time.

For example, the United States proposed to give him special treatment and wanted to keep this talented scientist with them.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

However, Academician Liang Sili always missed the motherland. With a grateful heart, he became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993 and became the advocate and founder of my country's aerospace CAD.

He has many major achievements. For example, he is one of the founders of the development of China's missile control system, the founder and leader of aerospace reliability engineering, and so on.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Lin Ye was in the same group of students who went to the University of Cincinnati in 1943, but his choice was completely different from Liang Sili and others.

After this group of outstanding talents came abroad through study, the U.S. government has slowly noticed them and found opportunities for further study in them.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

In the 1940s, Lin Ye, who was still studying in Cincinnati, was deeply recognized by foreign professors as a talented student.

Under the guidance of his mentor, Lin Ye also met many upper-class people in the United States, and soon he successfully found a job at Boeing Company in the United States.

Faced with the high-tech treatment, he stayed in the United States without hesitation and voluntarily became an American citizen. Even as a Chinese, he no longer cherished his identity.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Becoming an American

and becoming a U.S. citizen requires an oath. There is a sentence in the oath: I voluntarily give up my loyalty to my previous country...

I don’t know that when taking the oath to become a U.S. citizen, this person was Lin Ye, who is touted internationally as a genius scientist, does he have a picture of China training him in his mind?

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Later he served as a missile researcher for Boeing Company. Of course, the US government also attached great importance to him.

not only provided him with money and efforts to cultivate a research team that enabled Lin Ye and his team to successfully develop the Minuteman series missiles, but at that time, this talented scientist was already able to earn an annual salary of 300,000 US dollars.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

But in contrast, those scientists who chose the opposite choice from Lin Ye were not outstanding in ability, but they had a heart that passionately loved their motherland, and they returned to their motherland.

At that time, China's scientific research environment was not advanced, and the salary of some researchers could not reach the annual salary of 10,000 yuan.

It is well known that in the Gobi Desert in the northwest of China, there are countless patriotic scientists. They face the loess and back to the sky, have dark skin and thin body, and even have difficulty contacting their families all year round.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

But it is precisely because we have such scientific research talents that China's development is on the right track step by step.

In this hard-working environment, China's own missile technology has also been developed one after another. Today's domestic scientific research environment has become one of the world's first-class advanced institutions.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Lin Ye, who can forge swords for his enemies, must the final ending be the most exciting? Not really.

On June 30, 2010, the U.S. Air Force successfully conducted a flight test of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile at a military base in California.

Although this experiment was very successful and allowed the missile to hit a predetermined target on an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean nearly 7 kilometers away, it could once again verify the safety of the weapon system, as well as its reliability and accuracy. people's imagination.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

The power of Minuteman 3

So how powerful is the Minuteman 3 intercontinental missile? In fact, its real development time only started in 1964, after 6 years of technological accumulation.

The Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile entered service in 1970, and is widely equipped with the United States Air Force.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

At that time, they still had to complete the deployment task of 550 pieces of equipment. After 5 years, this task was successfully completed. It took another three years for this missile to end production.

As of two years ago, it was still the only land-based intercontinental ballistic missile installed in the United States. Moreover, the U.S. government has decided to keep Minuteman 3 in service until about 2030, which shows that its advanced nature has been widely recognized by first-class countries in the world.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

It has a more reasonable layout in terms of aerodynamic structure and is equipped with a mk-12a warhead.

And in order to improve its survivability, scientists have also greatly strengthened the titanium ship of Minuteman 3. It has a three-stage solid rocket motor in the power system, and is also equipped with an abort system core gas, a rotation control system, etc.

It has a 4-door engine with a thrust of 8 kilograms, so it can maintain a high degree of rotation during the injection process.

In terms of attack capabilities, American scientists have installed mk12 multi-warheads on it.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Its boost system is more advanced, and after being equipped with a penetration device, it can change its attack route at any time.

In terms of quality control system, Minuteman 3 uses hybrid display guidance instead of implicit guidance, which can reduce the information on the intended target and enhance the storage capacity of target data, retain the original inertial measurement device and increase the guidance system software.

It successfully replaced the guidance computer of the 1960s and was able to maintain the bullet during flight and avoid roll and other unstable phenomena. can also control its rotation rate at two rotations per second through rotation stabilization.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

In terms of survivability, Minuteman 3 has been added to the satellite communication system and emergency command and control system. Its actual combat and survivability are at the forefront of the current intercontinental ballistic missile .

From the perspective of comprehensive performance, its warhead is nearly 18.3 meters long and has a diameter of about 1.67~1.88 meters. The bomb that can be carried weighs about 34.5 tons, and its maximum range is limited to 13,000 kilometers. The hit accuracy of pi is no less than 120 meters.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

The regrets of an American genius scientist

Such a terrifying large weapon is like a wild tiger that can eat a small white rabbit at any time, but among the scientists who developed it from scratch, there was a genius who was once a Chinese student.

reviews the US aircraft carrier arbitrarily claiming to be free of navigation near the South China Sea, as well as the hegemony phenomenon that has always appeared in the international community from time to time.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

In the process of international development, China often has to deal with unpredictable problems while vigorously developing its own technology.

However, as one of the researchers of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental missile, Lin Ye was later questioned by Boeing because his work safety was considered unreliable, so Lin Ye was fired.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

He no longer enjoys a high annual salary, and he has even become a reviled person in the United States.

Lin Ye and "comrade" Gao Xingxin, who can no longer stay outside, also want to return to China for retirement.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Lin Ye also said that Chinese blood flows in my body. I have the idea of ​​returning to my roots. I want to return to the place that raised me and cultivated me. This is my last wish for the rest of my life.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

Although Lin Ye has excellent science scores, he is not only able to develop missiles, but also cultivate a group of foreign scientific research successors.

But he seems to have failed in the subject of ethics.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

For example, after being abandoned by Americans, Lin Ye applied to regain Chinese citizenship so that he could settle in China for a long time in his later years.

But as we all know, Chinese nationality is actually the most difficult to obtain. Once our citizens give up the nationality of their motherland and want to return to the embrace of China, this is not a problem that can be solved by spending money and building connections.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews

And now that the Internet is so developed, after people heard that Lin Ye made weapons for the enemy, they wanted to be Chinese again, and there were very few voices supporting him.

basically have the same point of view - everyone believes that science has no borders, but scientists have their own identity.

If people forget the bottom line and pursue interests and reputation for a time, not to mention people will abandon them, and they will regret it in the future.

Not only did he use the money given to him by his motherland to help the United States build atomic bombs, he also wanted to stay overseas and serve another country with better conditions for a higher salary. Because its main achievement was the development of the American Minute - DayDayNews


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