Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the rule of law, the Xiamen Procuratorate proactively performs its duties in accordance with the law, protects Taiwan-related cultural relics, promotes integration with "emotion", and supports the integrated development of both sides

2024/07/0222:16:32 hotcomm 1223

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the rule of law, the Xiamen Procuratorate proactively performs its duties in accordance with the law, protects Taiwan-related cultural relics, promotes integration with

Xiamen, Fujian Province and Taiwan are separated by a narrow strip of water. Taiwan-related cultural relics carry the common emotional memories of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the rule of law, the Xiamen Procuratorate proactively performs its duties in accordance with the law, protects Taiwan-related cultural relics, promotes integration with "emotion", and supports the integrated development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

"When I see Taiwan-related cultural relics, I feel like I am back home. This is a kind of nostalgia. As long as local activities related to the protection of Taiwan-related cultural relics are carried out, I will actively participate." A Taiwanese compatriot who has been starting a business in Xiang'an District, Xiamen City for many years Mr. Huang said with emotion: From restoration and protection to revitalization and utilization, and the realization of "regeneration" of cultural relics, Taiwan-related cultural relics will surely shine with the glory of the times in the new era.

Co-defense: procuratorial promotion + departmental linkage

The overall renovation of the Yanbing Building was completed 9 years after the collapse; within the cultural relic protection scope of Yuanwei Hall in Maxiang, the illegal erection that had been built for more than 10 years was demolished; cultural relics such as Zengcuo Chen Family Temple All the stains and damages have been repaired... On April 21, as the drone controlled by the prosecutor reported the status of the repair of Taiwan-related cultural relics back to the venue, many Taiwanese compatriots sincerely praised it.

This on-site public interest litigation meeting for Taiwan-related cultural relics protection and prosecution, titled "Together Guarding the Memory of Xiangjin", was held in Tianqian Community, Dadeng Street, Xiang'an District. Everyone saw Taiwan-related issues from every scene and picture. The contrasting changes of cultural relics before and after restoration rekindled the emotional memories treasured deep in the heart.

Xiang'an faces Kinmen across the sea. There are many precious historical relics in the area, many of which are Taiwan-related cultural relics. The Yanbing Building (located in Tianqianbei, Dadeng Street, Xiang'an District), one of the former sites of Kinmen County Government in Dadeng, is an important historical site for compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to fight against Japan together. "The existence and restoration of the old Kinmen County Government site in Dadeng has made many villagers very concerned and looking forward to it." Li Bifeng, the former county magistrate of Kinmen County , who has been following the progress of cultural relic restoration, expressed his joy through a video.

According to the prosecutor of the Xiang'an District Procuratorate, the protection of Taiwan-related cultural relics was due to clues provided by public interest litigation observers. In September 2020, after receiving information from public interest litigation observers that some immovable cultural relics within its jurisdiction were defaced and damaged, the hospital set up a cultural relics protection investigation team. After more than 3 months and more than 50 visits across mountains and ridges, the hospital screened out more than 20 key cultural relics with problems, and conducted on-site inspections one by one, including the Yanbing Tower and the Yuanwei Hall in Maxiang. , Zengcuo Chen Family Temple and other Taiwan-related cultural relics, some have collapsed due to disrepair and neglect, some have safety hazards, their "survival" status is worrying, and they urgently need to be protected.

In December 2020, the Xiang'an District Procuratorate issued Xiamen 's first pre-litigation procuratorial recommendations for cultural relics protection public interest litigation based on the damage to cultural relics, urging the district's cultural relics authorities to carry out special surveys, filings, and renovations, and provide relevant units and individuals with Issue a "Notice of Order for Rectification". In October 2021, the Yanbing Building renovation project was launched. After more than 70 days and nights of repairs, the Yanbing Building, which used to be overgrown with trees and looked dilapidated, has now been restored close to its original appearance.

But the protection of cultural relics is not easy. During the follow-up supervision, the prosecutor learned that the illegal construction within the protection scope of Yuanwei Hall in Maxiang, which has a history of more than 400 years, has not been effectively rectified. As a result, the court once again initiated the pre-litigation procedure for public interest litigation, and issued procuratorial suggestions to the District City Administration Bureau, urging them to actively perform their duties and strengthen linkage with the cultural relics protection department. A month later, the illegal buildings that had lasted for more than 10 years were demolished in accordance with the law, and the safety hazards to cultural relics were finally eliminated.

After more than a year of hard work, the procuratorial recommendations have been implemented one by one. It is reported that starting from 2019, Xiang'an District will launch a three-year centralized protection and restoration work of historical and cultural heritage. At present, the relevant work has been completed ahead of schedule by the end of June this year, and Taiwan-related cultural relics have gained new vitality.

Integration: volunteer service + claim and protection

Yan Zhen, a man of the Northern Song Dynasty, was a descendant of the Confucian sage Yan Hui. Yan Zhen's descendant Yan Siqi is revered as the "King of Taiwan Founding" by the people, and his achievements in founding Taiwan have been written into history textbooks. The culture of opening Taiwan has far-reaching influence on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.In 2016, Yan Zhen's tomb was listed as a cultural relic and historic site in Xiamen and Taiwan.

In March of this year, the Haicang District Procuratorate of Xiamen City, while carrying out special legal supervision on the protection of ancient buildings and ancient sites related to Taiwan, discovered that garbage was piled around Yan Zhen’s cemetery, the environment was messy, and the cemetery was occupied by other buildings. The academy believes that although the ownership of the cultural relics in Yan Zhen's tomb belongs to individuals, the cultural relics should not only be repaired and maintained, but should also be excavated and brought into play for their cultural value. To this end, the hospital's production and inspection department recommended urging the competent authorities to upgrade the environment around Yan Zhen's tomb, and during the follow-up supervision process, it promoted relevant departments to coordinate and solve the problem of repair funds.

It is reported that in order to jointly protect traditional Chinese culture, the Xiamen City Procuratorate attaches great importance to recruiting Taiwan compatriots who are enthusiastic about public welfare and concerned about history and culture to serve as public interest litigation observers, hearing officers, procuratorial liaisons, or to join the volunteer team for the protection of Taiwan-related cultural relics. When handling Taiwan-related cultural relics protection cases, the procuratorate invites "three members" to participate in on-site visits, jointly study work plans, listen to their opinions and suggestions, and enhance Taiwanese compatriots' sense of gain and belonging in cultural relics protection.

On April 21, the Xiang'an District Procuratorate took the opportunity of handling the case and, together with the District Culture and Tourism Bureau, hired five Taiwan compatriots who are engaged in art, tourism and design as volunteers for the protection of Taiwan-related cultural relics, giving full play to their expertise in their respective fields. Provide information and professional support for the protection of Taiwan-related cultural relics. It is reported that 5 Taiwan compatriot volunteers claimed 17 Taiwan-related cultural relics. By visiting the surrounding cultural relics and using the "Pai Yi Pai" public interest litigation clues to collect clues and upload information to the mini program, the competent authorities were informed of the current status of cultural relics protection at the first time.

Hong Bingju, deputy director of the Xiang'an District Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that Taiwan compatriots becoming volunteers for cultural relics protection not only enriches the volunteer team, but also helps integrate civil forces on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and comprehensively protect the emotional memories of both sides.

Empathy : Emotional identification + spiritual fit

At 10 a.m. on June 9, a hearing on the administrative public interest litigation case of poor protection of Chen Huacheng's tomb and archway was held at the Siming District Procuratorate of Xiamen City.

Before the hearing, representatives of Taiwanese compatriots and other participants and prosecutors came to Chen Huacheng’s tomb and archway storage area to intuitively experience the water seepage under Chen Huacheng’s tomb, illegal construction around it, and the random stacking of several stone tablets and stone components. .

Chen Huacheng’s Tomb is a national-level Taiwan-related cultural relics protection unit. The story of Chen Hua, a famous anti-British general and national hero who loved his country and his hometown, has been widely circulated on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. "The ancillary cultural relics of the aged tombs are at risk of weathering and erosion. The current situation of the cemetery has destroyed the historical style of the cultural relics. The surrounding environment of the cultural relics is not suitable for its historical status and protection level. The competent authorities should strengthen management and renovation and maintenance." At the hearing, The hearing officers unanimously supported the resolution of the problem through prosecutorial public interest litigation.

On June 13, the Siming District Procuratorate sent procuratorial suggestions to the cultural relics protection department, recommending that they strengthen protection responsibilities, make every effort to restore the original appearance of cultural relics, and carry out a package of protection for Chenhuacheng tombs, Chenhuacheng former residences, and ancestral halls within the jurisdiction. "The procuratorial recommendations are very timely and powerful. It only took less than a month from discovering clues, investigating and verifying, organizing hearings to making suggestions and promoting rectification." President of Xiamen Chen Huacheng Research Association and the fifth-generation grandson of General Chen Huacheng Chen Huiying gave positive comments on the efficient performance of duties by the Procuratorate.

There is something in my heart and something in my heart. Taiwanese compatriots have a deep affection for Taiwan-related cultural relics. After repair and protection, the Taiwan-related cultural relics such as Yan Zhen’s Tomb, Yanbing Building and Maxiang Yuanwei Hall have become places for Taiwanese compatriots to trace their roots, pay homage to their ancestors, pay homage to their ancestors, and serve as a platform for cross-strait exchanges. The base has aroused positive responses and spiritual resonance among Taiwan compatriots.

"If cultural relics are not repaired in time, they will be destroyed invisible. For the restoration and protection of cultural relics, public interest litigation and prosecution have created a virtuous positive cycle mechanism, which embodies closeness and interaction with the people, and also allows more people to feel the power and power of the rule of law. Temperature." Lai Yuyun, a Taiwanese compatriot who has a PhD in history from Tsinghua University and has participated in the restoration of cultural relics in the Forbidden City, said that she posted the results of the procuratorate's careful protection of Taiwan-related cultural relics to her circle of friends and received praises from many Taiwanese compatriots and people in the cultural and historical circles. .

Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are connected by blood.On the eve of this year’s International Children’s Day, under the guidance of the Taiwan-related procuratorial departments of the Fujian Procuratorate and Xiamen Municipal Procuratorate, the Xiang’an District Procuratorate held the “Cross-Strait Culture·Inheritance of Childlike Heart” Procuratorate Open Day event, organizing children from both sides of the strait to visit Taiwan-related cultural relics , telling the stories behind the cultural relics, allowing the next generation to see the "objects" and remember their origins, unite the family ties of compatriots, and continue the Chinese cultural heritage.

(Procuratorate Daily Zhang Renping Shan Kun Yang Minmin)

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