How to match the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? What is the recommended lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? Is there any strategy for matching the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? God Awakened is a game designed with the background of multi-civilization myt

2024/07/0222:46:32 game 1874

How to match the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? What is the recommended lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? Is there any strategy for matching the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? God Awakened is a game based on the multi-civilization myth system. It is a strategy card game designed. The Surging Shadow is one of the bosses in the Desolate Realm dungeon. Many players want to know how to match the lineup of the Divine Awakened Surge Shadow. Here is the introduction to the Divine Awakening Surge Moving Shadow lineup guide.

How to match the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? What is the recommended lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? Is there any strategy for matching the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? God Awakened is a game designed with the background of multi-civilization myt - DayDayNews

The Surge of the Divine Awakener lineup guide

1. Recommended lineup: Set, Dalia, Ansonis, Liuer, Dajie, King Sai.

2. Lineup added: Hera, Shu, Ollie, Yuelao, Eden, Freya.

3. Recommended souvenirs: Anthenis High Speed ​​Water God, and the rest can assist the Fengshen, output the sixth position with speed.

How to match the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? What is the recommended lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? Is there any strategy for matching the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? God Awakened is a game designed with the background of multi-civilization myt - DayDayNews

4. Playing ideas:

The Surging Shadow will release bursting light in the third stage, and add five layers of poison stains to all characters. The more poison stains the player removes, the higher the score multiplier obtained in the five stages. Clear all Poison stains can increase your score eighteen times. The poison stain effect can only be removed by the character's actions, and each action removes one layer at a time. Therefore, the focus of clearing the level of Surging Shadow is to ensure that the character has enough actions through the support of pull bars and high-speed main C, so that he can defeat Enough score multipliers.

How to match the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? What is the recommended lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? Is there any strategy for matching the lineup of God Awakened: Surge of Shadow? God Awakened is a game designed with the background of multi-civilization myt - DayDayNews

The above is the lineup guide for the Surge of Shadows of the Divine Awakener. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

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