Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun paid a high-profile visit to the United States in early June this year. First, he categorically denied the "1992 Consensus" reached by the Kuomintang and the mainland that "both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China and strive to seek reunif

2024/07/0220:58:33 hotcomm 1543

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun paid a high-profile visit to the United States in early June this year. First, he categorically denied the

KMT Chairman Zhu Lilun paid a high-profile visit to the United States in early June this year. First, he categorically denied the " 1992 Consensus " reached by the Kuomintang and the mainland that "both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China and strive to seek reunification." Second, he submitted a petition to the United States, saying The Taiwan Strait will face conflicts in the next 5 to 10 years, and it needs to immediately obtain powerful strategic and tactical weapons from the United States to deter and resist "mainland invasion." The third expressed its loyalty to the United States, saying that since the founding of the party a hundred years ago, the Kuomintang has always cooperated with The United States maintains close relations and is a "pro-American, anti-communist" party.

Recently came into contact with a former Taiwan Army general and the leftist Kuomintang general Li Guoxiang. He angrily criticized Zhu's Kuomintang: "For Mr. Zhongshan's drive out the Tartars and the restoration of the Han Dynasty to the recovery of the mainland by Chiang Kai-shek, now it is mixed with his own ideas and ideas. He didn’t even dare to mention the 1992 Consensus he witnessed. How dare he suggest that the Chinese Kuomintang should tear off its pro-China label? Is it possible that the Democratic Progressive Party’s political views are behind it and it has become a peaceful and quiet opposition party? The atmosphere of public opinion corroded by the pro-independence teaching materials, the incompetent Kuomintang has come to an end with the consecutive battles Ma Ying-jeou generation, leaving a group of old oilmen and middle-aged bastards. When the situation is good, they appear in vain and look ugly, but when the situation is bad, they stay on the sidelines and are kind, courteous and thrifty. If things continue like this, the fate of the fragmentation of the small party will soon come! "

Indeed, Zhu's "Three Statements" not only clearly and fully exposed his traitorous character of being anti-communist and pro-American, pursuing Taiwan independence and separatism, and even betraying the country for glory. It reflects the essence of the Kuomintang and now the entire Taiwanese political scene.

"Come, come, come to NTU, go, go, go to the United States." This is a popular jingle in Taiwanese society. This jingle vividly outlines the yearning and yearning of young people in Taiwan to enter the upper class. It is also a vivid portrayal of the bustling politicians on the island of Taiwan.

Elitism is the tacit and consistent organizational line within the Kuomintang and Taiwan’s mainstream political parties. There are only a handful of Taiwanese so-called "presidents" in Taiwan: Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, Ma Ying-jeou, and Tsai Ing-wen, all of whom came from Taiwan except for Chiang Kai-shek's and Chiang Ching-kuo's who were dedicated to the world but suddenly lost their incense. Graduated from university. Most of the leaders of the Kuomintang and Democratic Progressive Party, including Lien Chan, Wu Dunyi, Annette Lu, Lai Ching-te, etc., including the current Chu Lilun and the leader of the People's Party, Taiwan's second largest party, Ke Wenzhe, also graduated from National Taiwan University and studied in the United States. .

The coconut trees at National Taiwan University have a story. When you step into the gate of National Taiwan University, a two-kilometer-long avenue goes straight forward to the other end of the campus... This is the famous Coconut Grove Avenue in the famous National Taiwan University. The avenue is lined with towering coconut trees swaying at the top. The coconut trees are majestic and high up, with their noble heads raised, overlooking the surrounding exotic trees, grass and flowers, with a look of disdain and "who else in the world would give up to me". The coconut trees also keep a respectful distance from each other, keeping a certain distance and not wanting to interact with each other. There is a joke among teachers and students at National Taiwan University, saying that our alumni are all as outstanding and arrogant as coconut trees. They are full of contempt and contempt for "those who are not my tree". However, they are wary of each other, find it difficult to cooperate and even exclude each other. Therefore, Liu Zhaoxuan, who once served as the "Executive Dean", once said bitterly at a graduation ceremony of National Taiwan University: Students of National Taiwan University are like the coconut trees on the Coconut Grove Avenue of National Taiwan University, "They only care about growing up, and they don't even have a little shade." not to others”. This trend originated and flourished especially in the Kuomintang. The mainstream faction of the Kuomintang looks down upon and dislikes "wild people" like Hong Xiuzhu and Han Guoyu . Therefore, although the self-reliant Hong Xiuzhu was nominated to run for president in 2015, he was quickly and easily pulled down by the party bosses and replaced by Zhu Lilun, who graduated from National Taiwan University and studied in the United States. Lost to Tsai Ing-wen; Han Kuo-yu from the grassroots is extremely popular, setting off the "Korean Wave" and helping the Kuomintang win a large victory in the last "nine-in-one election", but in the end it did not gain the consensus of all factions in the party Supported and lost in the 2020 "general election".

Today, Han Kuo-yu is in a state of decline, and Zhu Lilun has returned to the KMT government. He claims to be powerful, but his leadership is incompetent and his call for power is weak. Even the current 14 KMT county magistrates and mayors cannot gather together for a meeting. . In addition, the entire electoral situation in Taiwan has added a new big player: the People's Party, which was only established by Ke Wenzhe in August 2019, has now surpassed the Kuomintang and become the second largest party in Taiwan! How can a century-old company like the Kuomintang, which is self-centered, full of factions, conflicting with each other, and constantly fighting among themselves, have completely lost its spirit of unity and upward vitality? How can it not decline and decline?

Elite families and the rich and powerful are often twin brothers.

Let’s start with Zhu Lilun. On the campus of National Taiwan University more than 20 years ago, when I saw a black Mercedes-Benz (called "Mercedes-Benz" in mainland China) driving past on the Coconut Grove Avenue, it was like walking and riding on the road. All students and teachers who ride bicycles or motorcycles know: That is Teacher Zhu. Teachers and students all know that the reason why Mr. Zhu was promoted to full professor in just a few years after returning from studying in the United States is because his father-in-law, Gao Yuren, is a well-known senior official in Taiwan (having served as the "Speaker" and "Internal Affairs Minister" of Taiwan Province). "Secretary of the Ministry", "Legislator" and member of the Central Standing Committee of the Kuomintang, etc.), and sits on the "Gao Empire" which is extremely wealthy and controls dozens of companies. As for Zhu Lilun's subsequent mediocre performance in the political arena and repeated defeats, he was still able to occupy the high position of chairman of the Kuomintang twice. This is all related to his strong power and money background.

"My wife and her family owned the most land in Tamsui County at that time. They were landowners with three thousand kilograms of rice and several hundred square meters of land." Lee Teng-hui, the godfather of Taiwan independence and a national thief, once proudly described his wife Zeng Wenhui's land. natal family. As we all know, Zeng Wenhui's wealthy family has connected Lee Teng-hui with the "Taiwanese" local families such as the Yan family in Keelung and the Lin family in Banqiao. The powerful local force formed by the overlapping of in-laws and blood relatives has become an important pillar of Lee Teng-hui after he came to power.

Chen Shui-bian's transformation from a "poor boy" to a powerful figure in Taiwan is not unrelated to the wealthy background of his wife Wu Shuzhen. Wu Shuzhen was born in a family of doctors in Tainan County. Both parents had strong financial resources and were well-fed and well-clothed. She never knew what it was like to be poor since she was a child. When Chen Shui-bian gained supreme power in Taiwan, the couple's desire to pursue wealth became apparent. They colluded with each other and engaged in vicious corruption and corruption, which eventually led to Chen Zhengdang being imprisoned and his reputation ruined.

Tsai Ing-wen is a well-to-do rich girl. His father, Jesse Tsai, made a lot of money repairing fighter planes for the Japanese "Imperial Army" during the Japanese colonial era. When Japan was defeated and left Taiwan, he opened an auto repair shop, which was the starting point of his wealth. Jesse Tsai invested and managed well and accumulated huge wealth. In the 1960s, he was ranked among the top 10 taxpayers in Taipei. Tsai Ing-wen's family now owns three companies, including Jiesheng Investment (later renamed Futai Investment), Taimao Biotechnology and Yuchang Biotechnology. Its industries span real estate, gas stations, tourist hotels, driving ranges, sports equipment and other venues and venues. Auto parts equipment and many other fields. During the Taiwan election, Tsai Ing-wen's property information reported to Taiwan's "Election Committee" showed that she has a net worth of hundreds of millions, making her the richest Taiwanese leader in history.

There is no doubt that today’s Kuomintang and the mainstream political parties in Taiwan’s political arena and their big bosses represent the powerful power and interests of the elites and powerful people on the island of Taiwan. Ordinary Taiwanese people can only wait and watch. On the one hand, the origins of these upper-class forces can be traced back to the Japanese occupation era, which was founded by the Japanese and was deeply influenced by the ideology and culture of the Japanese imperial people. In their souls, these people would rather accept Japanese rule and become Japanese devils than Chinese. On the other hand, as Zhu Lilun said truthfully this time, the Kuomintang has always been pro-American and anti-communist. Its origin is the Kuomintang right wing headed by Chiang Kai-shek and the four major families of Chiang Kai-shek, Song, Kong and Chen who control the country's economic lifeline.

People in Taiwan who are now in their 40s and 50s to 60s and 70s were educated by Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang when they were young. Their characteristic is that they have always denied that in 1927, Chiang Kai-shek rebelled against Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the country, and “allied with Russia, the Communist Party, and supported the peasants and workers.” policy, launched the April 12 "Purge of the Party", bloody massacres of Chinese Communists, and the fact that the Kuomintang leftists were purged; they never mentioned the fact that the "National Army" with eight million people and well-equipped American weapons and equipment was defeated after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War , the reason why in just four years they suffered a crushing defeat, lost to the "Communist Army" with millet and rifles, and lost the entire continent.

Over the years, I have seen the rapid prosperity and progress of the mainland. I have also met many friends from the mainland and learned many historical facts. I think the reason why the Communist Party of China, led by our great man Mao Zedong from Hunan, has achieved great success is that it truly implements the original intention of the founding father Sun Yat-sen to "awaken the people" and that it truly represents the broad masses of the Chinese people, that is, ordinary people. interests and desires, using the "Inspection Report on the Peasant Movement in Hunan" and "Analysis of All Classes in Chinese Society" as ideological tools, "believe in the masses, rely on the masses, and mobilize the masses", so they are unfavorable in every possible way. Not only were they defeated in a short period of time The Kuomintang founded the New China, and it continues to grow and rise, turning this century into a great "Chinese Century" and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The Kuomintang and Taiwan's "political elites" are still continuing their activities! The line of the rich and powerful, for their own selfish interests and to maintain their own peaceful small court, is to flatter the United States and worship Japan, and implement the little tricks of overt independence or covert independence, which seems to be able to hide the truth.

I have noticed that some mainland people. Friends, including high-level people, still have unrealistic expectations and illusions about the current KMT and Taiwan's electoral politics. They feel that the KMT still has a certain strength and believe that the KMT may make a comeback and regain power in Taiwan's political arena. Many people also have unrealistic expectations about the KMT and Taiwan's electoral politics. Taiwan’s elections are talked about and busy analyzed.

The author has been in Canada for many years. In recent years, he has participated in organizing local elections and served as the chief financial officer of a political party. Therefore, he has some experience in the Western electoral politics that Taiwan follows. I understand.

I admire General Li Guoxiang's description of the "game field" of Taiwan's elections: "The American-style 'ballot democracy' has been implemented in Taiwan since the establishment of the Democratic Progressive Party and since the 'removal of martial law' Is there any election with ulterior motives? Which election was not cheated by candidates with ulterior motives by manipulating, buying and manipulating votes? ...Even the judiciary, prosecution, and supervision have become the factories of green camp bandits. Who would have thought that the idiots would follow the United States to engage in Western American-style fake democratic elections? What's more, the United States has also introduced foreign forces to intervene. As a result, an American-style democratic election that claims to be a merit-based election has instead become a system where political parties, factions, and political and business relationships each show off their talents and get what they need, and use every possible means to link power and interests to each other. A combination of forces between political parties, businessmen and gangs! "

Like all patriotic Chinese on the mainland, on the island, and overseas, what I care about most and want to see the most is the early reunification of the motherland.

In view of this and limited by space, I would like to end this article with the following "three questions":

1. Looking at Taiwan's political arena, in the next three (ten years) "general elections", is it possible to see a sincere hug? Will a unified party come to power?

2. If not, do Taiwan’s elections and competition among mainstream political parties have anything to do with China’s reunification?

3. If not, should the leaders of the mainland, while considering the method and time of reunification, truly "place their hopes on the people of Taiwan" and devote their efforts and support to what Taiwanese society can really gain after reunification? Real interests, and therefore truly support unified classes, groups and people?

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun paid a high-profile visit to the United States in early June this year. First, he categorically denied the

[About the author] Luo Ruoli , a native of Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, was born in Tainan City, Taiwan Province. She has a master's degree in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master's degree in tax law from Golden Gate University. She is now a certified senior accountant in Canada and the United States. Residing and practicing in Edmonton. Served as: Director of the Canadian Edmonton Branch of the Chinese Kuomintang, President of the Alberta Branch of Taiwanese Colleges and Universities in Alberta, Canada, Chief Financial Officer and Director of the Alberta Party of Canada, Chief Financial Officer of the Provincial Assembly Election of the Province of Alberta, Canada (CFO), etc. Current: Founding President of the China-Taiwan Federation of North America, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Director of the Canada-China Cooperation and Development Promotion Association, Overseas Director of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Huangpu Relatives and Friends Association for Future Generations.

(Source: Kunlunce.com [original] revised draft, author authorized to publish first)

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