When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression.

2024/07/0104:50:32 hotcomm 1157

When we talk about Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, such as oyster omelette , pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but there is no complete and comprehensive impression.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

Maybe you think it is like a convenience food, and eating it once is enough. But after coming here, I discovered that Taiwan is so rich and interesting. It is more like a pot of carefully cooked old soup, simmered slowly and carefully. Only when you get to know it more deeply can you understand its charm.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

Taiwan's transportation is very convenient, and language communication is not difficult. People of all colors and languages ​​​​gather here.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

In the cold autumn and winter, it is a different experience to go to Taiwan, not far from the mainland, to take a private bath~

Taiwan can be called the world's hot spring museum, from cold springs, hot springs, to all kinds of hot spring soups , not only the quality is good, but the variety is as complete as Japan, the kingdom of hot springs.

Even though Taiwan is small, there are as many as 128 hot springs.. For local people, if you don't go to a hot spring (hot spring) in winter, it's like not eating hot pot.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

Always in late autumn, all TVs, magazines, and newspapers start gearing up to report on hot springs everywhere, "Where can I go to hot springs this year?"

Finding a hot spring hotel for a private bath is a popular way for locals to spend weekends.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

This time we went to Taiwan’s hot spring resort to experience the unique charm of Taiwan’s private hot springs.

has specially arranged a super colorful hot spring resort with a leisurely and tranquil natural environment. There are natural sodium bicarbonate hot springs in the rooms for guests to use. In addition to the private hot spring pools in the rooms, you can also enjoy outdoor hot springs and open-air hot spring swimming pools. It is an enjoyment for all ages.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

In addition to hot springs, these are also the right way to open up Taiwan!

Taipei, take a leisurely stroll

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

watch the sunset in When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews01 building , and enjoy the excitement of the night market in Ximending . Fashion and nostalgia, modernity and tradition, passion and slowness are all freely released in this city.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

The National Palace Museum in Taipei houses many priceless art treasures. The museum inherits the collection of emperors from the Qing Dynasty since the Northern Song Dynasty, and has more than 650,000 historical relics. Therefore, the National Palace Museum in Taipei has the reputation of "Treasure House of Chinese Culture".

Overlooking the top of Building 101

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

Taipei 101 Building is located in Xinyi District, Taipei City. It has 101 floors above ground and 5 floors underground. There are 5 floors of shopping malls from B1 to 4. The 89th floor is an indoor viewing floor and the 91st floor is outdoor. Observation deck.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

"You are you, a different kind of fireworks ." These words are perfect to describe the New Year's Eve fireworks in the 101 Building. Although usually Taipei 101 is also very bright, but if you have the opportunity to witness the 101 New Year's Eve fireworks with your own eyes on New Year's Day The party will be an even more unforgettable experience.

Kenting, accompanied by clear sea breeze

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

The white lighthouse, green grass and blue water play a cheerful movement, this is Kenting. Kenting has always been considered a refreshing place. Countless people hope to leave long footprints on the beach in Kenting.

Hualien, the real Taroko

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

It seems that God has given the most beautiful scenery to Hualien, Taroko National Park, with high mountains, cliffs and deep valleys, waterfalls in the air, and clear streams, it is a wonder everywhere.

Kaohsiung , meet love as soon as you turn around

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

Kaohsiung is located in southern Taiwan. It is a world-famous port and the second largest city in Taiwan. Compared with Taipei, the area is much smaller, the city buildings are relatively new, and the city environment is beautiful, making people feel comfortable.

Beautiful scenery, Sun Moon Lake Take a boat tour on the lake

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

Sun Moon Lake is surrounded by mountains. The water is clear and crystal clear, the lake is vast, and the peaks are reflected in the lake, just like the beautiful scenery in a painting.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

You can take a leisurely stroll along the beautiful lakeside trails; or ride a bicycle along the comfortable and pleasant road around the lake; or take a yacht, ride the wind and waves, or row a boat to experience the poetic and picturesque artistic conception; you can also take a cable car to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains and waters from a high place. Close your eyes.

When we think of Taiwan, we usually think of Taiwanese idol dramas, oyster omelets, pineapple cakes and other very fragmented keywords that are popular all over the country, but we don’t have a complete and comprehensive impression. - DayDayNews

"If you don't know Alishan , you don't know the beauty of Taiwan." There are unique wonders everywhere here. The scenery of Alishan is well-deserved, and tourists are all intoxicated. The constant stream of tourists coming here makes Alishan even more mysterious and charming.

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