As the saying goes, "There are all kinds of birds in the forest", and this is even more true in the big environment of the entertainment industry. One second, they may be good friends, but the next second, they may become "dead enemies."

2024/07/0202:56:34 hotcomm 1045

As the saying goes, "There are all kinds of birds in the forest" , and this is even more true in the entertainment industry. One second, they may be good friends, but the next second, they may become "dead enemies."

Among the many male stars, there are many Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua , Jay Chou and Liu Genghong , such true friends. Of course, there are also many "fake brothers" who are "like fire and water". They have come into conflict with each other for various reasons, and it is difficult for them to cooperate in this life.

As the saying goes,

For example, Wang Leehom and Li Yundi, both of them are great talents. They hit it off immediately and often played music together. Unexpectedly, people started to talk about their CP. Under the heavy pressure, the two broke up and it was difficult to cooperate again.

For example, Edison Chen and Nicholas Tse debuted together and were once good brothers, but in the end they turned against each other because of Cecilia Cheung , and now they are still inseparable.

In fact, there are many male stars in the entertainment industry who are " good brothers in front of others, but enemies in others". Every pair is in the same boat, making it difficult to cooperate.

As the saying goes,

1. Edison Chen, Nicholas Tse

If the time goes back 20 years, Edison Chen and Nicholas Tse are definitely Hong Kong's "top little fresh meats". They have been playmates since childhood. Their family backgrounds are also very similar, and they also made their debut at the same time. star.

Nicholas Tse's father is Tse Yin , and his mother is Deborah . He has received all the attention from the media since he was born, and it is natural for him to enter the entertainment industry.

Edison Chen’s father, Chen Zemin, , was a successful businessman in his early years. He was very familiar with the big guys in the Hong Kong entertainment industry and was good friends with Liming .

As the saying goes,

Under Liming's recommendation, Edison Chen entered the entertainment industry to shoot commercials, and later signed a contract with Emperor , and became a highly praised target.

Although the two are about the same age, Nicholas Tse debuted earlier and became famous earlier. Moreover, his relationship with the queen Faye Wong also contributed to his fame.

Around 2000, Nicholas Tse had become an absolute top figure in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and his fame was catching up with the older generation stars such as Andy Lau and Tony Leung .

As the saying goes,

Edison Chen's fame was initially much smaller than that of Nicholas Tse, but with the help of capital bosses, his popularity has also risen rapidly.

For a long time, these two good brothers have been keeping pace with each other. After became famous, the two still maintained a good relationship and collaborated on many works, which made them instantly praised.

However, the "Y Zhaomen" incident broke out in 2008, which brought the relationship between the two to a freezing point. It would not be an exaggeration to even call them enemies.

Although Nicholas Tse has repeatedly emphasized that "I have not seen the photos," he must be very clear about the process of the matter, and it is inevitable that he will have opinions about Edison Chen.

As the saying goes,

Later in an interview, a reporter asked Nicholas Tse: "How is the relationship with Edison Chen?"

Nicholas Tse bluntly said: "I no longer have his contact information, and there is no such person in my social circle at all."

Nicholas Tse's response was very official, and it saved the last bit of face for the two of them without breaking their skin.

As the saying goes,

But in fact, only he himself knows what Nicholas Tse is thinking in his heart. After all, this is "the hatred of seizing his wife."

In order to avoid the limelight, Edison Chen chose to withdraw from the circle, which can be regarded as his own answer.

In any case, these former good friends have completely parted ways since then. There will never be any intersection and there will never be any cooperation in this life.

As the saying goes,

2. Wang Sicong , Wang Xiaofei

Wang Sicong and Wang Xiaofei are both rich second generations. One is the son of Wanda , and the other is the heir of South Beauty. If you keep your head down and don't look up at each other in the circle, it stands to reason that no conflicts will break out.

However, the second generation of rich people are also divided into different levels. Wang Sicong rarely tears down the second generation of rich people, but he just dislikes Wang Xiaofei's family.

The conflict between the two begins with the wedding of Wang Xiaofei and S.

As the saying goes,

On March 22, 2011, Wang Xiaofei and Da S held a grand wedding in Sanya. However, after the wedding scene was exposed, it attracted criticism from netizens. Most people complained that the wedding was too luxurious and extravagant.

Seeing that the voice of public opinion is getting louder, Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan responded: "I am good friends with Wang Jianlin , and he sponsored this wedding."

This approach is suspected of "directing trouble to the east" , naturally aroused Wang Sicong's dissatisfaction, so he posted a message on the social platform, which probably meant "Our family is not familiar with you, so don't get close to us."

As the saying goes,

After Zhang Lan saw it, in order to relieve his embarrassment, he said: "Wang Sicong has just returned to China and is not sensible. I have business dealings with Wanda Group and hope to respect each other."

Wang Sicong immediately replied: "Aunt Zhang Lan if If you think I'm a soft persimmon, then I can only say that you made a big mistake this time."

Seeing that her mother was at a disadvantage, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but join the "battlefield". She didn't know whether to call him grumpy or careless. Brain, when he came up, he immediately burst into foul language.

"Grandson, you are such a stinker, you will suffer the day of your death!" could see that Wang Xiaofei was really angry.

As the saying goes,

On the other hand, Wang Sicong was at a higher level. Not only was he not so angry, but he also described Wang Xiaofei as useless.

He said: "The two steel ingots in your trouser pocket are still pretending to be the second generation of rich people. You are so embarrassed. Look at yourself in the mirror. You are over thirty and have been useless all day long."

I guess this Only Wang Sicong can speak out, because those who have the strength to say such things are not as high-profile as him, and those high-profile people do not have such strength.

As the saying goes,

In short, the scolding war between the two sides ended with Wang Sicong's victory. Although the two sides scolded each other in a hurry, they provided a lot of jokes to netizens.

Wang Sicong was confident and refused to accept anyone; while Wang Xiaofei was a bit pretentious, but was eventually exposed by Wang Sicong and became angry and ended up in today's situation.

Nowadays, Wang Xiaofei's career is not as good as before, and it seems that there is no way to win back the victory from Wang Sicong.

As the saying goes,

3. Feng Xiaogang , Deng Chao

The feud between Feng Xiaogang and Deng Chao also started when Feng Xiaogang was filming " assembly number ".

At that time, the candidate for the male lead " Gu Zi Di " had been confirmed, and it was Zhang Hanyu . The second male lead, " Zhao Erdou ", was undecided. After some searching, Feng Xiaogang fell in love with Deng Chao.

However, at that time, Deng Chao had already accepted the script of "sweet", so he had to run back and forth between two crews. Moreover, Deng Chao was pursuing Sun Li at the time, so his heart was more inclined to the crew of "Sweet Honey".

As the saying goes,

Later, when the filming of "Assembly Number" started, Deng Chao disappeared. After asking, I found out that Deng Chao was filming an emotional scene with Sun Li on the set of "Sweet Honey".

The entire crew of "Assembly" was exposed to the sun for a long time.

In order to "retaliate" for Deng Chao's behavior, Feng Xiaogang often made trouble for Deng Chao while filming. For example, in a scene where he was eating green onions, Feng Xiaogang said that he was not eating well and forced him to eat more than ten green onions.

As the saying goes,

After the filming of the movie was completed, Deng Chao went to participate in the filming of " Human Love " and did not participate in the promotional tour of "Assembly Number", which once again made Feng Xiaogang furious.

At the end of 2007, Feng Xiaogang led the crew to promote "Assembly Number". At the press conference, everyone only focused on the relationship between Deng Chao and Sun Li and did not mention the movie at all, which made Feng Xiaogang very angry.

At the press conference, Deng Chao was still speaking eloquently. Feng Xiaogang interrupted directly and said "Okay, that's it for today's press conference. I don't think anyone cares about the movie." Then he left, Deng Chao was embarrassed. Incessantly.

As the saying goes,

However, it was not too late for the relationship between the two, and many stories later emerged.

At the beginning of 2015, Feng Xiaogang reviewed a large number of variety shows in front of the media. He said that "a movie shot in five or six days is opportunistic and cannot be called a good movie."

Based on that time, everyone immediately thought that Feng Xiaogang was talking about the movie "Running Man".

As the saying goes,

As the captain of "Running Man", his work has been attacked, so he cannot remain silent. As a result, Deng Chao posted a post on the social platform calling "chicken thieves and art."

Before Feng Xiaogang could respond, Deng Chao said that his account had just been stolen. But before netizens could react, Deng Chao posted again: "How do you say chicken thieves in your local dialect?"

As the saying goes,

Now netizens understood that Deng Chao was "meaning something." Suddenly, there was a lot of tension between Deng Chao and Feng Xiaogang.

By coincidence, at the end of 2015, Deng Chao's " Villain Angel " and Feng Xiaogang's " Old Paoer " were released together during the Lunar New Year holiday.

Although "Old Paoer" has a good reputation, its early box office performance is completely inferior to "Bad Angel".

At this moment, Feng Xiaogang suddenly liked a blogger who complained about the negative reviews of "Villain Angel". This time, Feng Xiaogang also used the "sliding hand" technique of throwing the blame.

As the saying goes,

Since "Assembly" in 2007, the two have never had any intersection for 14 years.

This time, one person said that his account was hacked, and the other liked it with a swipe of his hand. It looked like it was entertaining the public, but in fact, he was holding his breath inside.

As the saying goes,

Four, Zhao Wenzhuo , Donnie Yen

Zhao Wenzhuo and Donnie Yen are big names in the martial arts star circle, and they have always been at the top.

In fact, there is rarely discord between martial arts stars, but these two people are a special case. Thinking back then, the conflict between the two was difficult to adjust, and they even publicly attacked each other on the Internet.

In 2012, when Donnie Yen was filming "Special Identity ", he recommended Zhao Wenzhuo to the crew. Originally the crew did not agree, but after Donnie Yen's recommendation, they still spent a lot of money to invite Zhao Wenzhuo.

As the saying goes,

However, not long after Zhao Wenzhuo joined the group, conflicts broke out between the two parties.

First, Zhao Wenzhuo accused the crew: Because the crew had a drama tyrant, the crew did not abide by the contract and changed his role without his consent.

After Zhao Wenzhuo exposed the incident on the Internet, the other protagonist Donnie Yen was filming, so he did not accept an interview.

Although Donnie Yen did not respond immediately, the crew could not sit still. The staff of the crew said: Zhao Wenzhuo is playing a big role, and Zhao Wenzhuo's consent was also sought for changing the script.

As the saying goes,

After the quarrel, both parties no longer saved face and started naming each other directly. Zhao Wenzhuo made it clear: The drama king he was talking about was Donnie Yen, and Donnie Yen often cursed and cursed during the filming.

At this time, Donnie Yen came forward and said: "I was very disappointed with him. At first, the boss said that he had a bad reputation in the industry, but I didn't care at all and kept insisting on inviting him to act. Now that I think about it, I was wrong at the beginning. "

The two of them refused to accept the other and openly started to argue with each other. This kind of situation is still rare in the entertainment industry. This has also attracted celebrities in the industry to join forces. For example, Yang Mi , Qin Lan and others have joined Zhao Wenzhuo.

As the saying goes,

In this way, the storm that swept almost half of the entertainment industry began. Shu Qi, Feng Xiaogang and others were involved in it. However, there was no winner in the end.

The final box office revenue of the movie "Special Identity" was only 150 million, and its Douban score was only a pitiful 4.3 points.Zhao Wenzhuo's resources were also greatly affected, and his career never recovered.

Although with the mediation of the big guys in the circle, this matter came to an end. However, the relationship between Donnie Yen and Zhao Wenzhuo has become incompatible, and they have not been in contact with each other since old age.

As the saying goes,

five, Luo Zhixiang , Oudi

In 1995, Luo Zhixiang and Oudi participated in the "Four Heavenly Kings Are You" imitation contest.

The average-looking Ou Di imitated Jacky Cheung and sang affectionately, and won the championship of Jacky Cheung's group. Luo Zhixiang also won the championship in the and Aaron Kwok groups with his dreamy dance moves.

After the game, the two brothers signed a contract with the company and formed the "New Four Kings", a popular men's group with the champions of the other two groups, and officially entered the entertainment industry.

As the saying goes,

This group has been launched and quickly became popular. However, "Little Andy Lau" Chen Xianzheng was going to serve in the military, and "Little Dawn" Chen Zhongwei had an accident in a car accident. The "New Four Kings" group also came to an end.

Luo Zhixiang and Ou Di were the only ones left. In order to continue to be involved in the entertainment industry, they had to form a duo named "Romeo".

Since then, the two brothers have begun to work in the entertainment industry. With their talents, they have quickly established a foothold in the entertainment industry.

As the saying goes,

In 2001, 22-year-old Odie also reached the age of military service, but Luo Zhixiang escaped because of his "soft feet."

Before leaving, Ou Di left his girlfriend to Luo Zhixiang to take care of. In his words, "Leave it to him, I will rest assured."

However, Ou Di, who was far away in the army, could not hear what was going on outside the window, but some "unspeakable things" happened to Luo Zhixiang and his girlfriend.

As the saying goes,

When Odie returned to society after completing his military service, he discovered that his "good brother" had cheated on him. Ou Di found his girlfriend and wanted to ask her why, but her girlfriend told him "Luo Zhixiang is very good at taking care of people."

At that time, both of them were working as assistant hosts for Wu Zongxian , and even had a fight on the show. Although it was said at the time that it was "for the effect of the show," everyone knew that the two had turned against each other.

Since then, the two brothers parted ways and never met again.

As the saying goes,

6. Su Xing, Li Wei

The conflict between Su Xing and Li Wei is well known in the entertainment industry, even to the point of "life or death".

Li Wei and Su Xing debuted together and signed a contract with tianyu. The relationship between the two is very good, and they even took each other's girlfriends out for parties.

Before Su Xing became famous, he had a girlfriend named Xia Hangyan , and the two had already met their parents.

As the saying goes,

In 2012, a post was posted on the Internet called "A male star's self-exploded nude photos on his Weibo account". From the photo, it can be seen that the heroine is Xia Hangyan, Xia Xingyan's girlfriend.

Although the man had mosaicd himself, netizens with great savvy still found out through clues that this man was Li Wei.

As the saying goes,

And netizens also found that there were many content in the account showing the two people showing affection, including the tickets for the two to travel to South Korea. The names on them were exactly "Li Wei" and "Xia Hangyan". After the

incident was exposed, Su Xing could no longer maintain his sanity. On December 29, 2012, Su Xing and Li Wei were invited to attend the concert together. By coincidence, the two met again backstage.

As the saying goes, "When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win." Su Xing was always holding back his anger, while Li Wei's momentum was weakened because he had done something wrong. As a result, Su Xing directly beat Li Wei, but Li Wei could only be beaten passively.

As the saying goes,

What’s more interesting is that Zhang Jie was also present at the time. Maybe he was afraid of being photographed, so he closed the door silently.

Afterwards, the two apologized to each other to understand the matter, but their careers were greatly affected, and their relationship was beyond repair.

As the saying goes,

In fact, in the entertainment industry, there are many male stars who are "rivals" like this. Some are for girlfriends, some are for resources. Anyway, they all touch the interests of the other party, and finally the situation becomes "like fire and water".

But these celebrities are very good at showing off. Even if they have a bad relationship with each other, once they are exposed in front of others, they will always act like "I am generous and I don't care", which is really a bit hypocritical.


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