Some Weibo netizens like Zhuo Wei asked: Is Angelababy really a surrogate mother as rumored? Later, Yang Ying Studio’s official Weibo

2024/07/0204:05:32 hotcomm 1799

According to reports, regarding the question of whether Angelababy is a fake pregnancy or a surrogate mother, some Weibo netizens like Zhuo Wei asked: Is Angelababy really a surrogate mother as rumored? On the evening of April 19, Zhuo Wei, who is known as the number one paparazzi, answered a question from a netizen and said: As far as I know, he is not, he is her "biological". Once this answer was exposed, it went beyond the surprise and imagination of netizens.

Some Weibo netizens like Zhuo Wei asked: Is Angelababy really a surrogate mother as rumored? Later, Yang Ying Studio’s official Weibo - DayDayNews

Later, Yang Ying Studio’s official Weibo forwarded Zhuo Wei’s Weibo and refuted the rumors, saying: “Rumors are just rumors. Thank you Teacher Zhuo for clarifying the first half of the sentence, but we do not accept the malicious guidance of the quotation marks in the second half. Retweeted more than five times Yes, you must be legally responsible. "

Ever since angelababy became pregnant and gave birth, there have been rumors about "surrogacy". Especially when it was heard that angelababy did not undergo confinement after giving birth, the rumors became even more lively. Okay, do you know the risks of surrogacy? Why choose such a high-risk surrogacy for no reason?

What are the risks of surrogacy?

1. Surrogacy affects the growth of the child

Because surrogacy is illegal, surrogacy is carried out secretly, and most surrogates are restricted to a small range of activities. Coupled with the psychological stress of the surrogate mother, it is not conducive to the normal health of the fetus. growing up. Before giving birth , the surrogate mother's anxiety and nervousness will seriously affect the surrogate mother's physical and mental health and the good development of the fetus. While the surrogate mother is nervous, it will also cause psychological stress to the fetus, causing the mother and fetus to be unable to cooperate well with each other, causing obstacles to delivery.

In addition, surrogacy involves both the entrusting party and the trustee, as well as hospitals and medical staff, so it is difficult to guarantee that confidentiality will not be leaked. Once the secret is leaked, it will have a negative impact on the growth of the child and the happy relationship that the family should have.

Some Weibo netizens like Zhuo Wei asked: Is Angelababy really a surrogate mother as rumored? Later, Yang Ying Studio’s official Weibo - DayDayNews

2. The health details of the surrogate mother are difficult to ascertain

The health status of the surrogate mother directly affects the future of the child and the future of the family associated with the child. Therefore, the health requirements for the surrogate mother should be quite strict. Although many websites or institutions claiming to be engaged in the surrogacy business clearly stipulate the health requirements for surrogate mothers, such as "under 32 years old, over 157 cm tall, in good health (special physical examination at a hospital designated by the client, the client shall bear the physical examination fee), and no genetic disease genes, Divorced women with no history of miscarriage, no profound myopia, and good conduct are preferred. "Some experts said that it is doubtful whether such similar requirements can be truly confirmed. For example, some familial recessive genetic diseases may not be manifested in the mother, but may be manifested in the child. Will this affect the child's health? There are also some diseases that have an incubation period. Will that affect children? In addition, bad habits such as smoking and drinking, and some inappropriate behaviors during pregnancy are not obvious in many babies. They can only rely on the surrogate's own moral self-discipline. This is another hidden danger.

Some Weibo netizens like Zhuo Wei asked: Is Angelababy really a surrogate mother as rumored? Later, Yang Ying Studio’s official Weibo - DayDayNews

3. Surrogacy is difficult to ensure the quality of babies

Experts have reminded that although surrogacy is a remedy for infertile couples, facts have also proven that many test tube babies born by surrogacy are prone to defects after birth. .

1 Modern artificial assisted reproductive technology - in vitro fertilization, deprives sperm of the opportunity to compete for survival of the fittest, and may inherit the missing Y chromosome.

2 Due to the irregularities of underground sperm and egg banks, many ethical issues have arisen in artificial insemination . If the source of sperm is unknown, fetal quality cannot be guaranteed.

3 Pregnant women with multiple pregnancies have many complications, including high rates of premature birth and mortality.

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