Mainland actress Angelababy officially announced her divorce from Huang Xiaoming on the 28th of last month, ending their seven-year marriage. However, she was in good condition after the divorce and received another compensation during the Spring Festival and spent a good year.

2024/07/0204:11:32 hotcomm 1429

reporter Shen Xinzong/Comprehensive report

Mainland actress Angelababy ( Yang Ying) officially announced her divorce from Huang Xiaoming on the 28th of last month, ending their 7-year marriage. However, she was in good condition after the divorce and received another fortune during the Spring Festival. Compensation took a good year. Angelababy had previously had her photos stolen by a beauty clinic as promotional material, and her portrait rights had been infringed, so she filed an indignant lawsuit. The court finally issued a ruling recently, declaring Angelababy to have won the case.

Mainland actress Angelababy officially announced her divorce from Huang Xiaoming on the 28th of last month, ending their seven-year marriage. However, she was in good condition after the divorce and received another compensation during the Spring Festival and spent a good year. - DayDayNews

Angelababy and Huang Xiaoming are in good condition after breaking up their 7-year marriage. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo /Huang Xiaoming, Angelababy)

In the "First Instance Civil Judgment of the Internet Infringement Liability Dispute between Yang Ying and Jinan Basha Meien Medical Beauty Clinic Co., Ltd." published by the Beijing Court, Angelababy was mentioned The "Jinan Bazaar Mei'en Medical Beauty Clinic" unauthorizedly used photos as advertising materials without a commercial endorsement contract, which seriously infringed on her portrait rights. Therefore, Angelababy chose to file a lawsuit to protect her rights and interests and requested from the clinic. RMB 120,000 (approximately NT$520,000) compensation and a public apology.

Mainland actress Angelababy officially announced her divorce from Huang Xiaoming on the 28th of last month, ending their seven-year marriage. However, she was in good condition after the divorce and received another compensation during the Spring Festival and spent a good year. - DayDayNews

Angelababy posted a beautiful selfie during the Spring Festival. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo/Angelababy)

After the final trial, the court ruled that Yang Ying won the lawsuit. The clinic must pay RMB 14,000 (approximately NT$60,000) in compensation and display it in a prominent position on the homepage of the social platform. A week after publishing the apology statement, Yang Ying also filed other lawsuits, but they were all rejected by the court.

Mainland actress Angelababy officially announced her divorce from Huang Xiaoming on the 28th of last month, ending their seven-year marriage. However, she was in good condition after the divorce and received another compensation during the Spring Festival and spent a good year. - DayDayNews

Angelababy posted a message to cheer for the Winter Olympics athletes. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo/Angelababy)

In fact, Angelababy has been in good condition since her official divorce from Huang Xiaoming on the 28th of last month. In addition to continuing her endorsement activities, she also posted 4 beautiful selfies during the Spring Festival to wish her fans New Year's greetings. , leaving "Say hello 'Tiger', Happy New Year!" In the photo, she looks rosy and unaffected. Recently, she posted her skiing appearance to cheer for the Chinese Winter Olympics athletes, and her fans also sent encouragements. , thinking that she looks more beautiful now that she is more herself.

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