When it comes to the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death", I'm afraid there are still people who get sore noses just thinking about this drama. The tragic ending of the male and female protagonists dying in succession has left many people still confused.

2024/07/0300:05:40 hotcomm 1748

Speaking of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love", I am afraid that there are still people who get sore noses when they think of this drama.

The tragic ending of the male and female protagonists dying in succession has left many people still confused.

plus Song Hye Kyo and Song Seung Heon , the two male and female protagonists are good-looking and their acting skills are also online, so more people miss them.

When it comes to the Korean drama

However, after 20 years, I revisited this drama and had a completely different feeling.

After putting aside the halo of the protagonist and the actor filter, I discovered that except for the second female lead, Xin Ai, all the members of this drama are abnormal.

Especially the male and female protagonists are the most deceptive.

1. White Lotus heroine Eun Hee

In fact, "Blue Life and Death Love" is completely a Qiong Yao drama disguised as a Korean drama.

The male and female protagonists are selfish and irresponsible. Apart from their immoral love, there is no room for anything else in their minds.

Take the heroine Eun Xi as an example. She is simply a white lotus in full bloom.

When it comes to the Korean drama

Eunxi was originally a child from a poor family, but because of Junxi's handicap, she exchanged 14 years of her life with Xinai.

was originally the love of Miss Qianjin, who was taken home by the Cui family and started a low-income life.

Xin Ai was beaten and scolded at a young age. When she wasn't in school, she had to work as a free child laborer in a store, and she often didn't have enough to eat.

As for Enxi, she lived the life of a young lady in the Yin family.

was favored by his parents and brothers at home, and fawned over by his teachers and classmates at school.

Xin Ai ranked first in the grade and was forced to give up the opportunity to participate in the art exhibition to Eun Xi.

When it comes to the Korean drama

After her identity was changed back, Enxi did not suffer much.

Both her adoptive mother and biological mother felt very sorry for her. After work, they met the second-generation rich man Tae-seok who was like a dog-licker and took good care of her in every way.

It would be okay if Eun-hee and Tae-seok were together.

But while Enxi was accepting Taixi's pursuit, she was confused with her adopted brother Junxi.

Knowing that Junxi has a fiancée, Eunxi wants to live with Junxi under the false identity of cousin.

later eloped with Junxi, causing Youmei to commit suicide.

When it comes to the Korean drama

After Youmei was rescued, Enxi pretended to urge Junxi to accompany Youmei, while complaining that Junxi could not date herself.

Eunxi takes the initiative to hurt others every time, but always looks like she has been greatly wronged.

does not abide by the company's rules at work and acts as a third party in life. He never considers other people's feelings, but he wins the love of everyone.

Xin Ai is the only person who sees through Eun Xi Bai Lianhua's face, and is also the person who has the worst life in the play.

When it comes to the Korean drama

2. The strongest scumbag male protagonist Junxi

The female protagonist is not a good person, and the male protagonist Junxi is even less so.

scumbag is the most accurate description of Junxi.

And his scumbag is not only shown in the emotional aspect, but in all aspects.

When it comes to love, he is so scumbag that there is no suspense.

said that he fell in love with Eunxi and could not forget her, but he was honestly engaged to college girl Youmei.

When it comes to the Korean drama

After he reunited with Enxi, he began to have an underground affair with Enxi without any psychological burden.

's underground love was not enough, so he simply eloped with Eun-hee.

didn't think about how his parents should explain to his fiancée's family.

In order to be with Enxi, he said that he could abandon everyone, including his parents. After

caused a storm in the city, he refused to stay with Eunxi under the guise of fearing that Youmei would commit suicide again.

When it comes to the Korean drama

Not to mention how you treat your loved ones.

My sister Xin Ai has suffered for 14 years because of him.

But not only did he not feel any guilt towards Xin Ai, he even hit Xin Ai several times.

also has no sense of responsibility towards his parents who raised him.

His biological mother was still sick, so he didn't even look at her and directly challenged his biological father, saying that he wanted to marry Eun Xi.

Then he left his sick mother and his father, who had turned gray with worry, and eloped.

When it comes to the Korean drama

I failed Youmei, I failed Eunxi, and I failed my parents and sister.

In short, this Junxi is really bad at everything, and he is the first to be a scumbag.

Eun Hee died of leukemia . Her mother's health was deteriorating, and her father was also frowning all day long.

Just when Junxi, the pillar of the family, was needed to shoulder family responsibilities, he committed suicide.

left all the mess to Xin Ai to clean up alone.

When it comes to the Korean drama

Even committing suicide, he never forgets to deceive others.

There are so many ways to die without injuring others, yet Junxi insists on dragging the innocent truck driver into the water.

The driver drove the car well, but Junxi crashed into it.

He is done with it. Why should the driver take the blame for him?

Anyway, when I rewatched this drama, I saw the male protagonist always frowning, and I really wanted to give him a slap in the face.

3. The inexplicable spare tire Tae Seok

When it comes to the Korean drama

When this drama was aired, the character Tae Seok was much more popular than the male lead.

Compared with the restless and playful male protagonist, the single-minded, infatuated, handsome and wealthy Tae-seok simply won without a fight.

The handsome guy looks good, but his brain is not very good.

Taixi's infatuation with Eunxi is simply inexplicable.

Because Eun-hee doesn't work well and always doesn't abide by the company's rules, she attracts the attention of Tae-seok, the second-generation rich man. This is a consistent routine in idol dramas and everyone can understand it.

When it comes to the Korean drama

But when Tae-seok and Eun-hee started dating and found out that Eun-hee was having an affair with Junxi, Tae-seok's brain started to get wet.

When she found out that she had been cheated on by Eun-hee, Tai-seok was briefly angry, and then decided: forgive her!

Every time Enxi needs help, Taixi always rushes to the front line without hesitation.

Even if he knows that he will never be successful, he still has no regrets.

feels that a loyal spare tire like Tae Seok can only exist in movies and TV dramas.

4. Crazy criticizing mother Mrs. Yin

When it comes to the Korean drama

To be the most criticized person in "Blue Life and Death", both the male and female protagonists have to step aside.

Mrs. Yin is the most mentally disturbed person in the play.

As a mother, when she learns that the daughter she has loved for 14 years is not her biological child, it is normal for her to be reluctant to accept the reality for a moment.

It’s normal to be afraid of losing your adopted daughter and not want to be separated from her.

However, it is very abnormal to know that his own flesh and blood have endured hardship outside for 14 years, living a life of being beaten, scolded and starved every day.

When it comes to the Korean drama

What’s even more abnormal is that she actually hated her biological daughter because of it.

Just because her biological daughter came back to her and her adopted daughter didn't want to stay, she hated her biological daughter Xin Ai.

For ten years, she has always regarded her love as air.

Xin Ai and En Xi have the same birthday, but she only cares about whether En Xi has seaweed soup to eat.

She is sick, and the person who takes care of her is Xin Ai, while Eun Xi only cares about eloping with Jun Xi.

But all she thinks about is Enxi, and she doesn't care about Xin Ai's feelings at all.

When it comes to the Korean drama

But if you think that she truly loves Eun-hee, you are totally wrong.

If she really loved Enxi, she would not ignore her after Enxi returned to Cui's house.

Even after Eun-hee returned, she immediately urged her husband to accept the invitation to work abroad.

Before leaving, she didn't even say hello to Enxi. Enxi chased their car from behind, but she was so cruel that she didn't stop the car. After

left the country, he never thought of asking how Enxi was doing.

Such love is simply ridiculous.

5. Cui’s mother has ridiculous double standards

When it comes to the Korean drama

Cui’s mother is Xin Ai’s adoptive mother and Enxi’s biological mother, but her attitude towards her two daughters can be described as ridiculously double standards.

Xin Ai has lived under the violence of Cui's mother since she was a child, and she was beaten by her adoptive mother and adoptive brother at every turn.

Before he reached adulthood, he had to work as a child laborer in Cui's mother's small restaurant, and was even taken advantage of by a wretched uncle.

Cui's mother has never felt sorry for Xin Ai, and she is not merciless at all when fighting.

Even after knowing that Xin Ai was not her biological daughter, she did not feel a trace of guilt.

When it comes to the Korean drama

Xin Ai accepted the toy given by her biological father, and Cui's mother became so angry that she beat her to death.

But when Enxi came back, Cui's mother was reluctant to lay a finger on her.

When Enxi became a mistress and everyone was in trouble, Cui's mother was thinking about whether she would have food to eat after she eloped away.

In order for Enxi to marry Taixi, the second generation rich, Cui's mother also forcibly sent Enxi to the Yin family to let the Yin family recognize her.

Xin Ai came to Cui’s mother and asked her why she did this to herself.

Cui’s mother said shamelessly that all the hardships you suffered before were your fate.

When it comes to the Korean drama

Xin loves to endure hardships and has to accept her fate, while Eunxi has to find ways to help her solve hardships. She is such a double-standard mother Cui.

Some people say that Cui’s mother is really interested in chips and is a liar.

In "Blue Life and Death Love", there are really no normal characters, and everyone feels that their brains are not normal.

Junxi's fiancée Youmei, Xin Ai's biological father Professor Yin, and even Xin Ai have many things that are incredible.

Young and beautiful Bai Fumei, but she insists on clinging to Junxi, a scumbag.

Although Professor Yin was kind to Xin Ai, he also acquiesced in the cold violence towards Xin Ai by his wife and son.

Xin Ai is so good, but she insists on finding warmth in her biological mother who doesn't love her.

When it comes to the Korean drama

Of course, the biggest problem is the male and female protagonists.

Without them, everyone's life would be sunshine.


Author: Qian Xiaodao

Statement: It is not easy to be original. Plagiarism and reprinting are prohibited. Reprinting without permission is prohibited. Please respect the fruits of other people’s labor and your face.

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