Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let's talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital. Describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder

2024/07/0101:30:32 hotcomm 1006

html Today I will tell you a story about an idiom, called act with sincerity, which can save 250 million people. Many people will ask how an idiom can affect 250 million. Why is it 250 million and not 300 million or 400 million? It happens to be 250 million. This number is the current number of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in our country.

Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let's talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital. Describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder - DayDayNews

Before I say this idiom, let me popularize some knowledge to everyone. Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let’s talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital.

Hepatobiliary examination is used for In life, it describes two people who have a very good relationship. When used in physical terms, it describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder store bile. Bile helps us digest fats. In medicine, it is called lipids. There are many substances. People will say that if you don't lose weight, you will develop hyperlipidemia, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, ventilation, and a series of other diseases.

Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let's talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital. Describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder - DayDayNews

What is the relationship between obesity and these diseases?

There is a glass of 37-degree water. There is water, oil, and sugar. Everyone knows that oil floats upwards and sugar sinks. So we use the cup below as a simple example. Oil floats upwards, which is equivalent to the oil in the blood flowing online. high blood sugar is available offline. For example, many diabetic patients start to rot in their lower limbs and feet, which is also called sick foot.

Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let's talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital. Describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder - DayDayNews

In fact, the fat in the human body is no different from the fat in animals. Many people have seen pigs and sheep being slaughtered. After the caesarean section, many people said: "This pig is really fat, or this sheep is really fat. Why do you comment like this?" Because there is a lot of fat in it, many people develop fatty liver , and garbage or plaques appear in the blood vessels. These are all caused by excessive fat. Why is cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease so common in Northeast China? Why does blowing the air conditioner cause stroke ? We all know that oil will solidify and harden when the temperature is too high, so when the oil in the body is too high and the temperature is too low, it is easy to cause a stroke.

In fact, many people who can drive, how do you maintain your car? You should be able to understand how to take care of your own body.

If your car is filled with bad gasoline, will there be engine problems? Will there be problems with the oil pipe?

Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let's talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital. Describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder - DayDayNews

Then let’s use the same way of thinking about your body. When the blood lipids in your blood are too high, your body needs the liver to filter and detoxify them. Over time, they will accumulate in the liver, so this The accumulation is the same as the killing of pigs and sheep I mentioned above. The internal organs are very fat, which is what we now call fatty liver. Fatty liver can be divided into mild, moderate and severe, and it is very likely to cause cancer, so Have you set a weight loss goal today?

So everyone should know one thing. Obesity can cause many diseases, different living habits, and different dietary structures. The root causes of these diseases have nothing to do with the hospital. They all come from life, that is, your dietary structure. It’s what Xiao Ai said, keep your mouth shut and move your legs.

Now 90% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by obesity, so let's talk about whether this matter belongs to the management of life or the hospital. Describes the working relationship between two people in the body. The liver secretes bile, and the gallbladder - DayDayNews

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