Angelababy has been a goddess in the minds of many people since her debut. Unexpectedly, she recently appeared at a roadside stall for a late-night snack, and her down-to-earth appearance sparked heated discussions!

2024/07/0203:59:32 hotcomm 1280

Angelababy has been a goddess in the minds of many people since her debut. Unexpectedly, she recently appeared at a roadside stall for a late-night snack, and her down-to-earth appearance sparked heated discussions! - DayDayNews

Angelababy has been a goddess in the minds of many people since her debut. Unexpectedly, she appeared at a roadside stall to eat late night snacks recently, and her down-to-earth appearance caused heated discussions!

Angelababy recently appeared at Chengdu Airport , and then she was met by netizens eating supper at a roadside stall. The netizens who met her were even more excited and praised: "ab She is so beautiful, with a huge face and a thin figure. There is an urge to protect.”

Angelababy has been a goddess in the minds of many people since her debut. Unexpectedly, she recently appeared at a roadside stall for a late-night snack, and her down-to-earth appearance sparked heated discussions! - DayDayNews

In the video, Angelababy is seen dressed simply, but her appearance is still quite good, her skin is fair and delicate, and she still stands out in the crowd even if she is wearing a hat. While having a late-night snack, she would put vegetables into her mouth from time to time. Occasionally she would stop to chat with her friends at the same table, and then pick up the mineral water on the table to drink, which was quite down-to-earth.

After the footage of Angelababy eating late-night snacks in private was exposed, fans exclaimed: "She is so beautiful even in candid photos", "Another day of crying for her beautiful nose and appearance", "She looks so plain! So beautiful", "This face has so much hair" No matter how perfect your neck looks, it’s really different when you look at it in a crowd.”

Angelababy has been a goddess in the minds of many people since her debut. Unexpectedly, she recently appeared at a roadside stall for a late-night snack, and her down-to-earth appearance sparked heated discussions! - DayDayNews

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