Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture.

2024/07/0203:45:33 hotcomm 1171
Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNewsCurrently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

On February 21, the "Fujian Daily" launched a full page of the agriculture and rural areas section - "They cultivate the earth with wisdom" report.

The original text is as follows

Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNewsCurrently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

Editor’s note: Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. At present, our province has a new professional farmer team of nearly 400,000 people. In Pucheng, a traditional grain-producing county, a group of young people who love agriculture, understand technology, and are good at management are returning to their hometowns and fields like a "phoenix returning to their nest". The three models selected in this issue of Village Assistance Report respectively represent the three types of new professional farmers - business-oriented professional farmers, production-oriented professional farmers and service-oriented professional farmers.

Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNewsCurrently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

Huang Lingwu (left) and his partner

Huang Lingwu: Reconstructing the intimate relationship between land and food

In Dongyuan Village, Liantang Town, Pucheng County, Huang Lingwu spends almost every day in the Ling Pheasant Ecological Breeding Base. In this farm covering an area of ​​nearly 200 acres, more than 2,000 chickens and ducks are walking leisurely all over the mountains. Four piglets are kept free-range. There is also a large sow weighing more than 200 kilograms in the pig pen that bumps into the guardrail from time to time. The sheep pen There were twenty or thirty sheep bleating, and a group of pigeons stood on the roof flapping their wings. Amid the noise and chaos, Huang Lingwu is at ease with herding sheep, feeding chickens, and driving ducks. He smiled and said: "This is the most authentic countryside."

After graduating from college in 2011, Huang Lingwu returned to his hometown and became a new farmer. He started by raising chickens, ducks and geese and has been in business for nearly 10 years. He, his mother and his friends managed the family farm in an orderly manner. He tried diversifying operations and expanding the scale, but after experiencing ups and downs, Huang Lingwu reflected that only by adhering to the original intention and operating moderately can the most beautiful look of a family farm.

When he first established the farm, Huang Lingwu adhered to the ecological concept, adhered to green health and the original taste of food. He has been using actions to reconstruct the intimate relationship between land and food.

He studies technology, what to pay attention to in different growth periods, how to strike a balance between feeding and free-range breeding, and carefully prepares feed... Such meticulousness runs through all planting (planting) and breeding links. Even if the chickens and ducks are kept outside, Huang Lingwu can tell whether the chickens have laid eggs and whether there is anything wrong with them just by listening to the sounds and looking at the movements. In his words, he is like a Chinese medicine doctor who knows all the animals he raises and crops he grows as if they are family members.

"I have loved small animals since I was a child and have been interested in farming. I often try to raise and plant different varieties to study how to grow them well." In the field of agriculture, Huang Lingwu is like a "geek" who combines his interests combined with technology. In order to realize the idea of ​​ecological planting,

divided the farm into planting area, brooding area, stocking area and paddy field mixed planting area, and explored the ecological recycling method according to local conditions. Taking advantage of the height difference in the ridge fields, he conducted a paddy field polyculture experiment: the high fields were not suitable for growing rice because the temperature was too low, so he stored water to try cold-water fish farming, and processed fresh pig manure and used it as feed; The plot is trying "rice-duck symbiosis". According to different growth cycles, ducks are allowed to enter the rice fields to weed and catch insects. The duck manure can also fertilize the fields.

is dedicated to creating high-quality products, and he has gained a group of loyal "iron fans" to follow him. Aunt Chen Shufen is a fan. She was introduced to Huang Lingwu in the spring of 2012. "Everyone praised his products for being good. Out of caution, my husband, my husband, and my friends went to his farm to inspect it in person. Seeing is believing," said Aunt Chen. "After so many years of patronage, his products have always been very good. The service is also good. "

places orders by phone or WeChat, slaughters, cleans, packages and packages them. Customers in the county will deliver the goods in person, and customers from out of town will send it by express delivery. Compared with traffic, Huang Lingwu and his partners pay more attention to the attributes of the people behind them and the emotional connection between people. New products are given to old customers to try out and return visits within three days. Huang Lingwu adheres to the word "integrity" in business operations. "In my opinion, the various products on the farm are more of a bond than a simple commodity."

Many people have been extending an olive branch for cooperation, but Huang Lingwu has been doing subtraction, specializing and refining. Control the scale of breeding, focus on membership, and make services more detailed and practical."Chickens and ducks are still the main ones, and other varieties are just to expand the product line to meet the needs of the customer base and meet specific needs." Huang Lingwu said, "I pursue 'small but beautiful' and 'beautiful and refined'. My customers are all kinds of By chance, we get to know each other and are familiar with each other, and our daily communication is relatively smooth. Most of them can understand and cooperate from each other's perspective. Regarding the future development direction of family farms, I think the first thing is to differentiate their operations and highlight their characteristics; and secondly. In order to accurately position and target customers, we must have a good reputation for the quality of the farm.”

In addition to subtraction, Huang Lingwu also wants to make additions in other aspects. "In addition to the demand for chickens, ducks and meat poultry, eggs are actually the most frequent demand from customers." In order to increase the egg production rate, he had a new idea: using a machine to make homemade feed pellets. "Mixing corn grains, as well as leaves and reeds, increases nutrition and increases egg production rate, and also allows for the intake of natural trace elements."

Although there are different farming methods or theories, Huang Lingwu believes that as long as we understand and respect the laws of nature and use technology To improve unit efficiency within a limited area, creating an ecosystem with biodiversity and balanced symbiosis is the key.

Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

Li Xuebin is choosing passion fruit

Li Xuebin: With technology at hand, he can make a single product

One kilogram of passion fruit is sold at a unit price of 40 yuan. By growing 20 acres of passion fruit, the annual net income can exceed 100,000 yuan. At the beginning of the new year, despite the cold wave, the passion fruit orchard of Li Xuebin, a young entrepreneur who returned to his hometown in Pucheng, was still fruitful due to the measures taken in advance to prevent cold and frost. Li Xuebin regards making good single products as his core advantage. "Now with the support of passion fruit single products, the long-term plan of the family farm is gradually being realized."

After retiring from the army, Li Xuebin worked hard everywhere. After discussing with his wife in early 2017, he decided to return to Pucheng to engage in agriculture. What can you do when you return home? Li Xuebin chose passion fruit, "If you plant it in the same year, you can make money that year. The short, flat and fast characteristics of passion fruit are in line with my expectations at the time." After identifying passion fruit as the main industry, he began to study scientific planting management techniques, researched the passion fruit market, and started planting passion fruit in Xiaomi Village, Fuling Town, Pucheng County.

After the spring equinox in 2018, the seedlings were officially transplanted, and passion fruit began to go on the market in mid-August. Due to the stable output and quality, as well as the good price, Li Xuebin took the initiative to grow local passion fruit in Pucheng. The initial trial planting of

was successful. He believes that moderate scale and precise and scientific planting are the keys. Considering the product line, Li Xuebin chose the three series of Zixiang, Tainong and Gold as the main varieties, taking into account the needs of different customers in terms of aroma and taste. At the same time, he also developed derivative products such as dried passion fruit, using the peel to increase product value; he opened a Pingshan family farm, taking into account breeding, and developed a series of passion fruit dishes to attract on-site picking tourists.

"In fact, there are many misunderstandings about passion fruit. I always think that as long as the vine fruit tree can be planted, it will grow and bear fruit. In fact, there is a lot of technical content in it." Li Xuebin said, first of all, you have to pass the watering test. Passion fruit likes to be moist. , avoid water accumulation and fear of dryness. Especially during the fruit-bearing period, a large amount of water is needed, so sufficient water should be provided. Secondly, fertilization must be carried out scientifically. “Passion fruit grows very long and has shallow roots, so it has a very strong demand for nutrients. Without fertilization, it is difficult to bear fruit and it is difficult to maintain fruit quantity.”

enables a high yield of passion fruit, and Li Xuebin revealed that diligent pruning is also crucial. Wipe off the side buds of seedlings in time to promote the thickening of the main vines. During the mature stage, side branches and budding branches should also be thinned out to prevent overcrowding on the shed surface. After the last fruits have matured and been harvested in winter, all fruiting branches are cut off at the base.

With winter protection measures in place, Li Xuebin is confident that a bumper yield will be achieved next year. “Last year, one tree had more than 2,000 fruits, and we will definitely be able to maintain the yield this year.”

After seeing the benefits of passion fruit cultivation, a large number of people in Pucheng County are eager to try it. Regarding the upcoming competition, Li Xuebin is full of confidence. He said: "Passion fruit cultivation is not as simple as it seems, and I am confident in my products. The price war can better highlight the quality."He also wants to gather these people to build a group, pass on his technical experience, and also provide seedling support. "Let's work together to plant the passion fruit in Pucheng."

Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

Wu Fengjuan works with the farmers.

Wu Fengjuan: For Endorsement of hometown local products

In Zhongxin Town, Pucheng County, there is a well-known local product transfer station called "Xiang Miduo". The founder is Wu Fengjuan, a young man who returned to his hometown. Sugar, dried bayberry, hibiscus cake, wild camellia oil... Looking through Wu Fengjuan’s WeChat Moments, it’s like Pucheng on the tip of your tongue, which makes people salivate.

“It was purely by chance that I returned to my hometown and entered the e-commerce circle. "Wu Fengjuan used to run a hardware business with her husband in Wenzhou, China. In the winter of 2014, she went home to raise her baby because of her pregnancy. With nothing to do back home, Wu Fengjuan often visited her grandmother's house in the mountains. When she saw the village's specialty snacks, she took pictures Posted on WeChat Moments. As a result, many people asked if she could purchase on behalf of others. As a businessperson, she was keenly aware of the business opportunities, so she started selling Pucheng local products online in 2015. In April 2016, under Wu Fengjuan’s persuasion, her husband also returned to his hometown to support his wife’s e-commerce business. Starting from door-to-door purchases, Wu Fengjuan went deep into the countryside, often going from house to house, purchasing different products according to the season. Agricultural products, live broadcast online “This not only makes the quality visible, but also has more selling points and persuasiveness. "

In the process of collecting mountain products, Wu Fengjuan also came into contact with many left-behind elderly and left-behind children from poor families. Wu Fengjuan will also help conduct charity sales to increase their income. Purchasing agricultural products according to seasons is random, Wu Fengjuan Juan tried to launch single products for centralized sales, and registered her own trademark brand "Xiang Mi Duo". Around the Qingming Festival in 2016, Wu Fengjuan mobilized her whole family to make Qingming Kueh. In just over 20 days, the sales of single products increased. Nearly 100,000 yuan. This successful planning gave her a lot of confidence. Now, she has set her sights on the entire county of Pucheng. The store’s specialty products, dried naphthalene and dried sweet potatoes, have become signature products in the market. The response was very good.

In June 2017, Wu Fengjuan established Shangcheng E-Commerce Co., Ltd. In August of the same year, she opened her own offline store in Zhongxin Town, which is divided into showrooms, storage rooms, packaging workshops, logistics offices, etc. With nearly 10 workers, she now sells more than 400 products on her online store, with annual sales exceeding 3 million yuan. In the future, the couple also plans to focus on rice and peanuts under the "company + cooperative + e-commerce" model. , sweet potatoes and other products.

Promote Pucheng’s special products so that people in the city can eat authentic green agricultural products and develop their own businesses. This kind of win-win is what Wu Fengjuan is most happy about. Review

Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

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Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

Production: Pucheng County Party Committee Propaganda Department

Planning: Wang Shuyu

on duty Director: Wu Yongjun

Editor: Liu Lihui, Qiu Chunjing

Submission email: [email protected]

Currently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNewsCurrently, traditional agriculture is gradually moving towards modern agriculture. A group of new professional farmers who are passionate and ideal about agriculture, rural areas and farmers have injected new elements and energy into the transformation of traditional agriculture. - DayDayNews

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