Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc. "Kui". The Chaoshan area is close to the sea and often encounters typhoons. The harsh environment has contributed to the custom of Chaoshan people burning incense and worshiping Buddha to

2024/07/0203:14:33 hotcomm 1555

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc. "Kui".

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

The Chaoshan area is close to the sea and often encounters typhoons. The harsh environment has contributed to the custom of Chaoshan people burning incense and worshiping Buddha to pray for safety. "Kui" is one of the worship objects. There are many kinds of "Kui" in Chaoshan, which are divided according to their shapes and materials: Puzi Kueh, Gardenia Kueh, Sweet Kueh, Fermented Kueh, Peach Kueh, Rat Shell Kueh, Rapeseed Kueh, Leek Kueh, Ping Pong Kueh, and None. Rice cake, cake cake, horse cake, water cake, etc., which one do you like best?

A talented netizen has presented Chaoshan "kueh" in the form of comics, which is really cute.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc. The skin of leek cake is the same as that of bamboo shoots cake, but the filling is leeks. Leeks are also one of the vegetables abundant in Chaoshan. There is a folk saying in Chaoshan of "three sixty-nine leeks", that is, every year in March, June and September of the lunar calendar. All of them produce leeks. It can be seen that leeks can be eaten all year round in the Chaoshan area.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival. In addition to eating rice dumplings, people in Chaoshan also eat gardenia. Gardenia is slightly brown and tastes a little bitter. The raw material of gardenia is glutinous rice. When Chaoshan people eat it, they usually cut it into thin slices with yarn and stick it with sugar, which makes it sweet and refreshing.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Red shell peach cake is a Chaoshan folk rice cake, named after the shape of a peach. The filling is usually glutinous rice steamed into fragrant rice or sweet rice, and bean paste, peanut and other fillings are also used. After the stuffed buns are made, they must be printed with a wooden peach-shaped stamp with carved patterns, and then steamed in a steamer.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Rat shell cake is one of the special snacks in Chaoshan. It is usually made three or four days before the New Year. Rat shell cake is made of rice flour pounded with rat shell grass as the skin, with bean paste as the filling, printed with peach-shaped cakes, and steamed A cooked rice cake.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Cake cake is also called fried cake. It is mainly made of rice cake cut into pieces and fried on both sides, and then added with a reasonable combination of fresh oysters, shrimps, pork and vegetables. Especially the fish sauce and sand tea sauce in the seasoning reflect the flavor characteristics. , sprinkled with powdered sugar at the end, it has a crispy surface, soft and tender meat, and a fresh, sweet and slightly spicy taste.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Chaoshan has been an area with a serious food shortage since ancient times, with more people and less land. In order to fill their stomachs, Chaoshan people have tried every means, and the ingenious Chaoshan women have come up with all kinds of tricks. "Riceless rice cake" is the riceless rice cake transformed by Ziniang. The skin of the riceless cake is made of sweet potato flour. It is usually filled with leek, bean paste, taro paste or mung bean, and is fried in oil in a pan to make it transparent and slightly red. It is very delicious and is also called a crystal ball.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Grind the wheat into powder, add water to mix it into a paste, then add an appropriate amount of white sugar or brown sugar, stir evenly, and then put it in a tripod (iron pot) to bake "Mai Kueh".

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

In the past, horseshoe crabs were made with horseshoe crabs to make sauce and horseshoe crab meat as fillings. Nowadays, horseshoe crabs use porridge or potato starch instead of horseshoe crabs and horseshoe crab juice. The fillings are fresh shrimps, minced meat, mushrooms, bacon, etc. Prepare them together and steam them into a peach-shaped cake with a fragrant and delicious smell. Simmer it in oil and then dip it in chili sauce or soy sauce to become a delicious food.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Yeast cake is a folk rice cake in Chaoshan area. Chaoshan folk also call it Fa Kueh, which embodies the wishes of getting rich and getting rich. It is mostly made during major festivals such as the Winter Solstice and Spring Festival. The sugar is usually brown sugar, but white sugar is also used. After steaming, the surface is stamped with a red imprint of the word "Fu Shou" or auspicious words such as "Thank God for His Grace" or "Peace to the Family" are written on the surface.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Jieyang Ping Pong Cake has a long history and is famous at home and abroad. It uses glutinous rice flour mixed with an appropriate amount of peanut oil, and is kneaded repeatedly to form a paste-like dough. The filling is made from fried glutinous rice powder, add powdered sugar, and chop it cooked peanuts, fried sesame seeds, orange cake, etc. Take a small piece of kueh skin, press it into a thin disc, wrap it with kueh filling, shape it into a round kueh shape, then print the pattern with a woodblock print, use bean curd film as the bottom, steam it and let it cool.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

"Gandong" also refers to potatoes. The skin is made of potato starch, and the inside is yellow. The potato wrapped in it is dried tong cake, and the purple inside wrapped in taro shreds is taro cake.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Dutch potato cake is potato. Dutch potato cake is a famous snack in Chaoshan area. Every household likes to eat it during the Spring Festival, or make it as a gift to relatives and friends. The method is to steam the potatoes, peel them and crush them into a puree, then add chopped For other auxiliary ingredients, add pepper, salt and other seasonings, mix with cornstarch or cornstarch into strips or blocks, and then steam. Finally sliced ​​and fried, crispy and fragrant.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Caitou Cake is a radish cake. Caitou is the common name for radish. Radish is a popular folk snack in Guangdong. However, Chaoshan Caitou Cake and radish cake from other places are different in preparation method and flavor. Caitou Cake is a seasonal dish. The ratio of heads to rice is 5:1, and ingredients such as mushrooms, dried shrimps, sausages, peanuts, celery, and pepper are added to highlight the aroma.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Sweet cake looks very similar to gardenia. On every fixed day or grand collective activity of worshiping gods, sweet cake is an important part of the offerings to worship gods or ancestors. It can be eaten cold or steamed. Add eggs, beat well and fry to make it more delicious.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Chaoshan area is rich in bamboo shoots, and this snack is made with bamboo shoots as the main raw material. Grind the japonica rice into a slurry, cook it in a cooking basket, knead it and roll it into the size of a dumpling wrapper, stuff it with fillings, and fry it to be very delicious.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

Chaoshan snacks, also called kueh, are made by grinding the rice first, then pouring the rice milk into a small tea cup, and then steaming it on a boiler over high heat. After it is cooked, wait for it to cool and take out the steamed rice milk. It will be in the shape of a bowl. Steam them again, place them one by one on the plate, then put the preserved vegetables on them, pour the sweet sauce on them, and you're ready to eat.

Chaoshan people call all processed foods made from rice noodles, flour, potato starch, etc.

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