Now I will take you to take stock of the star Han Hong who is hated by the Japanese. Han Hong is patriotic and loves her hometown. She has always loved her in a very high-profile manner. When Stephen Chow was promoting his movie "Kung Fu" in Japan, he was provoked by the Japanese

2024/07/0202:48:32 hotcomm 1053

Some celebrities will show their patriotism very obviously. These behaviors have attracted the hatred of many Japanese extremists. Let me take you through the celebrities who are hated by the Japanese.

Han Hong

Now I will take you to take stock of the star Han Hong who is hated by the Japanese. Han Hong is patriotic and loves her hometown. She has always loved her in a very high-profile manner. When Stephen Chow was promoting his movie

Han Hong's patriotism and love for his hometown have always been love. Very high-profile. In addition to her good singing career, she has also been committed to charity in impoverished areas of our country! Before, she openly scolded the Japanese on Weibo and said she would always be enemies of the Japanese and resist Japanese products!

Thumbs up for Han Hong’s patriotism~

Stephen Chow

Now I will take you to take stock of the star Han Hong who is hated by the Japanese. Han Hong is patriotic and loves her hometown. She has always loved her in a very high-profile manner. When Stephen Chow was promoting his movie

Stephen Chow is not only good at movies, he is also very patriotic! When Stephen Chow was promoting his movie "Kung Fu" in Japan, he was provoked by the Japanese on the spot. He responded domineeringly on the spot: "China is not afraid of anyone's provocation"!

Liu Xiang

Now I will take you to take stock of the star Han Hong who is hated by the Japanese. Han Hong is patriotic and loves her hometown. She has always loved her in a very high-profile manner. When Stephen Chow was promoting his movie

When Liu Xiang was competing for the National Games again, he was wearing the logo of a Japanese brand. During that game, Liu Xiang used tape to tape his logo to death, leaving nothing to the Japanese!

Andy Lau

Now I will take you to take stock of the star Han Hong who is hated by the Japanese. Han Hong is patriotic and loves her hometown. She has always loved her in a very high-profile manner. When Stephen Chow was promoting his movie

Andy Lau's reputation has always been very wide in Japan! At one Japanese fan meeting, Andy Lau refused to say hello in Japanese on the spot. He also canceled all the officially arranged Japanese songs and Cantonese songs, and used Mandarin to interact and sing with everyone!

Andy Well done!

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