In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach.

2024/07/0203:31:33 hotcomm 1212

What is the standard configuration in winter?

is quilt + heater?

Or scarf + boyfriend’s hug?

For hard-working rice cooks

the most soothing thing to the soul in winter is steaming delicious food!

In Fujian, there is a popular

enduring "time-honored" food map

which carries the childhood memories of many diners.

Today, the editor will list for you

What is the charm of Fujian's classic signature delicacies





Jinpo old brand ginger duck Jinpo old brand ginger duck

Nourishment food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crisp and delicious

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Food supplements have a long history in China. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while people in Quanzhou eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. Because of its fragrant soup and spicy and mellow taste, ginger duck is deeply loved by Quanzhou people.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Every time it’s meal time, you can always see an endless stream of diners gathering at the old Ginger Duck restaurant in Jinpo, Licheng District.

Video source: @shanzenghui

The duck is the Muscovy duck delivered that day; the ginger mother must be an old ginger that is more than three years old.

Take a casserole, put ginger slices into the base, then sprinkle in other side dishes and ingredients, put the washed Muscovy duck into the pot, add water and simmer. Two hours later, the aroma spread throughout half the street. The duck meat was crispy and delicious, and it fell off the bones easily, achieving the "perfect reversal" of duck meat.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The above three pictures: @-Chicken legs are mine

Ginger duck that has been tempered at high temperature, the entrance is warm and rich in burnt aroma, The aroma of duck oil and sesame oil blend together, and the spiciness of the old ginger itself has been It completely disappeared, leaving only the soft texture and slight sweetness. The seemingly simple dishes have captured the stomachs of many Quanzhou people.

Address: No. 86 Food Street, Licheng District, Quanzhou City

Business hours: 10:00~24:00

Per capita: 65 yuan/person

Must-eat recommendations: Ginger Duck, Spiced Rolls, Oyster Fried, Maca Soup





Intangible Cultural Heritage Food|Childhood Memories|Soft and Smooth

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture Source: @Muses影

"Dou Ci Fen Li~" A figure with a picky food shoulder, walking on the street In the alleys and fields, simple and delicious noodles are sold. Is this picture your childhood memory?

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Zifen, also called Sifen and suofen, is one of the representatives of Putian traditional snacks. Longhua Danci Fen has been passed down for thousands of years, and was included in the sixth batch of Putian Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project List in 2018.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The above two pictures: @Jiawei_25

From sweet potato powder to mushy dough, and then to thin strips of vermicelli. A seemingly simple bowl of rice noodles requires more than a dozen processes and a full three hours of hand-making.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture source: Guozi’s Little Happy

The freshly baked powder has a soft and smooth taste, and it melts in your mouth with a gentle sip. Tight bean balls and oiled tofu are the standard ingredients of traditional noodles. Chinese toon is added to enhance the flavor, floating on the soup surface, and scattering everywhere when stirring, and the fragrance is overflowing.With just one bite, you can taste the sincerity and delicate heart of the people from the countryside.

Address: No. 225, Jianxiu Road, Fenghuangshan Street, Putian City

Business hours: 11:00~23:00

Per capita: 17 yuan/person

Must-eat recommendations: Private tripe powder, Crispy intestine powder, secret recipe Chicken feet




Zhonghui Sauce Duck Laohua

Intangible Cultural Heritage Food | Crispy and Spicy Sauce | Various dishes

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture Source: @爱吃爱狠的菜菜

Speaking of Zhonghui sauce duck fishing, Da Some people in Fuzhou must be familiar with it. This "old stewed taste" that has been passed down for nearly a hundred years has made countless diners full of praise. In 2020, Zhonghui Sauce Duck production techniques were included in the sixth batch of Fuzhou City’s representative list of municipal intangible cultural heritage projects.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture source: @ very music liuwei

After three steps of cleaning, scalding and boiling, select a suitable male duck and blanch it, then put it into the secret sauce and simmer it for about half an hour. The sauced duck is ready.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

"Soy Sauce" can be regarded as the soul of the sauce duck. The "braised sauce" of Zhonghui Sauce Duck is prepared with more than a dozen Chinese herbal medicines in specific proportions, then added with rock sugar and other auxiliary ingredients, and cooked for several hours. The duck meat is freshly baked, the skin is shiny, the meat is sweet and tender, the taste is rich and delicate, the first bite is crispy and juicy, and you will be so satisfied.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The above two pictures: @naturaljuanhuangdaxia

In addition to the signature sauce duck, Zhonghui Sauce Duck Old Shop also sells other braised foods, paired with laohua, noodles, dried noodles and other staple foods, I can’t help but think about it Drooling.

Address: Fuzhou City No. 66, Laoyaozhou Street, Taijiang District

Business hours: Open 24 hours

Per capita: 23 yuan/person

Must-try recommendations: Sauce duck, duck soup, dried fish meal in duck soup, braised meat Platter




Silisha tea noodles

Sentimental food|Spicy and sweet

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture source: @You can call me Mr. An

The snack that makes Xiamen people worry about it should be sand tea noodles is the perfect one! Whether in a busy city or a deep alley, you can find a sand tea noodle shop everywhere. Before entering the store, you can hear the store owner's friendly greeting from a distance: "Have you eaten shrimps?"

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Source: @豆波fu

Smell the aroma of sand tea and drink the sand tea soup, Sili Sha Tea Noodles are "White Moonlight" is irreplaceable in the hearts of many Xiamen people. Over the years, it has been listed as "one of the must-eat snacks in Xiamen" in various travel notes.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Source of picture: @ overturning the Yan Guan

After more than twenty years of careful cooking, this pot of thick and delicious sand tea has been brewed. The soup is sweet yet spicy, mellow but not greasy. When all the ingredients are soaked in the sand tea soup, they will have different tastes, which will make people's index fingers wide open.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Source: @ a thin-skinned boy

The noodles in the sand tea soup are made from the unique water surface of southern Fujian, which is fine, dense and elastic. Boil the water in the pot until cooked, scoop it up, mix well, and then add fish balls, green vegetables, dried tofu and other side dishes according to your preference, and you will have a mouth-watering meal.

Address: Xiamen City One of 146 Pinang Sili, Siming District (next to Fengyu Bus Station)

Business hours: 07:00-20:00

Per capita: 27 yuan/person

Must-eat recommendations: Shacha noodles, Shima spiced , smoked duck, mixed duck gizzards




Dongfeng beef offal

hometown flavor|crisp but not greasy|rich but not greasy

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture source: @虎的师

Every Longyan in people’s minds For those with a strong taste, there is a bowl of clear soup noodles and beef offal soup. , especially the beef offal soup, paired with a bowl of rice, makes you feel like you are home in one bite.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

Picture source: @ very music liuwei

As a local time-honored restaurant, Dongfeng Niuzhai is always packed with diners who come to visit the store every day. Whether it is daily meals or inviting friends from out of town to taste local specialties, Dongfeng Beef Offal is a "must-eat menu" strongly recommended by Longyan people.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The fire is roaring, the kitchen is filled with mist, and the beef offal and radish are simmering together to make a pot of good soup. The boss beat up the hot beef offal with one hand, poured the soup base with a large spoon in the other hand, and finally sprinkled a small handful of pepper, and a bowl of beef offal soup was ready to serve.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The above two pictures: @海草uncle

A bowl of beef offal can taste the texture of all parts of a cow. The sweetness of the white radish neutralizes the greasiness of the meat. Take a sip of the soup, the mellow umami flavor is thick but not greasy, making you have a long aftertaste. is paired with a plate of garlic vinegar and a mouthful of rice. It is sour, spicy and refreshing. This way of eating is very Longyan.

Address: Shop 1-5, Xiaxin Garden, Xi'an South Road

Business hours: 07:00-21:30

Per capita: 50 yuan/person

Must-eat recommendations: beef offal soup, fried beef, beef ball soup, stir-fried Jiumentou




Chen Apocha Kuey Teow Shop

Sentimental Food|Soft and Sweet Q Bombs|Spicy and Sweet

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

When it comes to Grandma Chen’s Cha Cha Kueh, what deserves praise is probably that she was raised in a boudoir and still insisted on “self-esteem”. "Cultivated" business quality. The store is located in the main street of Yong'an City, which is also considered the snack street of Yong'an, so the location is easy to find.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The method of making Cha Kueh is not complicated. Soak the rice for an hour or two, grind it into slurry, then mix the slurry thoroughly and pour it into an iron disc, float it in a large pot of boiling water, steam it, then roll it into a tube shape, and then Cut the kuey teow into small pieces, put into a bowl and serve.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The crystal clear rice noodles dipped in the salty and sweet sauce have a great taste. Or choose hot sauce according to your taste preference, which is also a good choice.

The Shaomai in the store is also one of the store’s “hot items”. The transparent and elastic skin is filled with fungus , mushrooms and other accessories. The bottom of the plate is dipped in some soy sauce to enhance the flavor.

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

The above four pictures: @littlehood

This kind of snack that shuttles through the streets has a strong market atmosphere. It is this kind of market atmosphere that gives this kind of ancient shop a strong penetration.

Address: No. 28-3 Xiaojie, Yongan City, Sanming City

Business hours: 10:30-21:00

Per capita: 20 yuan/person

Must-try recommendations: Beef balls, fried dumplings, siomai, taro buns


The so-called " time-honored brand "

is actually

the inheritance and persistence of food craftsmen

while tasting delicious food


we taste is also the ancient feelings

In Fujian, there is a picture circulating. Nutritious food | Warm the heart and stomach | Crispy and delicious. In autumn and winter, northerners eat mutton as a tonic, while Quanzhou people eat ginger duck to warm their stomach. - DayDayNews

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