Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our

2024/06/3012:02:32 hotcomm 1033

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors ? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon?

Our long-held concept is that high-end mobile phone processors must choose Qualcomm, while MediaTek generally only has mid-to-low-end processor . In the past few years, MediaTek processors have even completely disappeared from the mainstream players' horizons. Just when people didn't have any hope for the MediaTek brand, friend Qualcomm came to help.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

Qualcomm, which is unrivaled in the field of Android flagship processors, first squeezed out a wave of toothpaste and released the Snapdragon 888 processor. The performance improvement of

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

is not big, which is actually not a problem. The biggest problem is that all 5nm chips are manufactured by and Samsung .

Although Samsung’s technology level is worse than TSMC’s, its foundry prices are cheaper, so Qualcomm’s forehead is hot, and Snapdragon 888 is also hot. Although

heating is a normal phenomenon of the chip, excessive heating due to process problems will directly affect the user experience. Not only is it hot to touch, but it can also cause the processor to overheat and automatically throttle down.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

originally had little performance improvement, but once the frequency is reduced, the performance gap becomes even smaller compared to 865+. This is why many consumers commented that after the release of Xiaomi 11, they found that and Xiaomi 10 were more fragrant.

Although domestic mobile phone manufacturers want to give Qualcomm face, as long as they agree to purchase Snapdragon 888, they will not cancel the order. However, it is conceivable that the order volume of Snapdragon 888 will drop sharply in the future, and Qualcomm does not even rule out the possibility of cutting orders itself.

It is foreseeable that Snapdragon 888 will definitely be a short-lived processor product.

There are two ways in front of Qualcomm.

One way is to see if TSMC still has sufficient production capacity and transfer the Snapdragon 888 to TSMC for production. But frankly speaking, this path is unlikely, because the production processes of Samsung and TSMC are different. Even though they are both 5nm, if you want to hand over the chip to TSMC, you have to redesign the chip, which is very costly for Qualcomm. too high.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

Another way is to simply abandon the Snapdragon 888 and launch a new product to replace it. This possibility is relatively high.

Just when Qualcomm’s flagship chips were experiencing a decline in reputation, MediaTek came out. In one fell swoop, Dimensity 1200 and 1100 were launched. It must be said here that MediaTek is very pragmatic and did not follow the trend of using the 5nm process, which is too costly. Instead, it adopted the relatively rare 6nm process.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

Picture source anandtech

This process not only ensures that the baseband can be integrated into the processor, but also requires TSMC to do OEM work without facing the problem of tight production capacity.

Qualcomm fell into a passive position all of a sudden. Its own flagship products were weak, and the products of its friends were followed closely by them. This was too dangerous. The history of Intel being overtaken by AMD must not be repeated here.

then launched the Snapdragon 870 urgently. From the parameter point of view, the Snapdragon 870 is basically an overclocked version of the Snapdragon 865+. It still uses a 7nm process, so it still needs an external X55 baseband.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

This makes the Snapdragon 870 not have a cost advantage compared to the Dimensity 1100 and 1200. Mobile phone manufacturers will also have less design space.

So here we must first make it clear: mobile phones that will be launched next year, MediaTek chip products will definitely be relatively cheaper.

What about performance? What many people care about most is performance.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

In terms of computing performance, there is not much difference between Snapdragon 870 and Dimensity 1200. The main frequency of the 870 ultra-large core is 0.2GHz higher, but it uses the old core A77 of ARM.

MediaTek uses the latest A78 core, and the frequency of small and medium-sized cores that are more frequently used in daily life is higher than that of the 870.

This is worthy of our careful consideration. This means that the ultimate running score of 870 may perform better, but daily performance is theoretically faster than 1200.In terms of

GPU, neither side uses the top configuration. The 870 uses Qualcomm's own Adreno 650 instead of 660. The Dimensity 1200 does not use ARM’s latest Mali-G78, but G77. Judging from the previous parameters of the GPU, the performance of Adreno 650 will be slightly better.

We found an AnTuTu benchmark score comparing Snapdragon 865 to Dimensity 1000+. The GPU comparison is actually between Adreno 650 and Mali-G77. It can be seen that it is 20,000 points higher, which is about 10% better. But MediaTek said that although the 1200 and 1000+ both use G77, the performance has improved by 13%. The implication is that it is a little stronger than 650.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

In terms of taking pictures, the 870 supports up to 8K video shooting... I guess no one will use it. The 1200 is relatively pragmatic and supports 4K HDR video. Let’s just say the two sides are evenly matched.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

In terms of screen, the 870 supports up to 144Hz refresh equivalent to a 2K high-definition screen resolution, but the 1200 only supports 90Hz. On paper, the 870 is superior, but in fact, there should be no mobile phone manufacturers crazy enough to pile up 144Hz refresh rate screens on sub-flagships. 90Hz is already very impressive. In terms of

baseband, 870 supports millimeter wave, but it is not currently available in our country. The transmission performance limit of Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNewsG upload and download is stronger than 1200. In terms of communication, we still have to admire Qualcomm.

However, MediaTek supports true 5G dual-card dual standby. Both the main and secondary cards support the SA independent 5G network, which is also very practical. Moreover, the 1200 has a built-in baseband, so the overall cost is lower.

Recently, MediaTek suddenly entered the field of vision of mobile phone consumers again. Dimensity 1000+, 1100 and 1200 have also become the focus of discussion. What is the performance of these three mobile phone processors? Is it stronger or weaker than Qualcomm Snapdragon? Our - DayDayNews

As for the gaming experience, both parties have a lot of “self-developed black technologies”. As for who is better, we have to wait until the 1200 product is launched before making a comparison.

Let’s summarize. The performance of the two processors, 870 and 1200, is actually about the same. It’s hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker, but what is certain is that 1200 is cheaper and more favored by mobile phone manufacturers.

In the future, we will see a large number of products equipped with MediaTek Dimensity chips on the market. At this time, what we need is to break some traditional prejudices and give more attention and expectations to MediaTek.

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