[The world's top 100 entrepreneurs each lost 400 million yuan per day in the past two months, and Ma Huateng and Jack Ma tied for the richest man in China] On April 6, Hurun Research Institute released the "Special Report on the Changes in Wealth of Global Entrepreneurs Two Month

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[The world's top 100 entrepreneurs each lost 400 million yuan per day in the past two months, and Ma Huateng and Jack Ma tied for the richest man in China] On April 6, Hurun Research Institute released the

[The world's top 100 entrepreneurs each lost 400 million yuan per day in the past two months, and Ma Huateng and Jack Ma tied for the richest man in China] On April 6, Hurun Research Institute released the

The long holiday is over, welcome back to the working day. Let’s take a look at the information not to be missed from the business community:

Let’s first look at the macro news:

[Press Release of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council: Severe Punishment of Entrants Who Conceal the Epidemic]

On April 6, Song Yueqian, Deputy Director of the Health and Quarantine Department of the General Administration of Customs At the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, it was stated that for a small number of personnel who conceal the epidemic situation, cover up symptoms and other illegal activities, the customs will give warnings or administrative penalties of up to 30,000 yuan in fines in accordance with the law, and will use a variety of means to increase punishment. The intensity will make the offenders "lose their trust in one place and be restricted everywhere."

At present, my country's epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, but the number of imported cases from abroad continues to increase, and there are currently more than 950 cases. Preventing the import of overseas epidemics has become a prominent contradiction in current epidemic prevention and control. Song Yueqian said that recently, the vast majority of people entering and leaving the country have been able to abide by customs regulations and truthfully declare their health status, but there are also a few people who have concealed the epidemic situation and tried to get through customs. (Central Broadcasting Network)

[Over 1.33 million confirmed diagnoses worldwide! The number of deaths in the United States exceeds 10,000, and the British Prime Minister is under intensive care]

Real-time statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of about 6:30 on April 7, Beijing time, there were a total of 1,337,749 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the world. There have been 74,169 deaths and a total of 275,883 recoveries.

Among them, the United States has accumulated more than 360,000 confirmed cases and 10,689 deaths, becoming the third country after Italy and Spain with more than 10,000 deaths; the British Prime Minister's condition worsened and was transferred to the ICU, and the Foreign Secretary has temporarily performed the duties of the Prime Minister; German officials warned that the peak number of confirmed infections is "still ahead"; the French Minister of Finance and Economy said that the French economy may suffer the worst recession since the end of World War II. (Beijing Daily)

[Beijing issued 28 billion yuan in preferential interest rate loans, 70% of which was used to support small, medium and micro enterprises]

On the afternoon of April 5, at a press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Beijing, the People's Bank of China was open Yang Weizhong, director of the Ministry of Management, introduced the People's Bank of China's implementation of monetary and credit policies to provide reasonable and sufficient financial support with preferential interest rates for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. As of April 2, Beijing has issued 573 loans with preferential interest rates, amounting to 28 billion yuan, with a weighted loan interest rate of 2.61%, which is about 1.3% after fiscal discounts; 70% of the funds are used to support small, medium and micro enterprises. (CCTV Finance)

During the turmoil of the epidemic, have entrepreneurs’ pockets shrunk?

[In the past two months, each of the world's top 100 entrepreneurs has lost 400 million yuan per day, Ma Huateng Jack Ma tied for the richest man in China]

On April 6, Hurun Research Institute released "Special Changes in the Wealth of Global Entrepreneurs Two Months After the Epidemic" Report", the report shows that in the past two months, the wealth of the world's top 100 entrepreneurs has decreased by 12.6%, or 2.6 trillion yuan, which is almost the total wealth created by these entrepreneurs in the past two and a half years, equivalent to a daily loss of 400 million per person. More RMB. According to the report, only nine of Hurun’s top 100 global entrepreneurs have seen their wealth increase in the past two months, all of them from China. During the same period, China's top ten entrepreneurs lost a total of 289 billion yuan. Ma Huateng and Jack Ma tied for the first time as the richest man in China, with a wealth of 290 billion yuan. Due to the sharp fall in stock prices due to the financial fraud incident, Luckin Coffee Chairman Lu Zhengyao and CEO Qian Zhiya fell off the list of billionaires. (Global Network)

What are the new changes in Tencent ’s latest equity structure?

[Tencent’s latest equity structure exposed: Ma Huateng 8.6%, worth nearly US$40 billion]

April 6 news, some media exposed Tencent’s latest equity structure based on Tencent’s 2019 annual report. Tencent's largest shareholder is MIH TC (the parent company is South African newspaper Naspers), which holds 31% of the shares; Tencent CEO Ma Huateng holds 8.58% of the shares, and Liu Chiping holds 0.55% of the shares. As of April 5, 2020, Tencent's market value was HK$3,595.7 billion (approximately US$463.8 billion). Based on this calculation, Ma Huateng is worth nearly US$40 billion.According to the equity disclosure of the Stock Exchange, Ma Huateng sold goods for four consecutive trading days from January 14 to 17, 2020, involving a total of 5 million shares and cashing out HK$1.996 billion. This is Ma Huateng’s cash out again after more than 2 years. (Ifeng Technology)

Jack Ma cares about the world:

[Jack Ma donated medical supplies to 54 African countries, including 500 ventilators and 1 million sets of reagents]

On April 6, Jack Ma announced Jack Ma Charity Foundation , Alibaba Charity The foundation is sending a second batch of supplies to 54 African countries. This batch of supplies includes 500 ventilators, 1 million sets of virus sampling equipment and extraction reagents, 200,000 sets of protective clothing and protective masks, 2,000 forehead thermometers and 500,000 hands. set. It is reported that the Jack Ma Foundation has previously donated 6 million masks, 1.1 million test kits, 60,000 sets of protective clothing, and 60,000 protective face shields to Africa. (Boss Broadcast)

Xiaomi is already ten years old, Lei Jun looks back on the ten years of history with a lot of emotions:

[Lei Jun commemorates Xiaomi’s tenth birthday: Entrepreneurship is an endless road]

On April 6, Lei Jun posted a commemorative post on Weibo Xiaomi's 10th anniversary: ​​"Ten years ago, a dozen people started a business in a small office in Yingu Building, Zhongguancun. They drank millet porridge together and started a business. At that time, they had no experience in hardware R&D and manufacturing, but they actually said they wanted to be the best. Mobile phones are sold at half the price, promoting the popularity of smartphones across the country. We believe that as long as we continue to make good products that touch people's hearts and are reasonably priced, we can become true friends with users.

Ten years have passed, and Xiaomi has not been in trouble. Defeat, but become stronger despite setbacks, and use the ecological chain to copy the Xiaomi model to more than 100 industries. Entrepreneurship is an endless road, the future is at your feet, let’s go!” (Chinese Entrepreneur)

Huawei . Is self-improvement embarrassing for the United States?

[Huawei P40 series core supplier list exposed, most of them domestically produced]

html News on April 6, a Weibo digital V recently exposed a list of Huawei P40 series core suppliers. The blogger said that in addition to the processor, audio, control and other chips that are independently developed by Huawei, most of the accessories are also made by domestic suppliers, and none of them come from the United States.

The list shows that the P40 Pro and Pro+ camera module components are from Sony, Largan Optoelectronics, Sunny Optical, OFILM, Lijing, Qiu Titanium Technology, Crystal Optoelectronics, etc. The fingerprint recognition comes from Goodix Technology, OFILM, and Qiutai Technology. The appearance protection comes from Lens Technology and Bourne Optical . The screen is Jingdong square, LGD. (Driver Home)

Jingdong Moutai’s popularity is unusual:

[Jingdong: Internet rumors say that grabbing Moutai through bugs is false news]

Starting from April 1st, Jingdong started a pre-order activity for Feitian Moutai, and the number of online pre-orders exceeded 160 in the three days before the event. Ten thousand. Screenshots circulated online recently showed that a user grabbed 400 bottles of Feitian Moutai on JD.com at one time. On April 5, JD.com stated that Moutai has recently started to make reservations for rush-buying, which has attracted heated attention. However, there are reports on the Internet that someone used a bug to buy 400 bottles of Moutai, and programmers leaked the rush-buying link to scalpers in advance, all of which were through PS orders, etc. Rumors created in this way. "The production and dissemination of these false news has violated relevant laws, and JD.com will reserve the right to take further legal measures." (Beijing News)

Meituan takes action. Is the terminator of "Three Electrics and One Beast" coming?

[Meituan-Dianping lays out shared power bank business]

html According to news on April 5, Meituan-Dianping is vigorously deploying shared power bank business in various regions across the country. Meituan insiders revealed that Meituan’s shared power bank team was transferred from the team that was previously responsible for Meituan’s acquiring business. A grassroots sales manager of Meituan’s Shared Power Bank Division in Beijing said: “Meituan’s Shared Power Bank Division has one to two thousand people and is still recruiting for expansion. Relevant news will be officially announced in May. This business has been prepared. It took half a year and was officially established in March this year and has been running for a month.” (Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily)

Ruixing’s fraud, “passing the blame” is useless:

[Ruixing’s lawyer in the U.S. lawsuit: abandoning the pawn to save the handsome does not work, the executives will be investigated]

US Eastern Time on April 7, Luckin Coffee's stock price showed a trend of opening high and moving low. As of the close of the US stock market, the stock price continued to plummet by more than 18%, closing at $4.39. Due to suspicion of inflated trading data of 2.2 billion yuan, Ruixing Coffee's stock price plummeted 75.57% on April 2. , more than 30 billion in market value evaporated, and then fell by 15.94% the next day.

html On April 6, in response to the apology statement issued by Luckin Coffee, Liu, a registered trial lawyer in the U.S. Federal Court and the attorney representing Ruixing Coffee in the class action lawsuit in the United States. Longzhu said that it has received more than a dozen customers to file a class action lawsuit for securities fraud and is selecting a litigation representative. The suspected financial fraud of Ruixing Coffee is unlikely to be the behavior of individual executives. If the fraud is true, the board of directors and senior management members will be involved. He will be held legally responsible, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will definitely investigate. "Abandoning the pawn to protect the commander-in-chief does not work in the United States. Liu Jian will bear all the responsibilities, but the possibility of the executive being imprisoned is also very high, and Luckin Coffee may also face delisting." . "(Sina Finance)

China Construction Bank explicitly stipulates "avoidance of suspicion":

[Relatives of CCB employees are not allowed to be recruited to work at the head office]

According to news on April 6, recently, China Construction Bank issued the "Regulations on the Avoidance of Relatives of Employees", which regulates the recruitment of employees across the bank. Further regulate the avoidance of relatives in the recruitment and appointment of leading cadres, making it clear that all relatives of employees are not allowed to be recruited to work in the head office, and they are not allowed to be recruited to the same internal department, the same business outlet, the same subordinate institution, or the same overseas country where the employee works. Organization... The relevant person in charge of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission at the China Construction Bank said that the "Regulations" further improve the internal control mechanism for personnel selection and employment, and urge cadres and employees to perform their duties fairly and impartially (China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News)

iQiyi's live broadcast. The side ball finally caught fire:

[iQiyi apologizes: It will stop content updates for Qixiu live broadcast and carry out technical upgrades]

In the early morning of April 6, iQiyi’s official Weibo announced that iQiyi’s online live broadcast product Qixiu The live broadcast has caused negative social impact due to technical reasons. For this reason, iQiyi has decided to stop updating the content of Qixiu Live from 0:00 on April 4 and carry out technical upgrades. Some netizens revealed that after searching for TV dramas on iQiyi, they found the anchor’s pornographic videos (Red Star News)

After the resumption of work, the price of hot pot has increased in retaliation:

[Affected by the epidemic and costs, Haidilao prices increased after the resumption of work. About 6%]

html On April 5, some netizens posted on Weibo that Haidilao had increased prices after resuming dine-in dining. Reporters also confirmed the news from the side of the store on the evening of April 5, with the relevant person in charge of Haidilao. In response, the price increase is affected by the epidemic and rising costs, but the overall food price adjustment is controlled at 6%, and each city implements differentiated pricing. (Beijing News)

Two financial reports, housing and pork are both in urgent need:

[Sunac. China's contracted sales in March were 30.92 billion yuan]

html reported on April 6 that Sunac China's contracted sales in March were 30.92 billion yuan, the contracted sales area was approximately 2.287 million square meters, and the average contract sales price was approximately 13,520 yuan/square meter. . As of the end of March 2020, the group has achieved a cumulative contracted sales amount of approximately RMB 61.76 billion, a cumulative contracted sales area of ​​approximately 4.534 million square meters, and an average contracted sales price of approximately RMB 13,620 per square meter (Sina Finance)

[ Zhengbang Technology. : Pig sales revenue in March was 1.774 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 107%]

Zhengbang Technology announced on the evening of April 6 that the company sold 405,800 pigs in March (including 9,500 piglets and 396,400 commercial pigs), a month-on-month increase 18.43%, a year-on-year decrease of 28.19%; sales revenue was 1.774 billion yuan, a month-on-month increase of 13.98%, a year-on-year increase of 107.47%. The average sales price of commercial pigs (after excluding piglets) was 34.90 yuan/kg, a decrease of 5.73% from the previous month; the average weight was 127.62 kg/head, an increase of 3.67% from the previous month.(Sina Technology)

Overseas, the new crown virus is more fierce than tigers:

[A ​​tiger at the New York Zoo tested positive for the new coronavirus ]

The Bronx Zoo in New York City, USA, issued a statement on April 5, saying that a 4-year-old tiger in the zoo A female Malayan tiger tested positive for the new coronavirus. The animals may have been infected by a keeper who had previously cared for them, the statement said. The keeper was either asymptomatically infected or had not yet developed symptoms at the time of contact with them. There is currently no evidence in the United States that humans can contract the coronavirus from animals. (Xinhua News Agency)

Apple has also begun to vigorously produce masks:

[ Cook: Apple produces 1 million protective masks every week, and Apple has donated more than 20 million masks]

April 6, Apple CEO Tim Cook It said that Apple has donated 20 million masks globally and is currently designing and producing protective face shields for medical personnel. In the future, it will produce 1 million face shields per week. "This is a truly global effort, and we are continuing to work closely with all levels of government to ensure that this equipment is donated to where it is needed most," Cook said in a video posted to Twitter on Sunday afternoon. "(Sina Finance)

Zoom encounters privacy and security Waterloo:

[15,000 user videos were publicly viewed, and Zoom was exposed to serious privacy vulnerabilities]

News on April 5, according to reports from many foreign media including the "Washington Post", Zoom has serious privacy vulnerabilities The most intuitive negative result of the privacy security vulnerability is that it has caused the video records of at least 15,000 users to be published online, and everyone can click to watch. According to public information, Zoom’s daily activity once exceeded 200 million, while this number was only about 10 million at the end of December last year. Faced with the sudden increase in user base, Zoom is obviously not fully prepared. On April 6, Credit Suisse downgraded Zoom's rating from "neutral" to "underperform." (Interface News)

Boeing's house leaked despite the continuous rain, and the suspension of production was extended indefinitely:

[Boeing extended the suspension of production at the Seattle factory indefinitely, and 135 employees were diagnosed with the infection]

News on April 6, Beijing time, Boeing Company announced that due to The coronavirus outbreak will extend the shutdown of its Seattle-area aircraft factory indefinitely until further notice. The company announced last month it was suspending production at the plant for two weeks after an employee there died from the coronavirus. (Sina Finance)

Centennial Bank of the United States cannot withstand the epidemic:

[Centennial Bank of the United States West Virginia goes bankrupt]

The independent financial institution of the U.S. federal government , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the United States, announced on Friday local time that West Virginia The state's "First State Bank" went bankrupt and its accounts will be taken over by MVB Bank. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said First State Bank's capital and asset quality issues have been problematic. The financial report at the end of 2019 showed that its assets were US$152.4 million, which was no longer enough to support its legal operations. "First State Bank" has thus become the first U.S. bank to fail nationwide since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. (China Business News)

Japan may experience the bleakest Olympics in history:

[The epidemic has triggered economic difficulties in Japan, Japanese media: Tokyo Olympics sponsors may withdraw funds]

News on April 6, according to Japan's "Kyodo News" report, the new coronavirus epidemic The economic deterioration caused by the expansion has cast a shadow on the Japanese sports industry, and Tokyo Olympic sponsors may withdraw funds. Nagaharu Sono, vice-president of the Japan Canoe Federation, learned from business sources that “(maintaining the status quo sponsorship) may be difficult.” Officials of the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) also warned: "It is completely conceivable (sponsors divestment) in the future." (National Direct Train)

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