On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference.

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On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. - DayDayNews

On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. Photo by China News Service reporter Cui Nan

China News Service, Beijing, December 20 (Ma Xiuxiu) Trump’s granddaughter sang Chinese songs, Soros’s daughter recited Tang poetry... As Chinese becomes popular around the world, overseas Chinese education also It grew like mushrooms after a spring rain. However, the 20,000 Chinese schools all over the world will always encounter difficulties in many aspects such as teachers, teaching materials, and students' interests in promoting Chinese education. How does

break through these "bottlenecks" in the development of Chinese education? Taking the Fourth World Chinese Education Conference as an opportunity, guests attending the conference recently expressed to China News Service reporters that they hope to use their own initiative and take positive actions.

At present, in countries such as Thailand and the Philippines, teachers engaged in Chinese education are generally older, and the problem of insufficient teacher reserve force is more prominent. Representatives attending the meeting expressed their gratitude to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Hanban and others for their support in selecting teachers every year, but they understood that in order to establish a long-term mechanism for teacher training, it is necessary to transform from passive "blood transfusion" to self-"blood production".

On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. - DayDayNewshtml On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. The picture shows Yang Jiechi (third from left), member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and State Councilor, Qiu Yuanping (fifth from left), director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, and Xu Yousheng (first from left), party secretary and deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, respectively, presenting certificates of commendation to representatives of outstanding overseas Chinese teachers. Photo by China News Service reporter Cui Nan

"We will work hard on 'blood production'." Wu Songbin, vice principal of Zhonghua Middle School in Zamboanga City, Philippines, has been engaged in Chinese education for 15 years. According to him, they began to cultivate students' intention to engage in Chinese teaching when they were in middle school. "We sign contracts with students and send them to China to study professionally, and then come back to teach after completing their studies."

Utrecht, the Netherlands Hu Yunfei, the principal of Zhi Chinese School, said that in view of the public welfare nature of Dutch Chinese schools, they will take teachers' love for Chinese education as an important consideration in the process of recruiting teachers. "This way we can stay longer," Hu Yunfei added, "On this basis, we also focus on allowing teachers to improve their professional capabilities through distance course training provided by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office."

According to the guests at the meeting, currently overseas Chinese schools Most of them use the unified teaching materials provided by and of Jinan University. Although the teaching materials are relatively professional in terms of grammar and other aspects, they are less integrated with the national conditions of each country and are still lacking in adapting to local conditions.

On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. - DayDayNewshtml On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. The picture shows Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and State Councilor, shaking hands with participants before the opening ceremony. Photo by China News Service reporter Cui Nan

“Teachers must use their subjective initiative,” said Chen Wei, vice president of the German Federation of Chinese Schools who has been engaged in Chinese education for more than 20 years. “We will organize teachers from Chinese schools to carry out inter-school exchanges. , jointly discuss how to adapt Chinese teaching materials in teaching to be more suitable for children with German thinking. "

In Wu Songbin's view, Chinese teaching materials are adapted to local conditions and require textbook writing experts to strengthen their understanding of the national conditions and cultural customs of the country where the teaching materials are used. "It would be a good choice if experts from the two countries can cooperate to discuss compilation."

People often say that interest is the best teacher. To promote the better development of overseas Chinese education and cultivate students' interests is a proposition that requires long-term thinking and practice. Fu Wenwu, principal of

Italian-Chinese School, said that with the implementation of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, all countries have seen opportunities in China. Out of consideration for employment opportunities, many parents will also focus on cultivating their children's interest in Chinese.

On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. - DayDayNewshtml On December 19, the 4th World Chinese Education Conference opened in Beijing. Nearly 600 representatives of the Chinese education community from 55 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. The picture shows a group photo of representatives of the guests attending the meeting.Photo by China News Service reporter Cui Nan

"We will combine the Internet, slides and other multimedia forms to enrich classroom content and improve children's attention." Fu Wenwu said.

According to Hu Yunfei, Chinese will be included in the Dutch education system next year. When it comes to cultivating children's interest in learning, he believes that it is important to enrich Chinese learning channels. "A few years ago, our school established a choir, hoping to use the form of singing to increase children's enthusiasm for learning Chinese. Not long ago, the students also performed a report and the effect was good."

"Driving interest in language learning with cultural interest "It's very important," Wu Songbin said. The school often organizes activities to enhance students' understanding of Chinese culture. "Lion dancing and making dumplings are common activities, and students also enjoy them." (End)


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