Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe

2024/07/0122:31:32 hotcomm 1125

Matson ~Mason~Mason~Yes~ Today we are talking about Matson~Mason himself: I am Clipper , I have 5 types, the shipping schedule is generally six-quarter and three-day sailing, the regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday , Occasionally there will be overtime sailing during the peak season. The boat sails on Thursday~ Come and get to know me~↓

Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe - DayDayNews

Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe - DayDayNews. Which port in the United States does the Matson Clippers go to?

Mason Express departs from Shanghai Port to the Port of Long Beach in the United States for unloading. It does not dock during the entire journey and has its own independent terminal. There is no need to queue up to unload the ship in the peak season. There is no risk of port congestion and the timeliness is relatively stable.

Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe - DayDayNews

. Matson Clipper Route Map

Xiamen will stop for one day (Xiamen loading, add 2 days to the time limit),

Ningbo will stop for one day (Ningbo ship will add 1 day to the time limit),

will stop for one day, and then go directly to US Long Beach Hong Kong CL.

Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe - DayDayNews

Mason Clipper route map from Shanghai, China to Long Beach, USA

Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe - DayDayNews

There is currently no stopping point for the Matson Clipper in Shenzhen. The red line is the route of the barge . The Matson ship has offices in Hong Kong and Yantian and can transport goods by waterway. Barge to Shanghai. Shenzhen's Matson generally uses express ships to collect goods in Shenzhen's warehouse and then transport them by land to Shanghai for shipment.
3. How many days is the shipping time for Mason Clippers?

The timeliness of the Mason Express is needless to say. It is the fastest in shipping. It takes more than a week to arrive from Shanghai to Long Beach Port . It takes 8-9 working days, which is relatively stable. It can be unloaded on the same day and picked up the next day. For containers, the pick-up time for containers is generally 8-10 working days.

4. What is the price of Matson Clippers?
(refer to the price in the United States and the United States as an example)

Mason express ship price, for example, limited time delivery currently costs more than 10 yuan/KG, but the price is still very cost-effective in terms of timeliness and other aspects.

Matson~Mason~Mason~That’s right~ Let’s talk about Matson again today~Mason himself: I am a Clipper. I divide it into 5 types. The sailing schedule is generally six-quarter sailing. The regular sailing is on Wednesday every Wednesday. Occasionally there will be a sailing in the pe - DayDayNews

* The world trade situation continues to change, and the policies of various countries will also be adjusted accordingly. The above content is for reference only. Please confirm with the relevant parties in advance for detailed regulations.

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