Beijing News On April 3, CITS United Co., Ltd. announced that the company’s controlling shareholder Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd. has recently completed the industrial and commercial change registration for capital increase and share expansion, and the registered capital has be

2024/07/0122:04:32 hotcomm 1912

Beijing News (Reporter Wang Zhenzhen) On April 3, CITS United Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " CITS United ") announced that the company's controlling shareholder Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd." Tourism Group") has recently completed the industrial and commercial change registration for capital increase and share expansion, and the registered capital has been changed from 1 billion yuan to 1.3 billion yuan.

Beijing News On April 3, CITS United Co., Ltd. announced that the company’s controlling shareholder Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd. has recently completed the industrial and commercial change registration for capital increase and share expansion, and the registered capital has be - DayDayNews

The equity structure of Jianglv Group before and after the capital increase. Picture/ Screenshot of the announcement of CITS United

In June 2018, Xiamen Contemporary Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Contemporary Asset Management"), the original controlling shareholder of CITS United , signed a "Share Transfer Agreement" with Jianglv Group to transfer its holdings China Travel and jointly transferred 73.5561 million unrestricted shares to Jianglv Group. In January 2019, the transfer registration procedures for the relevant share transfers were completed. Jianglv Group became the controlling shareholder of CITS United , and the actual controller of CITS United was also simultaneously changed to the Jiangxi Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

CITS United stated that Jianglv Group’s capital increase and share expansion will not lead to changes in the company’s controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Currently, Jianglv Group holds 98.803 million shares of China Travel United , accounting for 19.57% of the total share capital of China Travel United .

Beijing News reporter Wang Zhenzhen

editor Li Zheng proofread Li Shihui

picture CITS United official website screenshot

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