"Special" is exactly the effect Zhang Meng has been pursuing for five years. She is the executive director of Shoucheng Holdings and has witnessed the entire process of Liugonghui from planning to completion to debut.

2024/07/0316:34:32 hotcomm 1510

"A family of three can go shopping, walk the kids, and look at cars." On June 18, the Liugonghui Shopping Plaza in the Liugonghui Commercial Section of Shougang Park made its debut. A young mother and her child were happily walking Sitting on the leisure stairs, she praised, "It's quite special here."

"Special" is exactly the effect that Zhang Meng has been pursuing for five years. She is the executive director of Shoucheng Holdings and has witnessed the success of Liugonghui. The whole process from planning, construction to debut. "Liugonghui is not going to be a retail mall, we are going to be the ultimate experience space." Zhang Meng said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from Beijing News that people entering Shougang Park should not only look at the beauty, but also have a good time. " The shopping mall will set up a 'mom and dad storage', hoping that families and young people can stay here for a longer time." Zhang Meng also said that he hopes that this place will be "full of children and young people."

Wanda Plaza Shijingshan store is an early comprehensive shopping mall, Contemporary Mall Dingcheng store is a small retail mall covering 1-3 kilometers, Joy City is a large comprehensive shopping mall... The newly unveiled Shougang Park Liugonghui Shopping Plaza brings new consumption patterns. As Zhang Meng said, Liugonghui Shopping Plaza has changed the consumer imagination in Beijing’s western business district. "Shougang Park Liugonghui Shopping Plaza is a place that combines indoors and outdoors for everyone to experience and play."

html On June 18, the Liugonghui Shopping Plaza of the commercial sector of Shougang Park Liugonghui made its debut. Picture provided by the interviewee

“Adventure turns into surprise”

In the West Beijing business district, Shougang Park Liugonghui Shopping Plaza is a special existence. It was born based on the "halo" of Shougang Park and the Winter Olympics, and has unique style and characteristics.

On the first day of Liugonghui Shopping Plaza’s debut on June 18, a reporter from the Beijing News discovered that Liugonghui Shopping Plaza has four floors, covering lifestyle, coffee, exhibition halls, catering, entertainment experience, parent-child, fitness and other businesses. It focuses on comprehensive consumption of "experience + exhibition hall + catering". The overall design style is fashionable, youthful, and full of literary style. Among them, the leisure ladder with full literary and artistic style has the potential to become a check-in point for Internet celebrities.

During the visit by reporters from the Beijing News, many consumers also expressed their first experience. Consumer Ms. Liang told the Beijing News reporter, "It is relatively new to set up some places to rest on the steps." Shopping is also a physical challenge. You can find a comfortable place to sit and rest anytime and anywhere, which is very important for a shopping mall. Important must-have hardware. Ms. Li, who took her children to the mall, commented that "the overall style is youthful and artistic", which is in line with her aesthetic needs, especially "the leisure stairs are very artistic".

Regarding the design of the leisure staircase, Zhang Meng told the Beijing News reporter, "This was a design that the designer was trying to take risks at the time. Now the designer is very happy. Because the adventure has turned into a surprise, everyone likes it. Shougang Park is too big "We can't let people wander around without even having a place to rest." I hope the entire shopping mall will be more like a city living room, "allowing people who come here to rest and play freely."

For residents living near Shougang Park. Said that Liugonghui Shopping Plaza also brought them a lot of convenience. Ms. Liang, who lives nearby, told the Beijing News reporter that Liugonghui is a relatively large, high-end leisure and entertainment place for raising children, which has brought a lot of convenience to consumers in the western Beijing area. Ms. Li, who often visited Shougang Park before, said, "Shougang Park itself is a very unique place. With a shopping mall here, it is more attractive to everyone, whether it is eating or shopping. It can meet more needs. "

"It looks beautiful and plays well"

"People have to eat and drink when they enter Shougang Park." Zhang Meng told the Beijing News reporter that in such a special historical and industrial relic, it can meet more needs. In an environment where culture and the characteristics of the entire landscape are combined, "it is not only necessary to look beautiful, but also to play well."

Liugonghui Shopping Plaza is different from the traditional "box", but an "urban comprehensive entity" that can provide different experiences ".Zhang Meng said that when designing and planning, he did not think about too many commercial street concepts, nor too many retail formats. "It is more about giving everyone a new way to combine indoor and outdoor play."

rich Terrace space is a major feature of Liugonghui Shopping Plaza. Consumers can enjoy the new Shougang Bridge, Shougang Ski Jump, Qunming Lake and other views on different terraces, "unlocking" new outdoor terrace experiences. In the hot summer, let the mall open up space, not only to set up tents next to Qunming Lake, but also to "let everyone rest and truly feel the warmth of the heart."

At the same time, there are various ways to connect indoors and outdoors. Among them, the indoor shooting range combined with the outdoor venues of Shougang Park is very fresh. According to Wang Ruicheng, the manager of the indoor shooting experience store Binghun, the store is the first offline experience store in the country. Consumer Mr. Li said that this was his first time coming into contact with a shooting range in a shopping mall. “It feels quite novel. In the past, if you wanted to experience shooting, you had to go to outdoor venues in the suburbs, but now you can experience it in the shopping mall.”

At present, the mall is one and two The level is defined as the "Dad Level" and has clusters of car showrooms that men love to see. The third and fourth floors containing children's businesses and restaurants are defined as the "mother's floor".

Among them, the only car showroom cluster in western Beijing has attracted many parent-child families to check in. "A family of three can not only go shopping and walk the children, but also look at cars."

Zhang Meng revealed that there is an Easter egg in the mall that has not yet been opened. , where Nairbao will build the largest science and technology museum in Beijing. We may also do some large-scale IP interactions in the future. She also mentioned that in the future, Liugonghui may also set up a "mom and dad storage room" so that adults can have a resting space while the children play. "This is not a retail format of consumption, but a consumption of the ultimate experience."

"My eyes are full of the future, children and young people."

"Everyone is willing to pay for experiential products." In Zhang Meng's view, now Consumer demand is no longer the same. “Those born in the 1950s and 1960s will go to shopping malls to buy things, while young people must have the ultimate experience and social interaction when going to shopping malls.” Zhang Meng said that if you follow the traditional model, you will not be able to get out of the circle. You must change with the needs of the crowd. "The products of Liugonghui Shopping Plaza should be extremely high-quality and extremely comfortable, so that they can keep you here for a longer time."

Liugonghui Shopping Plaza is mainly positioned for two groups of people, namely parent-child families and young people. people. Zhang Meng told the Beijing News reporter that he hopes this place can become a small base for "micro-vacation", where families with families can come here to spend leisure holidays. Only young people can bring vitality and enthusiasm. Liugonghui is constantly making moves to let young people check in more than once. “What we have to do is to capture the interest of young people, grab their attention, and let them I'm willing to come."

Regarding the Jingxi business district, Zhang Meng believes that Liugonghui Shopping Plaza has improved the consumption habits of the entire western business district and made the consumption imagination different. In fact, Shougang Park itself is a world-class urban renewal concept. In Zhang Meng’s view, urban renewal is a renewal of forms, buildings, and experience content. “It also needs to update the people in this area.” In the past, more people who came to this area were the children of Shougang employees. They are the elderly people in this area. Regarding the future, Zhang Meng hopes that here, “the future will be full of children and young people.”

Beijing News reporter Zhang Jie

editor Wang Lin

proofreader Liu Jun

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