Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao reporter learned from China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CITS") that since March 2021, CITS has discovered that individual companies have illegally used the "CITS trademark" and named it "China International Travel Se

2024/07/0122:06:33 hotcomm 1861

Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao reporter learned from China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CITS") that since March 2021, CITS has discovered that individual companies have illegally used the "CITS trademark" to "China International Travel Service" and/or "CITS" and other names, conduct offline store investment and franchise nationwide, and promise franchisees to use the above trademarks to conduct business and attract tourists. CITS Headquarters stated that it has never permitted any unit or individual to use CITS trademarks nationwide.

In order to clarify the facts, prevent the majority of tourists and franchisees from being deceived and cause damage to their rights and interests, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China National Travel Service Corporation in respect of the CITS trademark in accordance with the law, China National Tourism Administration issued a special statement:

1. Ownership of relevant rights of the "CITS Trademark" China Travel Service Headquarters. The "CITS Trademark" has been legally registered and used for a long time, and has a very high reputation. The exclusive right of the registered trademark belongs to the CITS Headquarters, and its legitimate rights and interests should be protected by law.

2. CITS Headquarters has never permitted any unit or individual to use CITS trademarks nationwide. Relevant units that have signed the "Trademark Use License Contract" with CITS Head Office are only entitled to use the CITS trademark within the agreed administrative division and within the agreed period; they do not have the right to license third parties to use the CITS trademark. Any unit or individual that has not signed a "Trademark License Contract" with CITS has no right to use CITS trademarks. Even the units that have signed the "Trademark Use License Contract" with CITS Head Office have no right to use the CITS trademark outside the administrative division of the place where they are registered; let alone the right to use the CITS trademark nationwide; any violation is considered infringement. The act of exclusive rights to the trademark of China National Travel Service.

3. The infringer should immediately stop the infringement, and CITS reserves the right to pursue legal liability of relevant units or individuals. CITS Headquarters orders the infringer to immediately delete and destroy all infringing media, cease infringement activities, and publicly apologize to CITS Headquarters and the public in a manner commensurate with the adverse impact caused to eliminate the impact on the date this letter is made public. .

4. China National Travel Service would like to thank the majority of tourists and colleagues for their continued support and trust in the CITS brand, and would like to remind tourists and colleagues to distinguish between "real and fake Li Kui" when choosing a travel agency, to avoid misunderstanding and confusion, and to prevent Risk of property damage.

If you have any questions, please call 400-600-8888 or send an email to [email protected] for confirmation.

Beiqing-Beijing Toutiao reporter learned from China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhao Tingting

editor/Li Xiaomeng

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