The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark

2024/07/0123:50:33 hotcomm 1864

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day. Many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence felt. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has flooded the circle of friends.

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

This picture is a rumor

In fact, regarding the treatment of new pneumonia, it does not cost a penny!

According to the National Health Commission’s “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Pneumonia Infected by Novel Coronavirus”, all expenses incurred due to novel coronavirus pneumonia will be temporarily included in the payment scope of the medical insurance fund.

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

Anyone diagnosed or suspected can receive free treatment, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to afford medical treatment if you have pneumonia.

The only risk is death and disability caused by the new type of pneumonia, which brings economic losses to families.

As of February 4, the epidemic has taken away the lives of more than 400 people, and based on SARS experience, may be disabled by drugs during subsequent treatment.

There are many epidemic protections on the market, both paid and free. Today Lao Ji will take stock of them.

Protection purchased with money

1, JD Allianz New Coronavirus Protection Plan

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

You can apply for insurance for 60 days to 65 years old. There is no waiting period or hesitation period, and it will take effect the next day.

If you are diagnosed with new pneumonia for the first time, you can get a compensation of up to 10,000 yuan. If you unfortunately die, you can get a compensation of up to 500,000 yuan.

Laoji looked at a lot of epidemic prevention insurance and found that JD Allianz was one of the few products that could pay out a sum of money if diagnosed with new pneumonia.

So if you are in an epidemic-stricken area or often in a place with a lot of traffic, and cost about 200, which is still very suitable.

2, Hongkang Life Insurance Ankang Insurance

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

60 days to 65 years old, occupations in categories 1-4 can be insured, there is no waiting period, no hesitation period , it will take effect the next day.

The protection content includes death/total disability caused by the new type of pneumonia, and can compensate up to 300,000 .

insurance link: At present, the product has not been officially launched yet. You can add Laoski friends first to receive the launch notification as soon as possible.

After talking about spending money to buy protection, let’s talk about the protections that can be obtained for free at the touch of a finger.

Free protection

1, Ping An Health App free insurance

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

People aged 18 to 65 can provide free .2 million new pneumonia death protection , 1 million aviation accidents and 200,000 public transportation accidents in the Ping An Health app.

The guarantee period is 90 days. If the epidemic is not over, you can receive activation again.

One thing to note is that this complimentary insurance has a 14-day waiting period and does not take effect after activation.

How to get it: Download the Ping An Health app and you can see it on the homepage.

Ping An’s free insurance this time is still very good, and in addition to the Ping An Health app, download Ping An Good Car Owner, Ping An Gold Butler also offers free insurance.

The products are similar, you can get one if necessary.

2, Hubao

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

All members of the Hubao Mutual Aid Plan, if they are diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia and die, Those aged 30 days to 59 years old will be compensated 100,000, and those 60-70 years old will be compensated 50,000. In addition, this cost does not need to be shared. , borne by Ant Financial.

If you join Xiang Hu Bao before January 30, 2020, you can automatically participate in the event, which will take effect on January 31; if you join Xiang Xiang Bao after January 31, it will take effect at 0:00 on the 6th.

The guarantee period will end on July 31, 2020 at the latest. If the epidemic ends early, the guarantee will also expire early.

However, according to the experience of SARS, it is generally difficult for viruses to survive in summer, so this guarantee period is also reasonable.

Collection path: Open Alipay , search for Xiang Hu Bao, and join to receive it. Those who have joined Xiang Xiang Bao before have automatically joined.

3, Good Medical Insurance Anti-COVID-19 Security Fund

The epidemic has been very serious recently, with confirmed cases rising every day, and many insurance salespeople have begun to make their presence known. For example, the picture below is a rumor that has spread on WeChat Moments. There are many epidemic protections on the mark - DayDayNews

This is also the launched by Alipay. You can receive 500 yuan of protection every day, and you can receive up to 20,000 yuan. , that is to say, you need to receive it for at least 40 days to get the highest protection.

However, the 20,000 yuan compensation does not mean that the diagnosis is confirmed. It needs to be distinguished according to the severity of the new coronavirus disease.

For example:

Xiao Ming started to receive it on February 1st, and by February 28th, the accumulated basic quota was 12,000.

html was diagnosed for the first time on February 28, and was clinically classified as ordinary, with 10% compensation of 1,200 yuan. On March 5, it reached severe type, with full compensation of 12,000-1,200=10,800 yuan.

The guarantee period is the same as that of Xiang Xiang Bao, whichever is earlier, July 31 or the end of the epidemic.

Collection path: Open Alipay, search for medical insurance, and you can receive it.

Laoji said

The above are some of the new coronavirus pneumonia protections, which can be obtained for free or purchased with money.

Free products include free insurance from Huhubao, Good Medical Insurance Insurance and various apps of Ping An.

You don’t need to spend money. You can get it by downloading a few apps or accumulating sign-ins with your finger. However, the insured amount is low or there are many restrictions.

Charged products include JD Allianz epidemic prevention insurance and Hongkang Ankang insurance and other products.

Although these products cost money, they have more comprehensive guarantees.

Jingdong Allianz can get a compensation when diagnosed, which is very suitable for people who live in hard-hit areas to buy.

Hongkang Ankang Insurance not only protects against new pneumonia accidents, it is also equivalent to purchasing a one-year accident insurance .

Nowadays, all walks of life have begun to resume work, and the flow of people is gradually increasing. The above is what Lao Ji has summarized for everyone, a summary of exclusive protection for new pneumonia, and you can purchase it as needed.

In the next article, we will take stock of which products on the market can provide compensation for the new type of pneumonia, or what preferential measures have been implemented. You can check them one by one against your purchased list.

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