China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi

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China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi - DayDayNews

China Net, August 20 According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue, etc. The following is a transcript:

As agreed by both China and Pakistan, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will co-host the second session of the 2019 China-Pakistan Summit with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi in Hainan from August 20 to 21. China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue.

CCTV reporter: On August 19, Eastern Time, the U.S. State Department issued a statement stating that the U.S. had notified the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to suspend or terminate three bilateral agreements on the surrender of fugitives, the transfer of sentenced persons, and the exemption of international shipping profits tax. what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

Zhao Lijian: The Hong Kong SAR government has issued a statement strongly opposing and condemning the US government’s unilateral decision to suspend or terminate the above three bilateral agreements signed with the Hong Kong SAR. In view of the wrong actions of the United States, China has decided that the Hong Kong SAR will suspend the implementation of the Hong Kong-US Criminal Judicial Mutual Assistance Agreement.

I would like to emphasize again that Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs and no external force has the right to interfere. China urges the United States to immediately correct its wrong decision, stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs, interfering in China's internal affairs, and not to go further down the wrong path.

Russia Today reporter: Yesterday, US Secretary of State Pompeo said that the United States requires the restoration of United Nations sanctions on Iran. If Russia and China refuse to restore sanctions on Iran, the United States will impose sanctions on China and Russia. What is China's comment?

Zhao Lijian: I have reiterated many times that the United States has withdrawn from the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue and is not qualified to request the activation of the Security Council's "quick restoration of sanctions." This is the position of the vast majority of members of the Security Council and is also the broad consensus of the international community.

China firmly opposes the United States' imposition of unilateral sanctions and so-called long-arm jurisdiction on other countries. China urges the United States to earnestly abide by Security Council resolutions, fulfill its international obligations, face up to the concerns of the international community, and earnestly respect the legitimate rights and interests of all countries.

China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi - DayDayNews

Pakistan News Agency reporter: You just announced that Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi will attend the second China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue in China. Can you further introduce the relevant situation?

Zhao Lijian: I just announced that the foreign ministers of the two countries will hold the second China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue. The China-Brazil Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue mechanism aims to coordinate exchanges and cooperation in various fields, provide policy recommendations for the development of bilateral relations, and strengthen communication and coordination on international and regional issues. On March 19 last year, the two sides held their first dialogue in Beijing and reached a positive consensus, which played an important role in promoting the development of bilateral relations.

Currently, the international and regional situation is undergoing complex changes, especially the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic that has profoundly changed the world. As all-weather strategic cooperative partners, China and Pakistan need to further strengthen communication and cooperation to jointly respond to external challenges, work together to achieve greater development, and better benefit the two peoples. This strategic dialogue comes at the right time and is of great significance. The two sides will focus on China-Pakistan anti-epidemic cooperation and bilateral relations, and have an in-depth exchange of views on international and regional issues of common concern. China expects and believes that this strategic dialogue will further enhance strategic mutual trust between the two countries, promote practical cooperation in various fields, and promote close collaboration between the two countries on international and regional affairs.

Al Jazeera reporter: There are reports that Israel and the United States are worried about the cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia in the field of nuclear power and believe that there may be security issues. Can you introduce the relevant cooperation situation between China and Saudi Arabia?

Zhao Lijian: The concerns of relevant countries are unnecessary. China and Saudi Arabia have established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In recent years, bilateral relations have developed steadily and healthily. The two sides have achieved fruitful results in cooperation in various fields. China and Saudi Arabia have maintained normal energy cooperation.

China has always taken a responsible attitude and actively promoted the development of the global peaceful use of nuclear energy. We will continue to strictly abide by international non-proliferation obligations and carry out cooperation with other countries on the peaceful use of nuclear energy on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit to promote global sustainable development. Make a positive contribution.

China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi - DayDayNews

The Paper: According to reports, on the 19th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited Zhong Nanshan, leader of the National Health Commission’s high-level expert group and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, to hold an online exchange event with representatives of the diplomatic missions in China to share China’s experience in epidemic prevention and control. Can you tell us more?

Zhao Lijian: On August 19, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited Zhong Nanshan, leader of the National Health Commission’s high-level expert group and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, to hold an online exchange event with representatives of the diplomatic missions in China to share China’s experience in preventing and treating COVID-19. 158 representatives of diplomatic missions in China attended the meeting, and Hong Lei, Director of the Protocol Department, presided over the exchange activities.

Academician Zhong Nanshan combined practical cases and accurate data to introduce in detail China's experience in fighting the new coronavirus epidemic and measures to further contain the epidemic. He also shared effective practices such as early detection, early isolation, early diagnosis, and early treatment in fighting the epidemic, as well as China's Treatment status of COVID-19 patients using integrated Western medicine. In response to the issue of COVID-19 vaccine research and development that is of general concern to the diplomatic missions in China, Academician Zhong Nanshan said that President Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the opening ceremony of the World Health Assembly video conference that after China’s COVID-19 vaccine is developed and put into use, it will be used as a global public good and contribute to the realization of the vaccine. China has made its contribution to accessibility and affordability in developing countries. China is willing to strengthen cooperation in vaccine research and development and production with other countries.

Members of the participating delegations thanked China for organizing the online exchange event and said that the COVID-19 prevention and control experience shared by Academician Zhong Nanshan is highly professional, scientific and practical, and will serve as an important reference for other countries in fighting the epidemic.

CCTV reporter: Recently, the investigative news program "The Secret Behind the Meng Wanzhou Case" produced by China Global Television Network (CGTN) revealed the reasons for Meng Wanzhou's arrest, which attracted widespread attention. According to reports, the “key evidence” used by the US to accuse Meng Wanzhou of fraud was a PPT obtained by HSBC executives after meeting with her in 2013. However, HSBC stated that the US investigation into Huawei was not triggered by HSBC. HSBC also stated that when responding to the U.S. Department of Justice's information request, HSBC only provided factual information and did not "fabricate" evidence or "conceal" facts, nor would it distort facts or harm any customers for its own benefit. What is China's comment?

Zhao Lijian: China’s position on the Meng Wanzhou incident is consistent and clear. The Meng Wanzhou incident is a serious political incident through and through, which fully exposes the political conspiracy of the United States to deliberately suppress Chinese high-tech enterprises and Huawei, and Canada plays the role of an accomplice of the United States.

What I want to emphasize is that the Chinese government is unswervingly determined to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of its citizens and enterprises. Any country or person who attempts to seek selfish interests by undermining the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises is destined to lose more than he gains.

China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi - DayDayNews

China Daily reporter: According to reports, Navarro said on the 19th that China and the Democratic Party have reached a consensus to seek to defeat Trump in the November presidential election by blaming the Trump administration for the global pandemic created by the Chinese Communist Party. . What is China's comment?

Zhao Lijian: Navarro’s statement is pure nonsense. This person is a habitual liar, addicted to spreading rumors, and spreads "political viruses" and false information everywhere. He has no integrity at all. The American people have the most say in how the U.S. government performs in fighting the epidemic, and the international community is also watching. We advise Navarro and his ilk to stop trying to shift blame and stop their despicable performances, otherwise they will only bring humiliation to themselves.

Regarding the US election, we have said many times that the US election is its internal affairs, and we have no interest and have never interfered. At the same time, we urge American politicians not to make excuses about China during the election campaign for their own selfish interests.

AFP reporter: First question, last week, Jimmy Lai was detained for a period of time on suspicion of violating Hong Kong’s national security law. US President Trump called Jimmy Lai “brave” and expressed support for him. What is China's comment? Second question, Taiwan officials said that Chinese hackers have penetrated at least 10 Taiwan "government departments" and hacked into about 6,000 email accounts in an attempt to steal data.What is China’s comment?

Zhao Lijian: Regarding your first question, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council has made a statement on the Hong Kong police’s arrest of relevant personnel in accordance with the law. China is a country ruled by law, and Hong Kong is a society ruled by law. There is no doubt that the SAR law enforcement agencies perform their duties in accordance with the law.

Regarding your second question, the accusations made by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities are purely malicious slander, with the purpose of escalating cross-strait confrontation and seeking political self-interest.

What I want to tell you is that China is a staunch defender of network security and one of the victims of hacker attacks. It always cracks down on network attacks launched within China or using China's network infrastructure in accordance with the law. This position is consistent and clear.

China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi - DayDayNews

AFP reporter: A photo of the Chinese Ambassador to Kiribati at a welcome ceremony for his local visit has been circulated online. US and Australian officials expressed surprise and criticism. Can you tell us when and where this scene occurred? How do you respond to online comments?

Zhao Lijian: I have noticed the relevant reports and comments, and have verified the relevant situation. What everyone should pay most attention to is how the people of Kiribati comment on this matter. At the invitation of the municipal government and parliamentarians of Marakei Island in Kiribati, Chinese Ambassador to Kiribati Tang Songen recently visited the island. This is the first time a Chinese ambassador has visited the island since the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Kiribati in September 2019. He was sincerely welcomed by the local government and people. At the kind request of the local government and people, and out of respect for the culture and customs of Kiribati, Ambassador Tang finally agreed to accept and attended a welcome ceremony rich in local folk customs upon arrival. Many people in Maracay expressed their firm support for the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Kiribati during their interactions with Ambassador Tang. This once again fully proves that the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Kiribati is the aspiration of the people and the general trend.

Each country has its own traditional customs. Maracay Island MP, Kiribati Minister of Agriculture and other politicians said that the welcoming scene in the photo you mentioned is the most solemn traditional welcome ceremony on the island. It is the most humble gesture to welcome distinguished guests to Maracay Island. The hospitality left by our ancestors. The use of this ceremony to welcome Ambassador Tang was a decision jointly made by the island's elderly association, city hall and church. When the then Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati visited Maracay Island in 1998, the local people welcomed him with the same ceremony. Some Australians know that all Kiribati islands have unique customs, but deliberately slander and discredit China. Kiribati is very angry about this. As for the report you mentioned, the person who revealed this picture is named Bai Lezhi. This person has always been anti-China for political purposes.

China has always insisted that all countries, big or small, are equal, fully respects local culture and customs in its exchanges with Pacific island countries, and emphasizes that "guests do as they please". I believe you have noticed that people in Kiribati and many Pacific island countries have spoken out on social media, thanking the Chinese ambassador for respecting local traditional customs, and condemning certain individuals for deliberately misinterpreting local culture and sowing friendly relations between China and Kiribati. Some netizens left messages criticizing individual posters, such as Bo Lezhi, for deliberately stoking relations between China and Kyrgyzstan and for taking money from Taiwan with ulterior motives. In the face of the facts, any attempt to maliciously discredit China's policy towards island countries and attempt to sow discord and undermine China's relations with island countries will never succeed.

Reuters reporter: Last Saturday, Wuhan held a water electronic music festival. Have you heard about this event? Any comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: I also saw relevant reports on TV. This shows that Wuhan has achieved a strategic victory in its fight against the epidemic, and it also shows that the Chinese government has achieved a strategic victory in its fight against the epidemic. I saw that AFP also reported the relevant situation. It is said that people in European and American countries are very surprised. I also hope that through your lens, I can report the real situation in China back to European and American countries, so that people in European and American countries can understand the real situation in China.

Reuters reporter: You just elaborated on the Chinese government’s position on the suspension or termination of agreements with the United States on the surrender of fugitives from Hong Kong. Several countries have made similar moves in the past few weeks. Is China worried that this trend will continue to develop? Are there any new measures planned in this regard?

China’s position on Hong Kong-related issues is clear and consistent.We have explained many times from different angles why the national security law was passed in Hong Kong. These countries have introduced so-called sanctions against Hong Kong based entirely on their own political selfish interests. Their approach is completely wrong. They want to force the Chinese government to change its position through so-called sanctions. This is a pipe dream!

China Net, August 20 According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference that day and answered reporters' questions on the Meng Wanzhou case, the second China-Brazil Foreign Mi - DayDayNews

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