The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated.

2024/07/0122:27:33 hotcomm 1288

A large number of English reports are solid!

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

html On September 26, Sun Wenjian, spokesperson of the Ministry of Transport, said that relevant departments are currently coordinating my country's container manufacturing enterprises to increase production and liner companies to speed up the return of empty containers. At present, the monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a historical high of 500,000 TEUs. According to reports from major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated..

Recently, there has been good news about the freight rate of the US-Western Line. "It fell in 3 days but increased in 3 months" .

According to Shanghai Shipping Exchange , on October 8, among my country's 12 major export routes, only three routes saw a slight decrease in freight rates compared with the previous period (September 30). were the US-Western route (-3.7% ), Mediterranean route (-1.6%), South Africa route (-1.1%), the remaining 9 routes all increased, with the largest increases being the Southeast Asian route (+8.6%), the US East Route (+7.0%), and Australia-New Zealand route (+4.0%) .

However, the global problem of port congestion is still serious. According to the analysis of Alan Murphy, CEO of shipping research institution Sea-Intelligence, cited by the British shipping media Lloyd's List, the current capacity reduction due to port congestion is approximately more than 3 million TEU, which is approximately 12.5% ​​of global capacity.

The port congestion has caused ship delays, which has caused a shortage of market capacity and freight rates at high levels. Industry insiders pointed out that taking the trans-Pacific route as an example, it was originally expected that more ships would be invested this year, but due to the impact of the port congestion, the actual loading capacity The running capacity has decreased by about 20% every year.

Therefore, many foreign trade people have previously called on shipping companies to open more ships to transport goods. In fact, as long as the dock is still blocked, adding more ships will cause more ships to queue up and wait to enter the port, which has become a vicious cycle.

So under the current circumstances, delays are the biggest problem for those buyers or sellers who can "afford the goods" and are eager to ship.

The backlog at ports in the United States is still getting worse. The number of ships arriving at the port waiting to unload cargo every day greatly exceeds the number of ships leaving the port after unloading. Shipping detentions on the West Coast of the United States have set historical records and will continue to rewrite records. From a transportation perspective, this will result in higher detention fees, surcharges, and various intermodal transportation delays; from a U.S. retail perspective, inventory and sales are completely messed up, and sales in the next few months will be worrying.

It is estimated that it will take at least until the middle of next year for ports in the West Coast to clear the backlog.

Walmart 1.1 million boxes of goods are floating on the sea

From a US retail perspective, inventory and sales are in complete chaos.

Walmart alone has 1.1 million TEUs of goods arriving in the United States but cannot unload them. Walmart's shelves are getting increasingly empty, and the store is helpless.

Walmart has chartered several ships this year in response to global supply chain disruptions. Joe Metzger, executive vice president of supply chain operations at Walmart, said: “Leasing a vessel is an example of the investments we are making to move product as quickly as possible, and the company has hired multiple vessels this year.”

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

Walmart and other large retailers charter ships to cope with the supply chain crisis. Can they still be saved during the Christmas shopping season?

Original address: large-retailers-are-chartering-ships-to-bypass-supply-chain-problems-will-the-strategy-save-christmas-11633455167

Costco restarted purchase restrictions

htmlAt the end of September, in order to avoid insufficient supply, the largest chain of membership-based warehouse stores in the United States Costco announced that it will restrict consumers from purchasing daily necessities such as toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water.

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

Costco will restart daily necessities purchase restrictions

Original address: s -on-toilet-paper-and-more.html

Costcos Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti said on September 23 during the company’s quarterly earnings report conference call that supply chain issues include port congestion, container shortages, and new crown epidemic control measures. , is what led the company to make relevant decisions. Costco said that due to rising prices for overseas goods, the company paid six times for containers and shipping

and Costco is issuing a warning to its customers who shop for common household items online. After placing an order, may face delivery delays.

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

Costco warns members of online shopping delays

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Dollar Treecannot hold on1dollars

Dollar Tree said on September 29 that it would be available at all Dollar Tree Plus stores sell products for more than $1 to offset rising costs. It will also pilot additional price tags in more than a hundred selected traditional stores.

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

Dollar Tree has more products priced over $1

Original address: 5914780001/

Dollar Tree expects its regular ocean carriers to fulfill only 60% to 65% of their commitments, down from about 85% previously. The company also noted that ocean freight spot market rates from China have increased by more than 20% since its first-quarter earnings report in May.

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

The traditional American dollar store is officially dead

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Currently in Europe and the United States Professional organizations have advised consumers not to It’s the shopping season, so buy what you want as soon as possible, because you never know when it will be out of stock.

Burt Flickinger, general manager of the retail consulting firm Strategic Resource Group, said that 20%-25% of the cargo currently stranded on ships will most likely not be able to make it in time for Black Friday (November 26).

Tim Kilpin, president of toy retailer PlayMonster, said: "We will advertise on the empty shelves."

Freightwaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller said on October 1: "I recommend that everyone Buy those hard-to-find items now instead of waiting until the holidays. ” He predicts that toys, clothing and electronics will be the hardest-to-find items this year, and supply chains may not normalize until 2023.

The current monthly production capacity has increased from the previous 200,000 TEUs to a record high of 500,000 TEUs. According to major liner companies, the shortage of empty containers has been basically alleviated. - DayDayNews

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