It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young. "On the ridge where the plowing was stopped", large beads of sweat flowed down his face and slowly rolled to his neck. He squinted his eyes, Looking at the sun, he let ou

2024/06/2916:39:33 hotcomm 1962

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young. ,000 years ago, on a hot afternoon in Yangcheng, Chen Sheng was still very young at that time. "On the ridge where the plowing was stopped", big beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks and slowly rolled to his neck. He squinted his eyes, Looking at the sun, he let out a long sigh and said, "As long as you are rich and noble, don't forget each other." Others thought it was just a dream, but in the end he achieved a real career as a prince, general and prime minister. But in the end, he killed all his fellow villagers and old friends. The bottom reveals one’s true nature, while the peak reveals one’s accomplishments. Historically, grassroots rulers were usually sensitive and suspicious in temperament. Chairman Mao was one of the few great men in history who truly lived up to the principle of “Be rich and honorable, and never forget each other.”

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

On a clear and sunny day in 1884, a boy named "Peng Yousheng" was born in Lizigang, Sanzhang Township, Hengdong, Hunan. Although the mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the farmland is often dry, which also forces young adults to go out and find another way out. Peng Yousheng was no exception. A poor child became the head of the family early. After attending private school for half a year, he began to chop wood, fish, and cook to relieve the family's worries. On November 17, 1891, when he was 7 years old, the second boy of the Zhu family was born in Yanshan Village, Yanshan Village, Liurenba Town, Daye County. He was named Zhu Qisheng. This was also a poor family with 4 children. There were only two brothers, but they only had a mud house, a fruit tree, and not even a little field. The family was poor and there were many brothers. Naturally, someone had to go out to make a living. 12-year-old Zhu Qisheng went to Tianjiang with others to be an apprentice, learning blacksmithing and repairing. Umbrella, Zhu Qisheng has flexible hands and feet and is diligent by nature. He started teaching at the age of 15.

However, due to floods and droughts and the general economic downturn, Zhu Qisheng did not even have a full meal. What's more, one time when the boss went out, Zhu Qisheng was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, so he secretly ate some rice from an iron-topped pot hanging on the stove. When the boss came back to see it, he was furious and vicious. He was called "a pig that cannot be fed!" Zhu Qisheng was stubborn by nature and could not bear the grievance and insult. He argued with the boss for a few words. The boss stepped forward with overwhelming force and slapped Zhu Qisheng several times. Zhu Qisheng was beaten hard by these slaps. He was aggrieved and angry. He lowered his head, raised his mouth, and stared straight at him. His breathing was extremely heavy, and he looked like an angry ox. When the boss saw him like this, he became timid and cursed and said: "I I can't afford to mess with you, you pighead, so get out of here as soon as possible!" Zhu Qisheng packed up his clothes and left that night and fled from there.

At this time, the new recruit named Peng Yousheng has become the deputy commander (deputy squad leader). In 1899, Peng Yousheng, who was only 15 years old, had already left his hometown and came out to make a living for himself. During this period, he suffered a lot and suffered a lot. Even having a full meal became a luxury. In 1907, Peng Yousheng, who was living in Changsha, Hunan, saw a recruitment notice for the Hunan New Army and ran over. No matter how poor the army was, it could still afford a bowl of rice. Peng Yousheng, who was 23 years old at the time, was assigned to the rear team of the 2nd Battalion of the 49th Standard. At this time, he was at his most passionate age and encountered an extremely turbulent era. The current situation created many reckless heroes. Peng Yousheng joined the army. Later, because of his bright mind, his honesty, and his hard work, he got the opportunity to be promoted after a few years and was promoted to deputy director (deputy squad leader).

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

Zhu Qisheng, who escaped from his vicious boss, lived at the intersection of Changsha. He had no food to eat and no clothes to cover his body. He had to beg along the street to get a hot meal. One day in the late autumn of this year, Zhu Qisheng learned that the government was recruiting new soldiers, so he resolutely signed up to join the army because he was hungry. Because Zhu Qisheng's height, age, and physical fitness all met the recruitment standards for new soldiers, he was quickly accepted into the new army. Under him, he became a private under Zhao Hengti.

After entering the army, Zhu Qisheng was assigned to Peng Yousheng's class. Because he and Peng Yousheng were in the same situation, both had the same loyal, honest, and hard-working character. Therefore, Zhu Qisheng became friends with Peng Yousheng not long after he entered the army. The relationship between the two Very good. Peng Yousheng also admired and liked this young man who was a few years younger than him.Once, when the troops were marching across the river, the weather was unfavorable. It was raining heavily, and the house was leaking. It rained all night. The carriage accidentally fell into the muddy river while dragging tools, and got deeper and deeper. The horses' legs could not extricate themselves, and the troops were tied up. Without thinking, Zhu Qisheng jumped into the swamp, carried the car bars on his shoulders, and pushed up hard, but at this time the car bars broke with a click. In this way, he wanted the horse to get out. The quagmire we were trapped in became even more difficult. Zhu Qisheng could not care about anything else and could only hold on to the side of the car with all his strength. After hearing the news, other soldiers rushed over to help hold him up. "Brothers working together can break gold." After everyone's concerted cooperation, Zhu Qisheng was finally relieved. Survived.

Although it was very dangerous, Zhu Qisheng's heroic move also received a lot of praise. His fearless spirit and unafraid of death were widely circulated in the army, and everyone in the military camp knew about Zhu Qisheng. Zhu Qisheng has been agile since he was a child. He also worked as an apprentice for three years as an umbrella repairer and blacksmith. He had a certain technical foundation. He was contracted to do all the small repair work in the army, including repairing guns, disassembling and cleaning. Tasks such as parts and other tasks can be handed over to him as a "technical consultant", and he and Peng Yousheng are as close as brothers, so his promotion path in the army has been extremely smooth. He has been promoted from a soldier to a sergeant. The monthly salary also rose to eight yuan. Zhu Qisheng, who has reached this point, can be said to have achieved a small amount of success.

"The roar of artillery in Wuchang shocked the Empress Dowager to sleep. The golden soup in the iron barrel is like this, the brave eight flags are still there, and the emperor's blood is hanging." On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang Uprising broke out, and "the rain was about to come and the wind filled the building" in the two lakes area "Changsha, Hunan Province immediately declared martial law. The revolutionaries experienced the tragic lesson of the failure of the Huanghuagang Uprising. Jiao Dafeng, Chen Zuoxin and others led their troops to occupy the Yamen like "cutting the knot with a sharp knife", causing the rise of the Yamen." "Han" flag, this change made people with lofty ideals in the world become excited and excited, and the situation quickly changed. However, the Qing army counterattacked like a mad dog. The Hubei revolutionaries sent people to Changsha to request the Hunan New Army for reinforcements in the uprising. The Hunan New Army divided the north and south routes to attack Changsha. The north route was commanded by Peng Yousheng. "The times make heroes." , in this battle that promoted the great progress of history, Peng Yousheng made great contributions and made an indispensable and outstanding contribution to the accelerated extinction of the Qing Dynasty.

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

This is a war worthy of shining in the annals of history. The blood and tears of countless martyrs in it have also built today's greatness and rejuvenation. If there had not been Sun Yat-sen's "A man who stands tall and towering above the earth, he wants to turn the world around" the Three People's Ambition, if there had not been Liu Daoyi's " The heroic sacrifice of "the horse is saddened by the autumn wind, and the mourning of the motherland is mourned by the setting sun." If there had not been Lin Juemin's "I wish to meet you, I will say goodbye to you forever with this book." There will be no gradual independence and independence in the future. It is easy to remember the great figures who set off those times. They are household names and everyone knows them. However, how many "Peng Youshengs" and "Zhu Qishengs" there were under that torrent is unknown. Not returned. Every time I think of this, I can't help but be moved.

One of the most sensitive groups in society is students. Students are always the group of people in society who can best "see through the lens". They are knowledgeable and have a thorough understanding of ancient and modern times. They can be said to have "a tiger in their heart and a careful smell of roses" regarding changes in current affairs. Since the Shou Uprising in Wuchang, Hubei Province, students in many places have abandoned their writing and joined the army. At this time, Mao Zedong was only 18 years old, "just a young boy from his school, in his prime." Mao Zedong did not want to join the student army, so he went to join the regular rebel army in Hunan. Mao Zedong went to the military camp, met the soldier responsible for recruiting new soldiers, and explained his purpose to him. However, the soldier responsible for recruiting new soldiers told him that if he wanted to join the revolutionary army, he must have a reliable person in the military camp to vouch for it. This is stipulations from superiors. Mao Zedong had just arrived. Where could he find a guarantor? So he argued with the soldier in charge of recruiting new recruits, and the two were at loggerheads.

Zhu Qisheng was attracted by their noise, so he came over to take a closer look, and found a burly, student-looking young man arguing with the soldier in charge of recruiting new recruits. He went over to mediate and persuade, and Mao Zedong muttered, "It's really a scholar meeting a soldier. It makes no sense." Zhu Qisheng saw that Mao Zedong was gentle, handsome, with resolute eyes, and the black mole on his chin was particularly conspicuous, so he kindly asked Mao Zedong:

"Brother, what are you arguing with him about? Tell me if you have anything. Okay!"

When Mao Zedong heard this, he felt that Zhu Qisheng was very gentle and polite, so he told Zhu Qisheng his enthusiastic revolutionary aspirations and thoughts of joining the army, and then looked at Zhu Qisheng solemnly. , said in a soft voice:

"Isn't it okay to join the army and work hard to complete the revolution?"

After Zhu Qisheng learned some basic information about Mao Zedong, he felt that Mao Zedong was knowledgeable and eloquent. His first impression was very good and he appreciated it very much. He took him into the barracks, found deputy squad leader Peng Yousheng, and offered to vouch for him and let him enter the barracks. After Peng Yousheng learned some basic information about Mao Zedong's family, he also found that he was a good young man, so he asked his superiors, and after obtaining permission, he placed Mao Zedong in his class.

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

After entering the army, Peng Yousheng and Zhu Qisheng paid special attention to Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong lived in Peng Yousheng's upper bunk, and Zhu Qisheng cared for Mao Zedong as much as possible in life. When Mao Zedong first entered the army camp, he had no clothes to wear and no blankets to cover him. Zhu Qisheng gave his own to Mao Zedong; Mao Zedong loved to eat braised pork, and every time the army made tooth sacrifices, Zhu Qisheng secretly put part of his braised pork into Mao Zedong's bowl; as the weather got colder, Zhu Qisheng slept with Mao Zedong, and Mao Zedong He kicked off the blanket when he was sleeping, and Zhu Qisheng noticed it and covered him gently. Mao Zedong had just joined the army and some of his movements were not familiar enough, so Zhu Qisheng taught Mao Zedong basic footwork and gun shooting skills. Mao Zedong was intelligent by nature and had strong learning ability. He quickly learned many movements and techniques. Under Zhu Qisheng's careful guidance, Mao Zedong quickly achieved good results in a target training competition.

Mao Zedong also admired Zhu Qisheng's craftsmanship. Whenever guns and machines in the army were broken, Zhu Qisheng was a well-deserved repair expert. Whenever Mao Zedong praised Zhu Qisheng, Zhu Qisheng would naively explain that small craftsmanship is not as important as a belly full of knowledge. , and said that Mao Zedong was a man who did great things. Mao Zedong also often joked:

"When I become a high official in the future, I will never forget you brothers and sisters who are in trouble. As the old saying goes: 'Wealth and honor, don't forget each other'!"

After saying this, the two laughed. Zhu Qisheng found out that he was so close to Mao Zedong, so he thought of becoming a sworn brother with Mao Zedong, and Mao Zedong readily agreed. "The pride and loyalty are soaring to the sky, and the blood is the peach garden of the alliance. The two Kunluns are in love with each other, and we will go to the underworld together in this life." The scenery of Hunan in late autumn is particularly beautiful, "the liquidambars and evening flowers are quiet, and the southern mountains are shadowed in Jinshui." The wine-red maple leaves and bushes The green mountains and forests echo each other from afar, and there are various styles. Mao Zedong, Zhu Qisheng, and Peng Yousheng were sitting on a sunny slope chatting. When Mao Zedong told the story of the friendship between Liu, Guan, and Zhang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he solemnly said to Zhu Qisheng and Peng Yousheng:

"Three Kingdoms" During this period, Liu Bei, Guan Yunchang, and Zhang Yide sworn sworn brothers with different surnames in Taoyuan, and swore: "Save the country from danger, report to the country, and keep the common people safe. If there is any disloyalty, heaven and man will kill each other!" We are not Taoyuan, but there are reds! Feng, let's call it "Three Bows Before Hongfengpo". After we become close friends, we will share blessings and hardships, report to the people, stabilize society, work together, and do our best for the revolution."

Zhu Qisheng suggested, The cuttings were used as incense and the earth was used as a furnace. Then the three of them became brothers.In the army, Mao Zedong often told them novels such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Warnings in the Prosperous Age" and "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties". Peng Yousheng and Zhu Qisheng loved listening to Mao Zedong's novels, especially "Water Margin" and "Water Margin". Mao Zedong told the story in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" vividly and vividly, and his eyes conveyed it very well. When he got excited, he even moved his hands and feet, just like a professional storyteller. Mao Zedong also missed this experience of his very much. When Edgar Snow later came to Yan'an to interview Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong also mentioned Peng Yousheng and Zhu Qisheng to him. Peng Yousheng was the eldest of the three brothers, and his speech was more authoritative in the army. He admired Mao Zedong's knowledge and vision very much, and would listen to Mao Zedong's opinions in detail before making a decision. The three brothers each have their own strengths and respect each other very much. In this way, this brotherhood has continued.

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

The army is a place where "stones are sharpened and dullness is turned into profit". Only by tempering and crafting, can you finally become a qualified soldier. Although their troops had never fought a major battle, small battles occurred from time to time. One day at the end of December, the troops encountered the Qing army on the march. After it snowed, the road was steep. Mao Zedong and Zhu Qisheng crawled under a pine tree. In the trench, a string of bullets from the Qing army came over, and Zhu Qisheng immediately rolled into another trench with Mao Zedong in his arms. At this time, the pine leaves on the trench were beaten to pieces, which frightened Zhu Qisheng into a cold sweat.

In the spring of the next year, the troops marched towards Liuyang. On the way, an urgent order suddenly came, ordering them to march more than 150 miles at night to reach their destination. The march was mainly mountainous and rugged, and the weather was very bad, with howling winds, smoke, and rain. The mountain road was extremely muddy. Although Mao Zedong was physically strong, he was also a scholar. Compared with the physical fitness of the professional team, he was a little weaker after all. Zhu Qisheng picked up Mao Zedong's backpack and dragged him along. Mao Zedong was really tired and uncomfortable, so he told Zhu Qisheng to let him go first. In such barren mountains and wild mountains, abandoning Mao Zedong here would be equivalent to killing him. Zhu Qisheng They disagreed, so the two staggered to the village of Datuwan in Chenjia. They happened to meet Peng Yousheng who had returned to look for them. Seeing that there was no hope of chasing the troops, the three rested nearby for a night.

"There are unpredictable circumstances." In the early morning, as soon as the mist lifted, I heard the rapid sound of horse hooves from the Qing army. Their posture was as if they were going to squeeze people into hell, which was chilling. The three people discussed not to act rashly and wait for the opportunity. Later, the three people moved to a hidden ditch. The Qing army frantically searched for the revolutionaries, which involved many innocent people. The people wailed endlessly, and the people hiding in the ditch The three of them were filled with indignation. The Qing army failed to find any revolutionaries there, and finally left after three days and three nights of turmoil. During this period, the conditions for the three brothers became more and more difficult day by day. In the end, they ran out of food and water. In order to save their lives, they had to use Dip the towel in the smelly water from the gutter to moisten your mouth. After this incident, the three of them became more united.

In April 1912, their company received an order from their superiors to disband on the spot, so the three of them parted ways. Zhu Qisheng returned to his hometown to work on iron and farming; Peng Yousheng continued to be a soldier; Mao Zedong continued to study for revolution, and the three of them parted ways for the time being. On the day Mao Zedong left, the whole class prepared a banquet for him. Before leaving, the three of them looked at each other in pairs with tears in their eyes. Peng Yousheng gave Mao Zedong two pieces of silver that he was reluctant to spend, and told him: "Cherish it."

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

After the separation, the three of them worked diligently in their respective fields, thinking that their fateful encounter would stop there. But the fate between them was inseparable. More than ten years later, Mao Zedong and Peng Yousheng met again. It was the eve of the Northern Expedition, and Guangzhou newspapers published the news that "Mao Jun Runzhi came to Guangzhou to give lectures." At this time, Peng Yousheng's unit moved to Guangzhou and joined the National Revolutionary Army. He had already become a second lieutenant platoon leader.Peng Yousheng was particularly excited after seeing the news. He wanted to go see the brother he had been with day and night. After the two met and exchanged greetings, Mao Zedong mentioned that the revolution was in need of manpower and asked Peng Yousheng to stay. Peng Yousheng thought for a moment and felt that he only He knew how to fight and kill, but staying with Mao Zedong couldn't help him much. It would be better to kill the enemy and thieves on the battlefield. He politely declined Mao Zedong's invitation, and the two chatted until the dead of night before reluctantly parting. After that, Peng Yousheng served in the Kuomintang army and made great achievements. But in the end, because he couldn't stand the internal corruption of the Kuomintang, he removed his armor and returned to his fields to work in the fields.

"The flowers are similar every year, but the people are different every year." When several people learned about each other's situation again, the country had already changed. "Peach plums spring breeze and a glass of wine, rivers and lakes are full of lights for ten years." Peng Yousheng and Zhu Qisheng After discharging his armor and returning to his fields, he began to hide in the countryside and stay away from worldly affairs. Zhu Qisheng learned about Mao Zedong again through a color portrait of Chairman Mao on the wall. After Peng Yousheng and Zhu Qisheng learned that Mao Zedong was the president of the country, they couldn't help but smile sweetly, and they admired their former comrade from the bottom of their hearts.

Later, the two of them went through all kinds of hardships and finally got in touch with Mao Zedong. Zhu Qisheng also made a special trip to Beijing. Mao Zedong met this former brother in Zhongnanhai. All the words came out at once. During the few days Zhu Qisheng was in Beijing, Mao Zedong took great care of him. From time to time, he talked about the current rural situation and Daye Steel Plant. After a while, Mao Zedong also gained a better understanding of the situation at the grassroots level. Clear understanding. In the summer of 1956, Zhu Qisheng died of illness in Hankou.

After Peng Yousheng received Mao Zedong's reply, he couldn't sleep happily at night, thinking about serving the country with his 60-year-old body. However, since he had passed the retirement age, Mao Zedong wrote in the letter that it was better to stay at home. After Peng Yousheng stayed in Changsha for a few days, he felt that not only could he not be helpful in public institutions, but he would also need to trouble others, so he went home, and later enjoyed the treatment of a state employee. Peng Yousheng's home has a tea forest. Every year he picks the best tea leaves, wraps them in new white bamboo cloth and mails them to Beijing. Mao Zedong was full of praise after receiving it and sent it to other central leaders, never forgetting to reply every time. Until Peng Yousheng's death on November 23, 1969, Mao Zedong could no longer drink the Guqian tea he made himself.

It was a hot afternoon in Yangcheng more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, Chen Sheng was still very young.

The brotherhood between Peng Yousheng and Zhu Qisheng and Mao Zedong has always been remembered by Mao Zedong and has also been recorded in the annals of history. This friendship, with the passage of time and the changes in history, has become more mellow, intoxicating and charming, attracting countless passionate young people to rush to the country. A better place away.

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