When the epidemic broke out suddenly, the First Hospital of Jilin University did not hesitate to "lend" its proficient vice president, senior professors, and experienced head nurses to Wuhan, and also lent five national emergency medical rescue vehicles and more than 20 million y

2024/07/0113:12:33 hotcomm 1973

——The story of the anti-epidemic medical team from Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University in Wuhan

Guangming Daily reporter Ren Shuang Guangming Daily correspondent Yu Shanshan

“Go all out for prevention and control, and charge forward. If we live up to our mission, we will win if we dare to fight. "On January 26, the second day of the Lunar New Year, the first batch of 34 critical medical staff from the Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University to assist Wuhan swore to go out and go to the forefront of the fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. On February 21, the seventh batch of medical aid teams from the First Hospital of Jilin University arrived in Wuhan. In less than a month, 214 medical staff from more than 30 departments of the First Hospital of Jilin University put on white robes, transformed into soldiers, and fought on the front line of the epidemic.

When the epidemic broke out suddenly, the First Hospital of Jilin University did not hesitate to "lend" its proficient vice president, senior professors, and experienced head nurses to Wuhan. It also generously provided 5 national emergency medical rescue vehicles and 2,000 yuan worth of medical supplies to Wuhan. More than 10,000 yuan worth of medical equipment and medicines were sent to Wuhan. This is the Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University with a fine revolutionary tradition.

In 1939, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region Health School was established. Norman Bethune, the great international communist fighter, personally participated in the creation of the school. Bethune devoted his life to the cause of medicine. He said that a doctor should have a heart like a lion and a pair of skillful hands, that is, he should be bold, strong, agile, decisive, and at the same time be kind and considerate to patients. After his death, the school was renamed Bethune Health School in memory of him, and this school was the predecessor of Bethune Medical Department of Jilin University.

Today, the medical workers of the First Hospital of Jilin University once again uphold Bethune's spirit of saving lives and helping the wounded, sacrificing his own life, and contrasting with his unselfish and dedicated character of benefiting others. They pour love into the land of Wuhan and use practical actions to interpret the nobility of the white warriors in the new era. Feelings, fulfilling the mission and responsibility of Communist Party members.

When the epidemic broke out suddenly, the First Hospital of Jilin University did not hesitate to

Medical staff painted the characteristics of their hometown on their protective clothing. Picture provided by Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University

Fulfill your original intention and serve the needs of the motherland without hesitation

Bethune once wrote in a letter: "I am going to China now because I feel that the need is most urgent there." Wuhan, it is Bethune. The first stop to participate in the treatment of soldiers and civilians in China. In February 1938, before going to Yan'an, Bethune worked day and night in Han to rescue soldiers and civilians injured in the Wuhan Battle.

html On January 25, the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Party Committee of the First Hospital of Jilin University issued a notice to all medical staff of the hospital to form a medical team to assist Wuhan.

In just a few hours, hundreds of people petitioned for war, and "letters for war", "phone calls for war" and "WeChat for war" appeared like a tide. Zhang Peng, the attending doctor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, was the first to sign up. He wrote in his letter of application: "Go all out and have no regrets!"

In Wuhan, Zhang Peng never broke his promise. He was the first to enter the ward and explore the way for his teammates. He said: "All the peace and happiness in the years must be created by someone, and I want to be that kind of person, and I am not the only one like that."

When the epidemic broke out suddenly, the First Hospital of Jilin University did not hesitate to

The fifth batch of the Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University set out to aid Wuhan's anti-epidemic medical team . Picture provided by Bethune First Hospital of Jilin University

As Zhang Peng said, on the front line of Wuhan's fight against the epidemic, 213 colleagues from the First Hospital of Jilin University alone are fighting side by side with him. Among them are experts born in the 1950s with dyed temples, and young people born in the 1990s who are brave enough to shoulder heavy responsibilities; there are senior experts who participated in the fight against SARS in 2003 and the Wenchuan earthquake rescue in 2008, as well as logisticians who retired two weeks before departure. Protection workers; there are nursing mothers with children who are only 6 months old, and brides-to-be who have postponed their engagements due to the epidemic...

is such a group of soldiers in white who have no hesitation and have moved others and each other. Professor Zheng Yang, who is experienced in the cardiology department of the hospital, is called the "Dinghai Shenzhen" by the whole team. The 63-year-old has never considered her age since she joined the army. When he first arrived in Wuhan, facing the urgent epidemic and an unfamiliar environment, Zheng Yang wore protective clothing and fought on the front line every day, leading the young team members to "adapt measures to the disease", standardize the system while focusing on clinical practice, and quickly put into treatment. She told her teammates that the original intention of going all out to serve the needs of the country and save patients is the "magic weapon" for the medical team to carry out their work in an orderly manner.

Be brave in innovation and use wisdom to speed up and improve treatment efficiency

Bethune is also an outstanding "inventor".He invented and improved a variety of surgical instruments such as artificial pneumothorax, rib scissors, and bone strippers. He was the first to propose "artificial pneumothorax therapy", the first mobile blood transfusion vehicle, established a model ward in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, and invented the "Medicine Tuozi" . Bethune said: "A doctor must have a heart like a lion and a pair of skillful hands."

html On the night of February 7, Lu Guoyue, deputy director of the First Hospital of Jilin University, led the fifth batch of 130 medical staff from the Wuhan medical aid team to Wuhan, and the entire organization took over East Area, 10th Floor, Building B, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sino-French New City Campus.

This is a hospital that treats critically ill patients with COVID-19. The patients are older, have many basic diseases, have rapid disease progression, and have unstable conditions. In order to better promote severe treatment and reduce the risk of infection for medical staff, Lu Guoyue led his team members to quickly carry out "frontline inventions".

html On February 12, a "fight against the epidemic" started in front and behind the First Hospital of Jilin University. In the resident hotel, with the help of modified hardware and network facilities, the medical team and the expert team of the First Hospital of Jilin University in Changchun started a video connection and took the lead in conducting remote consultation for patients with new coronavirus pneumonia. Lu Guoyue led the team to summarize three difficult cases encountered in the past five days that had concentrated problems, covered a wide range of disciplines, and had complex clinical symptoms, and worked with the expert team to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan.

On February 25, the "air-based fight against the epidemic" was upgraded again. This team relied on 6 video and voice systems urgently deployed by the First Hospital of Jilin University to seamlessly connect inside and outside the isolation area, realizing the three-site communication between the ward, work area and doctor's station. interconnection.

The more critical the moment, the more innovation is indispensable. As the main force of the Wuhan medical team from the First Hospital of Jilin University, the fifth batch of medical teams also designed and developed multi-functional protective masks, throat swab shields, bronchoscope isolation towels and enhanced stethoscopes, effectively solving the problem of medical staff in the isolation area. Insufficient field of vision, difficulty in communication, hypoxia, risk of infection and other problems; urgently developed an iPad electronic ward round applet, designed an electronic patient psychological survey scale, realized electronic team medical care and daily management; produced 50 sets of tracheas The mirror isolation towel was given to the tracheal intubation and tracheal construction team of Tongji Hospital...

"The hands of a clever woman" are as important as the "heart of a lion". In order to better provide psychological counseling to patients, on March 13, medical staff in the east area on the 10th floor of Building B of the Sino-French New City Campus put on "new clothes". The fish in Chagan Lake, the snow in Changbai Mountain, and the rime in Jilin were covered with "Wear" on protective clothing.

Dai Shuang, a nurse in the Department of Neurology, drew a set of cartoons with the theme "Jilin is beautiful and I'm waiting for you" on everyone's protective clothing. She said: "I want to show the beautiful scenery and delicious food of Jilin to the patients, so that they can understand the recovery process." Life is full of expectations." The next day, the cartoons with the theme "Jilin is beautiful and I'm waiting for you" continued to heat up. Medical staff from more than 20 medical institutions in Jilin Province picked up their paintbrushes and painted the characteristics of their hometown on their protective clothing. Enter the ward.

Soothe the soul and treat patients with compassion as if they were relatives

Bethune said: "For rescuing the wounded, time is life. Being able to rescue a wounded person and reduce the pain for the wounded is the greatest happiness for our medical workers."

February 21, At the Sino-French New City Campus of Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the 37-bed old woman smiled when she saw Zhang Dong, director of the second team of the ICU department of the First Hospital of Jilin University, and said: "I am about to be discharged, but I just can't let you go! "

This 84-year-old lady is the patient in charge of Zhang Dong. Because her left leg is injured and there is no family around her, she dare not eat, drink or go to the toilet for fear of causing trouble to the medical staff. After Zhang Dong learned of the situation, he immediately conducted a detailed examination for her. After confirming that there were no fractures, Zhang Dong massaged the old woman's legs during every ward round, taught her how to exercise in bed whenever he had time, and prescribed oral liquid to help her improve her immunity.

Touching silhouettes warmed the cold winter in Wuhan:

26 The old man in bed had difficulty moving and had a long beard and was too embarrassed to ask for help. Zhang Dan, a nurse from the pediatric ICU nursing platform, saw this and made him happy while helping him. He was clean shaven.

31 The uncle of the bed usually pays special attention to his image, but due to the treatment, he couldn't wash his hair for several days. The head nurse Zan Tao used local materials and used plastic bags to hold water to help him wash cleanly.

There is also an old man who often removes the nasal cannula that is uncomfortable, causing his blood oxygen saturation to be only over 80%. After cardiothoracic surgery nurse Guo Ying found out, she patiently helped him put it on, checked every 15 minutes, and chatted with him for a few words. Slowly, the uncle's blood oxygen saturation reached 95%.

wants to heal the pain and soothe the soul. The Wuhan Medical Aid Team of the First Hospital of Jilin University has established a WeChat group for patients to contact their families. This is another "rescue plan" that the team has gradually explored during their work.

"You have been a soldier and fought in the war before, and you are my hero. Now you are on the battlefield again, fighting against the disease. Waiting for your triumphant return, your family will be reunited! Grandpa, come on!" A person who once participated The old man who fought in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea did not cooperate with the treatment at first, but when he heard the audio recorded by his family, he burst into tears and told the doctor with gestures that he would definitely cooperate with the treatment.

In this way, medical staff tell the patient's information to the family members every day, and at the same time, they also convey the concerns of the family members to the patients in a timely manner, so that the patients can actively receive treatment and the patients' families can feel at ease.

March 3 this year is Bethune’s 130th birthday. On this day, in Wuhan, 214 soldiers in white from the First Hospital of Jilin University are still fighting at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic; in Changchun, the medical staff from the First Hospital of Jilin University stay at their posts 24 hours a day, providing non-stop triage and examination, building a firewall for their hometown. . People from the first hospital of Jilin University, who are holding on, said, "We will not retreat until the epidemic retreats."

"Guangming Daily" (Page 9, April 13, 2020)

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