A few days ago, the relevant person in charge of the Taiwan Army and relevant public opinion representatives organized a delegation to inspect the defense of Kinmen, calling Kinmen and Matsu the "frontline of both sides of the Taiwan Strait" to ensure "Taiwan's security." However

2024/07/0220:39:33 hotcomm 1616

Source: Voice of the Strait

A few days ago, the relevant person in charge of the Taiwan Army and relevant public opinion representatives organized a delegation to inspect the defense of Kinmen, calling Kinmen and Matsu the "frontline of both sides of the Taiwan Strait" to ensure "Taiwan's security." The implication is nothing more than drumming up the mainland's so-called "military threat" and creating an "anti-China" and "anti-China" atmosphere.

However, the Kinmen County Magistrate did not accept the call. Instead, he emphasized that Kinmen people long for peace and do not want war between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The two sides should resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue.

's statement not only slapped the "inspection team" in the face, but also slapped the DPP authorities behind it. There is nothing wrong in the Taiwan Strait, and "Taiwan independence" will disturb it. This is the root cause of the current complex and severe cross-Strait relations, and this is the biggest cause of potential conflicts between the two sides in the future.

The DPP authorities are not qualified to talk about war with Kinmen, which has fought and suffered many deaths.

A few days ago, the relevant person in charge of the Taiwan Army and relevant public opinion representatives organized a delegation to inspect the defense of Kinmen, calling Kinmen and Matsu the

On August 23, 1958, tens of thousands of artillery shells rained down from the sky above Kinmen, which was internationally known as the "Second Taiwan Strait" The "Crisis" "Kinmen Artillery Battle" officially broke out. The entire bombardment lasted from August 23, 1958 to December 31, 1978, which lasted 21 years.

In Taiwan, I believe no one understands the cruelty of war better than the Kinmen people. They are witnesses of war disasters and the parties who directly bear the losses. Therefore, Kinmen people understand better that peace is hard-won and deserves to be cherished.

Compared to Kinmen people, some DPP politicians’ feelings and understanding of the war are obviously far removed from reality. Their words and deeds that wantonly incite confrontation, intensify conflicts, and heighten tension for political gain are frivolous, dangerous, stupid, and childish.

From the frontline of war to the frontier of integration, Kinmen holds the "golden key" to development

Kinmen was officially established as a county in January 1915. It is called "Kinmen" with the meaning of "fortified as gold and strong as a stronghold in Haimen". The important military significance of Kinmen’s location can be seen from its name.

But for the people of Kinmen, "military strategists must compete" is not an identity to be proud of. Negative lessons in the process of historical development have proven that peace, stability, and integrated development are the way out for Kinmen.

On February 3, 2004, both sides of the Taiwan Strait launched the Kinmen- Xiamen navigation line, starting the "mini three links". As the mainland economy, especially Xiamen's economy, continues to take off, Kinmen's various industries are also ushering in a wave of development. The cannonballs that originally brought destruction and injury have now become the cannonball kitchen knives favored by mainland tourists, bringing considerable popularity and economic benefits to Kinmen.

The benefits of cross-strait integrated development go far beyond that. On August 5, 2018, Fujian's water supply project to Kinmen officially opened water. As of December 31, 2021, it has provided safe water supply for a total of 1,245 days, continuously providing 17.03 million tons of high-quality water, and an average daily water supply of approximately 13,600 tons. At a time when the island is plagued by drought and is in a water shortage crisis, Kinmen has effectively ensured water security thanks to running water from mainland sources.

Over the years, Kinmen people have used Xiamen’s weather forecasts and the mainland’s mobile communication network; the educational circles of Xiamen and Kinmen have reached a number of cooperation and exchange agreements to jointly organize summer camps and root-seeking tours and other activities; and Many people from Kinmen come directly to Xiamen to buy houses, and there are even cases where entire buildings are bought by people from Kinmen.

Only when cross-strait relations are good can the people of Taiwan be well off, and only then can Taiwan have a future. Kinmen’s development along the way and its current prosperity are the best interpretation of this conclusion. Being at the forefront of peaceful and integrated development across the Taiwan Strait, rather than clamoring for war and conflict, is the correct way for Kinmen folks to grasp the "golden key" to development and open up a new pattern of development.

Whoever makes Kinmen suffer and suffer twice will be given a slap in the face!

Kinmen has caught the express train of the rejuvenation and rise of the motherland. The mainland is also actively sharing development opportunities and the dividends of the times with Taiwan compatriots, including Kinmen compatriots.

In recent years, the mainland has successively launched a series of policies to benefit Taiwan and the people, such as "31 Measures", "26 Measures", "11 Measures", and "22 Measures for Agriculture and Forestry". All provinces and cities have closely followed the central government's deployment and combined with the actual situation on the ground to launch supporting implementation plans to promote the implementation of policies and bring compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait closer together.

A few days ago, the relevant person in charge of the Taiwan Army and relevant public opinion representatives organized a delegation to inspect the defense of Kinmen, calling Kinmen and Matsu the

Kinmen's economic and social development is increasingly closely related to cross-strait exchanges and exchanges, and the future is bright.Against this background, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities want to change the main axis of Kinmen's development from win-win cooperation to "anti-China" confrontation, trying to make them go back and suffer twice, and suffer twice. Of course, the people of Kinmen will not promise!

"Taiwan independence" means war. The "Taiwan independence" separatist forces ignore the property, lives, interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots, engage in "Taiwan independence" provocative activities for their own selfish interests, and resort to external forces or even force, which is completely stupid.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, emphasized that not only the people of Kinmen, but also the majority of Taiwan compatriots will not be coerced or deceived by the DPP authorities. The peaceful development of cross-strait relations and opposition to "Taiwan independence" have always been the interests of the people on both sides of the strait. mainstream will. (Dali)

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