There must be many netizens who usually enjoy reciting poems and flirting with women when they have nothing to do, right? Raising animals and plants are two completely different states of mind, but that doesn’t mean you have to put in less effort or have no fun! Look at this flow

2024/07/0111:07:32 hotcomm 1505

There must be many netizens who usually enjoy reciting poems and flirting with women when they have nothing to do, right? Raising animals and plants are two completely different states of mind, but that doesn’t mean you have to put in less effort or have no fun! Look at this flow - DayDayNews

There must be many netizens who are usually interested in reciting poems and flirting with women, right? Raising animals and plants are two completely different states of mind, but that doesn’t mean you have to put in less effort or have no fun! Look at this flower pot. Everyone has a wild hairstyle with a plant style and turns into a vegetative person (wrong). Could it be that this is the true face of the killer-Ouyang Bonsai! After posting the photos, looking at the photos every day and taking care of the plants is like taking care of family members, which gives me a particularly intimate feeling.

There must be many netizens who usually enjoy reciting poems and flirting with women when they have nothing to do, right? Raising animals and plants are two completely different states of mind, but that doesn’t mean you have to put in less effort or have no fun! Look at this flow - DayDayNews

Such good ideas come from a Kazakh advertising company named GOOD. This company loves to make fun of people's heads. Does the name GOOD sound familiar? Last time, their creative helmet memes were equally amazing.

There must be many netizens who usually enjoy reciting poems and flirting with women when they have nothing to do, right? Raising animals and plants are two completely different states of mind, but that doesn’t mean you have to put in less effort or have no fun! Look at this flow - DayDayNews

, so I was very impressed. This head flower pot still looks like a synthetic design concept, but it should be applauded because it does not print the pattern directly on it, but uses an interlayer to replace the photo. So if you are tired of seeing Natalie Portman, you can change it to Keira Knightley tomorrow, right?

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