Not long ago, two female lottery players from Changzhou and Suzhou ushered in a highlight moment, winning second prizes worth one million each in the 19078 and 19080 sports lottery draws.

2024/07/0119:44:33 hotcomm 1403

In Yunyun Lottery City, not only the lively male lottery buyers are active, but female lottery buyers are also a force that cannot be ignored. Not long ago, two female lottery players from Changzhou and Suzhou ushered in a highlight moment. respectively won the second prize of one million in the 19078th and 19080th phases of the Sports Lottery Lotto.

Changzhou female lottery player: She won 2 bets for a single double bet and an additional second prize of 1.88 million

Ms. Wang from Changzhou has been buying lottery tickets for many years, especially the sports lottery lottery. She usually uses self-numbered single betting, but there was no such thing before. She won a blockbuster jackpot, but the new rules implemented by the Lotto this year allowed her to experience the taste of a million-dollar jackpot.

Not long ago, two female lottery players from Changzhou and Suzhou ushered in a highlight moment, winning second prizes worth one million each in the 19078 and 19080 sports lottery draws. - DayDayNews

In the 19078 issue of Lotto, Ms. Wang used self-numbering to bet 3 numbers at Changzhou 3204054965 Sports Lottery outlet. The characteristic of these 3 numbers is that "05 and 30" in the front area are required numbers, and the remaining three numbers are each Differently, the back area has two fixed numbers "04 and 07", and an additional bet of 2 times is used. The winning numbers for the current period were "05, 10, 21, 26, 30+01, 07". Her third bet number only differed by one number in the back area. Even so, Ms. Wang's ticket still gained 2 additional bets. For the second prize, the total bonus reached 1,888,540 yuan.

Suzhou female lottery fan: Duplex betting won 2 bets and an additional second prize of 1.11 million

Ms. Zhao from in Wuzhong, Suzhou is also an old lottery fan. She usually likes to use small duplex betting on the Big Lotto and Big Lotto. Issue 19080 was her first million dollar win. Let’s take a look at her winning ticket. The ticket was purchased at 3205005241 sports lottery outlet in Wuzhong, Suzhou at 19:39 on July 12. During the current period, she used “6+3” compound additional betting, and the front area numbers were “05, 13, 18 , 19, 24, 25", the back area is "02, 04, 09", and the current winning numbers are "05, 13, 18, 19, 24, +02, 07".

Not long ago, two female lottery players from Changzhou and Suzhou ushered in a highlight moment, winning second prizes worth one million each in the 19078 and 19080 sports lottery draws. - DayDayNews

Although Ms. Zhao used three numbers in the back area, she still missed "07". In this regard, Ms. Zhao said: "I was quite confident in the number I chose in the current period, but I was not sure in the later period, so I specially selected 3 numbers, but I still didn't guess correctly." However, she still gained 2 in the current period. Note that the second prize and several small prizes will be added, and the total prize will reach 1,115,178 yuan.

(Jiangsu Sports Lottery)

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