According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Tseng-chang went to Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" to give a report today. During this period, conflicts broke out between blue and green. In the chaos, "Vice President of the Legislative Yuan" Tsai

2024/07/0116:41:32 hotcomm 1676

Source: Global Network

[ Global Network Reporter Kang Bohao] According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Zhenchang went to Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" to give a report today (28th), during which blue and green broke out During the conflict, in the chaos, "Vice President of the Legislative Yuan" Cai Qichang announced a break at 10 o'clock. By around 2 p.m., blue and green "legislators" and officials from the Democratic Progressive Party authorities returned to the forum one after another. Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong was dozing off with his eyes closed. The scene was photographed and exposed by the media. Some netizens on the island criticized this, saying that they are still sleeping even though 800 people have died from the epidemic!

According to Taiwan's

Screenshot of Taiwan's "China Times News Network" report

According to reports, Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" called Su Zhenchang again today to give a "policy address" and prepare questions, but the Kuomintang was dissatisfied with the "3+11" (home quarantine for 3 days, independent health management for 11 days) According to the content of the project report and supplementary report, the blue and green parties seized the meeting place early in the morning, and a verbal conflict broke out between the two parties. Su Zhenchang also rarely arrived at the "Legislative Yuan" one hour early. As soon as the 9 o'clock meeting time came, the two sides immediately broke out into pushing and shoving. After Su Zhenchang came to power, he gave a brief "Policy Address", while the Kuomintang was still protesting in the meeting hall. In the chaos, Cai Qichang announced a break at 10 o'clock.

According to Taiwan's

Chen Shizhong was captured by the media taking a nap with his eyes closed. The picture comes from Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

reported that at about 2 p.m., the blue and green "legislators" returned to the meeting hall one after another, and officials also returned to the official seats. At this time, Chen Shizhong was photographed taking a nap. , while Chen Jizhong, the " chairman of the Committee of Agriculture", was talking on the phone and looking at a tablet computer.

According to Taiwan's

Chen Shizhong closed his eyes and dozed off, while Chen Jizhong beside him was talking on the phone and looking at his tablet computer. Picture from Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

According to previous reports, Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Zhenchang went to the "Legislative Yuan" today (28th) to deliver a policy report and prepare for consultation. The Kuomintang "Legislative Yuan" caucus once again boycotted, while the Democratic Progressive Party caucus went all out "Escort", fierce conflicts broke out between the two sides, and the "Legislative Yuan" continued to idle. Cai Biru, secretary-general of the Popular Party Caucus, said in an interview today that the DPP is incompetent and the KMT is paralyzing the discussion. This is a responsibility shared by both parties. The DPP cannot hear other people's opinions, so the KMT can only occupy the forum. In this way, "all responsibility should be attributed to the 'Executive President' Su Zhenchang."

Regarding Chen Shizhong being photographed dozing off in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, netizens on the island criticized him, saying, “800 people have died (from the epidemic on the island) and they are still sleeping.” ↓

According to Taiwan's

Some netizens also sarcastically said, "It's normal for high-ranking officials to sleep whenever they want." ↓

According to Taiwan's

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