In the past 10 major lotteries, there were 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appeared the most. After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said: "No matter how many jackpots are drawn, it has nothing to do with you.

2024/07/0119:41:33 hotcomm 1169

In the past 10 major lotteries, there are 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appear the most.

Today is May 1st, International Labor Day! There are still many people working hard at their jobs, working hard for the country's cause and living a happy and beautiful life. Similarly, many lottery players around me are also not idle. They use this holiday break to buy a few lottery tickets. Maybe the luck of the jackpot will come to them. If so, they don't have to go to work and worry about supporting their families.

In the past 10 major lotteries, there were 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appeared the most. After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said:

As usual, neither the Lotto nor the Double Color Ball draw will be held today on Friday. Even this cannot stop the enthusiasm of lottery players to buy lottery tickets. Some people are preparing for the lottery draw tomorrow and have calmed down to study the last 10 lottery draws. Lotto draw results so that you can be targeted to win big prizes in the coming days.

In the past 10 major lotteries, there were 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appeared the most. After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said:

Let’s review the lottery results of the past 10 lottery draws: From the picture above, we can see that a total of 60 first prizes were drawn from the 20021 to 20030 draws, and many millionaires were created. Among them, the largest numbers of winning bets were issued in the 20028 and 20021 periods, with 13 and 9 jackpots respectively. Overall, the number of jackpots awarded is on the rise. I wonder if this situation will continue in the coming days?

In the past 10 major lotteries, there were 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appeared the most. After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said:

In addition, it can be seen from the picture above that among the 35 front area numbers, only the two numbers 04 and 30 appear the most frequently. They both appear 4 times with a really high frequency, while several numbers do not appear even once. However, I wonder if it will perform well in future lottery draws?

In the past 10 major lotteries, there were 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appeared the most. After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said:

After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said: "No matter how many jackpots are drawn, it has nothing to do with you. I have persisted for many years without landing in each draw and still can't see the slightest hope. Why do the same efforts and investments lead to different results? Some people easily get rich overnight, while others get nothing. How is the fate of people so different? "

And another lottery player? Then he said: "How can the luck among people be the same? Some people will wake up laughing from their dreams, while some people will only wake up from their dreams. No one can blame you if you don't win the lottery. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. Good luck, bad luck. "

In the past 10 major lotteries, there were 60 first prizes, and only these two numbers appeared the most. After looking at the lottery winnings in the past 10 draws, a lottery player at the lottery store said:

Life cannot be smooth sailing carefree . There are always many confusions and worries accompanying us as we grow. In the end, when buying lottery tickets, you still have to take winning lightly. Only by facing it calmly with a good attitude can you go further.

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