However, before 1979, almost all people in Taiwan had received the smallpox vaccine, commonly known as cowpox. "Deputy Director of the CDC" Zhuang Renxiang said that research showed that the cross-protective power against monkeypox could reach 85%, but "like the vaccine I took, A

2024/07/0116:46:32 hotcomm 1688

However, before 1979, almost all people in Taiwan had received the smallpox vaccine, commonly known as cowpox.

According to Taiwanese media reports, the monkeypox epidemic has spread in Europe and the United States, and the island has also seen its first overseas migration. Taiwan’s Department of Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health and Welfare also compiled information on monkeypox, emphasizing that symptoms may last 14 to 21 days. However, before 1979, almost all people in Taiwan had received the smallpox vaccine, commonly known as cowpox. Zhuang Renxiang, "Deputy Director of the CDC" said that research shows that it has cross-protective power of up to 85% with monkeypox. %, but "it may be a question mark whether the protection is still 85% after I have been playing for so long." However, there should still be some protection.

Chen Wanqing, an epidemic prevention physician at Taiwan’s CDC, pointed out that as of June 26, there have been nearly 4,000 cases of monkeypox in 54 countries and regions around the world. It is a viral infection common to humans and animals, with an incubation period of about 5 to 21 days. Therefore, it is usually recommended that potentially infected people be observed for 21 days.

Chen Wanqing pointed out that common prodromal symptoms include fever, chills/chills, sweating, headache, muscle pain, swollen lymph glands, extreme fatigue, and rash. Skin lesions usually appear 1 to 3 days after the fever and spread from the face to the body. Elsewhere, limbs are more common than trunk. After the skin lesions appear, they will change according to the stages of macules , papules , blisters, and pustules, and eventually scabs will fall off. Symptoms may last 14 to 21 days. However, the symptoms of this wave of epidemics in Europe and the United States may not be so typical, and skin symptoms may occur quickly.

As for the first case of monkeypox diagnosed in a child in France, Chen Wanqing pointed out that children may indeed be more serious than adults because of their lower immune function.

Chen Wanqing also mentioned that the main modes of transmission are direct contact with animals infected with monkeypox; direct contact with patients' respiratory secretions, damaged skin or mucous membranes, and contaminated items; droplet transmission requires long-term face-to-face contact. more likely to occur.

In terms of vaccines, treatment and care, Chen Wanqing pointed out that currently the world still does not recommend mass vaccination of monkeypox vaccine. It is usually recommended that high-exposure risk occupations or close contacts with high infection risk, such as laboratory personnel and front-line caregivers, be vaccinated. Patient personnel, and close contacts.

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